Reviews from

in the past

Simplesmente a mais pura experiência de um JRPG, como jogo em si o primeiro Final Fantasy é melhor, mas esse aqui têm um charme e um carinho tão grande em tudo dele, que mesmo elementos que são datados ou de procedência duvidosa como o sistema de chaves ou só salvar com o rei, ficam em seu coração como algor próprio daquela experiência, divertido com diálogos bem melhores do que eu esperava, a única coisa do grind que me "incomodou" é que mesmo que você faça bastante no começo ainda precisa fazer mais lá na frente mas em quantidade bem reduzida, joguei com um guia pois sou do tipo que me perderia mesmo numa dungeon em linha reta, porém pra um aventureiro com senso de direção mais apurado os mistérios são bem simples (exceto alguns momentos que realmente não se têm dica nenhuma).
Comecei pelo Dlink terminei pelo Akira, vá em paz mestre.

Not a great game, but being the foundation of a lot of games I have to give it props.

Nothig really good, but nothing too bad is, how basic it is. Literally every JRPG after this did something better.
It is far away from horrible, stands out, how this is the basic one a lot of games built on.

The game world is far away from beeing bad, but feels empty from time to time.
Most of the dungeons are, surprisingly, easy to navigate and not confusing.

What has not aged well is the storytelling. For me at least.
The king declares that the Dragonlord must be stopped and his daughter got kidnapped. Then you have to deal with it yourself.
You get lore, or even an idea of what you might do, through rumours that you learn by talking to each person in the towns.
Once you've done that, however, there's no guarantee that you know what to do now.

Additionaly, there is a lot of grind in order to level up and buy better gear. I'll just put that down to the time it was released.
There was very little space on an NES module and somehow you had to make Dragon Quest last longer than an afternoon.

We are also only able to save at the castle, which would mean a lot of backtracking.

I used some of the benefits we have nowadays: a guide to know what I am supposed to do, quicksaving and fastforward.

For as influential as this game is, I can't help but feel that it must've felt pretty rote even when it came out. This is the most cookie cutter fantasy story I've ever seen. Gameplay-wise this is nothing special, but given how short it is it doesn't hurt to play.

I beat this shit on my phone in a day lol yeah a gam

Making the graphics better takes away the charm of this game. A bit less grindy but still the most basic RPG you could play.

Bom remake do primeiro jogo do dragon quest, que conta com uma bela trilha sono, um sistema de combate inovador e uma bela aventura pra época q foi lançado, mas q envelheceu mal ao longo do tempo.

Nota: 7/10 (★★★☆) - Bom

This is the most tightly built solid 6 game I've ever played which is why it's actually a solid 7.

Honestly this didn't aged well, very cryptic and with a lot of boring backtracking & etc, so i can't say i really enjoyed it, but this created a genre, the time to make mistakes and see what it works and what doesn't was here, so i appreciate the historical value

Simply a lean, fun RPG. Having to return to you King to save progress adds to the adventurer loop. I'd recommend keeping a notepad or phone handy, if you're keeping track of hints, it's pretty easy to follow all of the objectives.

Crazy high encounter rate and combat has zero depth. Just spam attack over and over. Emulator speed up is a must. That's what made it palatable for me. I kinda liked the old-schoolness of the game but I probably would have rated it far lower if I didn’t play at 4x speed constantly.

Dragon Quest (1986): No podía saltarme los orígenes de mi género favorito. Por momentos es obtuso y difícil mal, pero también es un juego precioso y tierno. Final Fantasy le comería la tostada y haría del género leyenda, pero el arte y la bases del JRPG nacieron aquí (7,20)

A very good version of the original that won't take much of your time to beat it. Well, if you know what to do, that is.

90% of the time here is spent grinding, there's no actual content or design. There's not even anything to write about it.

the pc rpg made beautiful and approachable. akira toriyama, one of the greatest to ever do it, delivers monsters that love being monsters and are psyched to fight the hero. this is no threatening dungeon crawler, but a fun fantasy manga that kids can play. perfectly structured and paced, and easy to see why it became an instant classic.

Cute and fun game but its definitely aged, no real story or decisionmaking in combat and the lack of handholding is a pain when the random combat encounters + basic combat get in the way.

The one that started it all, a single and charming JRPG.

Nem todo videogame é feito igual.

Normalmente quando um jogo cria genero ele não é perfeito, muitas vezes longe disso.

Não faz sentido como algo tão simples é tão bom (ou faz) porque Dragon Quest é um jogo curto mas que teve o carinho aonde precisava, os visuais são lindos, a musica é perfeita e encaixa totalmente. A arte de Akira Toriyama é um grande destaque, mas o que fez com que Dragon Quest se tornasse uma das (se não a) maior franquia de RPG do Japão foi o design de Yuji Horii.

Não é a toa que Dragon Quest 11 ainda tem em si o DNA do Dragon Quest original, porque em time que está ganhando não se mexe e Dragon Quest está ganhando a 37 anos.

Tudo nesse jogo flui e encaixa tão bem que eu não vou falar sobre porque palavras não fazem jus a experiencia, é algo que precisa ser jogado para ser entendido, por isso eu peço a quem está lendo JOGUE DRAGON QUEST.

El juego tiene mecánicas muy desactualizadas, el mundo de fantasía está bien construido y te introduce bien en la saga, corto pero exasperante a la hora de como jugarlo teniendo que buscar guías

Un juego simple y puro, sabe a lo que va y lo hace bien.
Se siente como una aventura de verdad.

Faz todo sentido esse jogo ter criado um gênero. É algo tão básico mas tão bem feito que o mundo respira vida. Extremamente charmoso, tem seus defeitos pela época, em particular o grind após o nível 12 é bem chatinho, mas é um jogo curtíssimo, não chega a incomodar.

It's DQ1 idk what to say lmaoo

Un réel plaisir de découvrir les fondations du JRPG aujourd’hui, dans une épure totale des mécaniques. Pas d’équipe, une poignée d’équipement et de sort, un scénario timbre poste. Du grind à perte de vue. Parfait pour vider la tête et faire sa culture.

-Deixando Claro que joguei a versão de Switch-
Curto, Simples e divertido. Às vezes simples até demais, poucas dungeons, poucos boss, pouquíssimas side quests. Fazer grind aqui é satisfatório, quando você upa você realmente consegue sentir que está mais forte, tudo é bem simples e intuitivo de usar (itens, magia) você raramente vai ficar perdido, tudo que você precisa saber estão nos diálogos que foram muito bem escritos por serem direto ao ponto, História simples, você entende em 5 segundos quem é o vilão, oq ele fez d qual sua missão. Também aqui foi introduzido o Puff Puff, que não dá benefício nenhum pro jogador além de ser um Puff Puff (Esse ponto em específico do Puff Puff eleva muito a nota do jogo) Não é difícil e a morte não te castiga muito além de perder ouro e tempo, então pode morrer a vontade, eu só morri quando fui safado demais e quis entrar em áreas das quais eu estava underlevel e despreparado. Ótimo Jogo e já consigo enxergar em quais coisas a sequência vai melhorar, ansioso pra começar.

the final dungeon giving me vile flashbacks of Portopia aside, this holds up incredibly well

The beggining of JRPGs. A very simple but very important game. Everything you know about modern JRPGs started here.

The story is quite simple, save the princess, destroy the great evil, save the world and get married. The world is not big and the game ends rather quickly as well. Just a few hours due to cartridge limitations when the original game released. Encounter rate is a little bit high and exploration can be a little tedious because of that.

The SNES version is the best version of the game, looks really good, the sprites are charming, the songs are great. Way better than the Switch version which looks awful(even though the Switch version has some QOL improvements).

It's the first Dragon Quest I finished and I'm curious to play the next entries in the series to see it evolve.

(snes version)

All but perfectly composed. The way the world folds out from your central location (the place you save), the magnificent numbers tuning where a 5 is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, the hum of combat stripped to its essentials and the light open-world design that encourages interacting with its residents...Dragon Quest basically one-and-done'd it all. About the only thing I have any desire to ding it for is that magic is largely useless outside of healing and traversal, half your arsenal profoundly unnecessary in a game otherwise so tightly formed.

But honestly who cares when faced with Dragon Quest's greatest strength: its tone. Despite the image DQ has accrued of being lovely and charming and nostalgic and warm, this game is a profoundly sad experience. The world is dead. Towns are in ruins. Poison litters the ground as naturally as water and there are more bloodthirsty, alien monsters than there are people anymore. And every person you talk to time and time again puts it all on you: you have to save us, you are the only one who can. There are no party members, it's a journey of solitude. No friends to make, no campfire stories or wacky hijinx to get into, just the one thing you were born to do. You have no choice; it's in your blood. You can't even die, fate and duty so strong that you are brought back again and again until you succeed. Every inch of this game is oozing a melancholic weight heavier than just about anything in gaming. It's no coincidence that Koichi Sugiyama's (god not rest his soul) overworld theme here, the song you are treated to the most, brings to mind the fog before a rain more than any idea of adventure.

Palpable stuff! Stuff that is astounding in its own right but which also builds to a transcendent release at the end, one of the great narrative moments in a game, when you finally accomplish your goal and the world explodes into flowers and all the monsters vanish and everyone celebrates and you, the hero, freed from the grip of responsibility and expectation, life now perfectly without purpose, wander off to new worlds. (something something about killing the dark fascist lord and then rejecting your noble monarchal position to live free from systems of power)

I repeat: all but perfectly composed.