Reviews from

in the past

just feels like shit to play, will give it another shot someday though

It was neat, had a lot more going on than i thought it would. The combat was alright but not as good feeling as i wanted. Some of the music sounded good.

Amazing music amazing bosses amazing story all in one

bazı eksikleri birazcık kütük gibi mekanikelre rağmen fena olmayan bir souls çakmasıydı

I loved this game, but 4 years later I have to talk about a version of it that not longer exists. I'll admit, I haven't played the updated version. Perhaps many years from now I'll return to it, but for now I have fond memories of a rather short little Metroidvania that probably got buried by the sheer amount of those games that came out in 2018. I hope it found a greater audience with the update.

O jogo me irritou pelas "homenagens" a Dark Souls. O combate tinha um certo peso legal, mas toda a exploração foi ruim. Parei de jogar com proximo da metade do jogo, percebi que só estava jogando para ver se matava os chefes bem, e eles não eram muito interessantes.

Ich bin hin und her gerissen.
Auf der einen Seite ist es die nur angedeutete belanglose Story, in die man hunderte Dinge interpretieren kann, das Spiel selbst aber nicht wirklich was erzählt, wie man es von Dark Souls kennt.
Absolut nicht mein Fall.
Frag 10 DS Fans nach der Story und du hörst 10 verschiedene und nicht eine ist geil.

Der Soundtrack ist überraschend stark, gerade an den richtigen Stellen.

Das Gameplay funktioniert, nichts ist bahnbrechend.

Das Skillen ist eintönig. Während bei DS selbst Stärkewaffen in der Regel ein 2. Attribut in gewisser Höhe benötigen, ist dies hier nicht der Fall. Warum also nicht alles auf Stärke und Ausdauer verteilen?
Konnte mir das Spiel auch nicht sagen, daher 80 auf Stärke und durchs Spiel rennen.

Das Leveln hört hier nie auf, auch am Ende brauchte man nur 4 Gegner für ein Level, das ist wirklich positiv.
Es gibt auch kein Soft oder Hardcap auf den Attributen.

Alles in allem ein nettes eher kurzes Spiel.

I've got a lot of mixed feelings on this game but for now I'll leave it as it's an ok game.

Esperava algo bem diferente...

Previously, I'd have given this game 1.5/5 at best, there was the vision and potential of something that could have been really good, but everything felt extremely clunky, incomplete and half assed. With the afterlife expansion (which is free by the way), it feels like they remade the entire game from scratch. Everything feels way more polished, way more complete, way more fun overall. New areas, new weapons, new bosses, reworked mechanics, it has a lot of welcome additions that the main game seemed to be desperately missing.
It's still not really a perfect game by any means, and there are frustrating parts that kind of suck the fun out of your experience
(-some bosses are complete pushovers and jokes if you parry, while some other bosses feel needlessly tanky or gimmicky
-Finnesse weapons do laughable damage, even at lategame, which makes somewhat of a sense as it seems like a sensible drawback to make faster weapons weaker, yet how weak they feel just..makes boss combat especially incredibly unsatisfying, and basically forces you to constantly rely on parrying and nothing else to do noticeable damage
-upgrading your items feels way more worth the trouble than the previous version, but upgrade materials are still annoying to get, and the game's option of scrapping weapons and armor to get upgrade materials doesn't really work as, no matter how high level of an item you scrap, no matter how rare or special it is, from your shittiest item to your mightiest, any item you scrap will only give you a single upgrade material, while upgrading a single item to its full capacity can take up to 50 of these materials
-a lot of the cool weapons you get early game will have way too high of a stat cost for you to use them, meaning you spend a large amount of the game trying to get to the level where you can finally use that cool item you found way back at the start, though this may also depend on the class you choose)
Even with its flaws, the game manages to be so much better than what it was, it's voice acting is solid, writing is pretty decent and has a lot of funny stuff here and there, and the art feels nice to look at. I'd say if you gave this game a shot back in the day but gave up on it, give it a try again, you may be pleasantly surprised.

I was really looking forward to it, but then I got bored very quickly. I found the level and enemy design in particular rather uninspired, it seemed like a rather janky 2D Souls clone.

Not bad but simply forgetable. Reminds me more of Salt and Sanctuary than dark souls, making it a weird imitation of an imitation. Fun while I was playing it and quickly slipped from my mind

"Sword is for the weaks..."
"Mommy doesn't boss me!"

Fun metroidvania with good enemies and boss fights. The story was fun, too, but it crashed on me several times and I don’t think I fully understood the upgrading system.

Fairly enjoyable 2D action RPG that wears its inspiration on its sleeve and even directly jokes about it.

I enjoyed the artstyle and enemy / boss design. However, character progression and customization is relatively shallow, and some boss fights on Heroic feel a bit too random for my liking.

A bland metroidvania Souls-like
One of the games that copys Dark Mechanics with poor understanding

Really tight combat and fun mechanics especially with the new update but I wish it made it more clear of some of the abilities you could use

Death's Gambit is a great looking game that is a cross between a metroidvania and Dark Souls. There wasn't enough here to pull me through the game, so I ended up dropping it.

Death's Gambit looks great. The pixel art is well done, the enemy designs are cool, and the environments are varied and fairly awesome looking. Why is the main character green in game when he isn't in the key art?

Structurally, Death's Gambit is a hub area with spokes leading into different areas, gated by abilities you unlock. It works, but I found navigation and remembering where I needed to go to be very challenging with no map (one is apparently added in the updated version of the game, but I didn't play that!). Exploration in this game was fairly frustrating in general. Many areas are multi-level, with traversal dependent on platforming challenges or small climbing/navigation puzzles, but nothing is quite distinct enough to have a clear idea of where you are at any given time, so it feels like wandering around randomly.

Combat is floaty and unresponsive, but I got used to it after a bit of play. There are a number of different weapons in the game and they all play differently. I had fun with a few of the bosses, but overall I wasn't super impressed with the gameplay. Many of the boss attacks are poorly telegraphed or exploit the awkward controls to make things more difficult than they should be.
Character advancement is unsatisfying, unfortunately. There is a skilltree you can level up, but nothing in it really appealed to me or worked towards a build of any kind. It feels like you are just picking some random bonuses. Improving weapons is just a linear path (a bit like Demon's Souls), but i never felt much connection to my weapon.

I abandoned this game mainly out of frustration with the level design and combat. I just didn't find a lot that was very engaging about it.
I have heard that the Afterlife update has fixed many of the problems I had with the game, so I may go back to check it out at some point.

Still one of the better Soulsvania games available in my opinion. The world and story reminds me more of Bloodborne than Dark Souls and Bloodborne is my fave game of all time so I might be a bit biased.

Uma mistura de metroidvania com souls-like que resulta em um jogo ok.

If you want a good 2D soulslike, play Salt and Sanctuary.