Reviews from

in the past

A pretty interesting mission based racer with all the visual and musical flair of its parent series, Ridge Racer.
Sadly most of the missions aren't that memorable, but it's still a pretty good game, the missions that do stand out are filled with lots of shortcuts and hectic obstacles, and I especially liked the map.

Doubtful that this will ever get fan translated, not that there's a crying need or anything. Knowing what's going on won't turn me around on Critical Velocity, which is a pretty rudimentary crash em up, just a string of protect/destroy missions in a big grey city. It's a shame, in a way! The cutscenes have an immediate charm to them, bangin jazz soundtrack with a cast that seems fun in that goofy mocap suit actors fucking around way.

Hear these tunes

An insanely interesting ridge racer spinoff that takes more inspiration from things like burnout and need for speed than more traditional racers. The music kicks TURBO ASS with its jazzy OST, and the plot is kinda wacky despite me not being that good at japanese at the time of playing, so most of the dialogue flew over my head. If this gets an english translation, I would highly suggest giving it a try, if not just to hear those dope ass jazz beats

- Mom, ¿Can we have Ridge Racer?
- We have Ridge Racer at home

Ridge Racer at home: