Reviews from

in the past

Younger me was obsessed with this. I'd never go back to it now, it's way too basic, but for a kid's game about using construction vehicles it definitely fired neurons at the time

So I played the PC version of this, a version which apparently does not exist according to Backloggd.

I'm not saying that it sucks but it certainly doesn't not suck. It seems to be a janky 90s prototype for those simulator games that are popular now, so it does have that going for it I guess. I'm not going to give it a better rating just because its old though. Mario 64 and Time Crisis 2 had already been out for like 2 years when this was released.

Anyway the whole game is only about 50 minutes long so I guess I mastered it.

It's a very short and easy game. The beginning isn't something special, it's a bit slow, but the last few levels are more interesting.

a short, inoffensive experience. only about an hour long and no fail safes, the only antagonistic force in this game is the fact any given map can feel very samey and difficult to navigate, especially on the final level where maps are large and you gotta switch between vehicles and go back to the spots where you already did construction stuff. the ability to drive forward and 'backwards' (i don't know what else to call it) was nice in some parts but at times it just resulted in difficulty making the specific end of a vehicle i need to face the specific direction i need. but it would be remiss of me to not mention the secret charm in this game. the little dude that shows up at construction spots. he helps point you in the right direction, when you do the construction stuff right, he does little dances. one map has you build a pool, and when its filled up there is a little sprite of him swimming in the pool. its great, it owns, i love this lil guy. for a single map in the woods also, there are tiny fish that jump out of the water. where were details like that in the rest of the game? is this game worth playing just for the lil guy? who is to say really (nah not really.)