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in the past

Revolutionised FPS shooters. The melee combat mechanic is so fun.

Pretty fun but didnt grasp me enough to finish it when it launched. Only finished it right before Eterenal came out

Game #10
At first blush, I thought this would be a perfect 5. The antithesis of modern AAA games that I hate, removing all the bullshit and getting to what you really want: to shoot some monsters. The melee mechanics were super fun and it was all fast-paced. But then, by like the third level, the gameplay slowed down, the level design was confusing and labyrinthian, and there were needless halts where some character would talk at me for like five minutes at a time. However, the core gameplay loop is so fun when it's at its peak, that I still had a good time with this game.

Uma ótima reintrodução da franquia na nova era do mercado de jogos, rápido, fluido, divertido e não pode faltar aquele som estourando no fone, mas apesar de seu rápido ritmo, não alcançou o máximo que se dava pra extrair de um nome tão forte quanto Doom, paixão que faltou só seria reposta no Eternal, mas apesar de alguns problemas, ainda é Doom.


Fucking immaculate recreation of the series

I liked hitting the demons and making them blood a lot lol it was really I puked it I had a good Roma it was really fun

I didn't like the hour I played due to how mindless and repetitive it was, and when I asked about it I was told its appeal is that it's mindless and repetitive.

That isn't appealing to me.

Doom (2016) is a reboot of the franchise Doom in which you, the Doom Marine, must inflict Doom on the impending Doom to stop the Doom from dooming Mars. The Doom Base on Mars has been over run with Doom Demons, it is up to you to doomify these doom idiots or else you are doomed.

Game's Story - 6/10
Nobody plays Doom for its story. However, it is still interesting at times. My favourite part was learning about the backstory of the Doom Marine and how he ended up where he did at the start of the game, and the things he had done before the game's events. You don't get much backstory on hell, it is more about the UAC and their base and operations on Mars.
It is really fun to play as the Doom Guy because he is shown to be this no-bs angry man who just smashes his way through everything, which makes you feel really badass. If the protagonist wasn't such of a sigma the game wouldn't be as fun.

Visuals - 4/5
The game looks good, very gory and at times kind of beautiful. The graphics are nice and run surprisingly well. The demons also look just incredible, the designs make them terrifying.

Audio - 9/10
SFX - 5/5
The guns roar as you fire them, the flames crackle as you run towards your prey, and the demon screeches as you run up and pull its cold heart out of its chest. The sounds are excellent. The guns feel powerful. The demons are menacing. This is how you do sound effects.

Music - 4/5
The music is pretty good, the rock music is perfect alongside the fury of your doom. Although, it isn't perfect. First, some of the tracks are not too great. Secondly, whenever you perform glory kills it interrupts the music and is really annoying. Thirdly, I wish the music would stay in the loading screens or at least fade out. I've had times where there's been full on heavy rock music blasting in my ears and then it immediately cuts to silence during a loading screen, it is very jarring.

Gameplay - 8/10
The gameplay is excellent. Each gun does something different. The game also slows down in the weapon wheel, allowing you to change your gun without risk. The weapon mods and weapon upgrades allow your guns to pack an extra punch which is superb.
However, not every gun has a purpose and some guns (like the pistol) are actually useless. I swear I got some kind of weird grenade at some point, but it was never brought up again. The gameplay is so close to being perfect but without things that encourage weapon switching (like enemy weak spots for specific weapons), there is no reason not to stick with one of the most powerful weapons until you run out of ammo for it. Unfortunately, there is this rune which under specific circumstances gives you infinite ammo which turns the game into a Hold M1 and Aim if you learn how to exploit it... which I did.
There are tons of great collectables, hidden secrets, extra things to find which add to the game in a meaningful way. The platforming is alright, however failing most jumps and dropping into the void means you have to restart back at your previous checkpoint (something they change in Doom Eternal, thankfully).

Value For Money - 7/10
Got 11 hours out of it, and you can probably get even more out of it if you don't decide to not only play just the campaign once like I did.

Other - 5/5
Performance - 2/2
Excellent performance, I don't remember dropping frames once.

Bugs - 2/2
I only found one bug and while it was kind of annoying it was so minuscule and only affected me for about 10 minutes.

Community - 1/1
Surprisingly large community. There is some multiplayer in this game, but I am not sure how active it is but there are over 1000 players playing at peak times. So, I'd expect it to be somewhat active. The subreddit is alive, and there are one or two mods but not many.

Overall - 78/100
This is an incredible game, and I am very grateful for it. From the combat to the music this game is excellent and if you are interested in high-intensity first person shooters, don't miss this.
While it doesn't really matter whether you play this or Doom Eternal first, I'd recommend playing this one first. There is very slight story carry over and also if you play Eternal before this, then this one won't feel as good because of missing gameplay features that end up feeling essential.

Dopo una brutta giornata questo gioco è quello che ci vuole

tem um estado de flow legal assim durante as lutas e as partes de exploração entre elas realmente funciona, é top a historia dele ser praticamente opcional mas ainda assim ele
da umas forçadas as vezes... por sinal o final é bem anti climatico aquele boss é muito facinhoe termina meio morgadinho..

Amazing soundtracks and super fast intensive fps shooter

I understand that this is a game well loved by everybody but it just didn't click with me. It was truly a slog to play through the 12 hours that I did where I would play an hour or two once every month or so until I finally realized I am never going to enjoy the game.

Movement feels floaty. Guns aren't really satisfying. Enemy types are REALLY boring despite being so varied. The first 2 or so hours rocked until I realized the entire game was going to just be Enter room -> clear room -> kill boss (or miniboss) on repeat forever

i have played this game for 11 hours straight on my first playthrough. i think ID Software has created a new type of adrenaline.

é divertido matar os bixos com musica fritaçao top de fundo mas os ambientes são repetitivos pra caralho chega cansa

Fuckin wow. only downside is it kinda gets stale after repeated playthroughs because super shotty carries

if you replace the d with a p and then get rid of the m its like me when i

This game just bucks so hard. It's just fun to kill the demons in different ways the brutality is just awesome. And then there is the banger soundtrack with metal and in the hell areas in the direction of satanic music just awesome. Doom Eternal will be played through next.

One of the most fun games released in the last decade. Main campaign is a little on the shorter side but has many optional challenges to tide you over.

Perfect rebirth of the series. Really captures and hones in on so many of the key points that make Doom, Doom.

For the last fucking time Doom fans... DON'T CALL THIS GAME DOOM 4

I bought this to reset my brain every night after studying for university entry exams. For that purpose (and perhaps that alone) this delivered. Mindless but silky smooth action.

a fucking awesome reboot to a series so far, its awesome a gory