Reviews from

in the past

I bought this game when it first came out, day of. I was really excited for it. I had an absolute blast with it as well, and continued playing for awhile. I stopped after awhile, though, somewhere near the end of act 1. I picked it up later during the summer, though. I was really depressed and dealing with mental illness. I played this game at a job that had me doing nothing except restocking boxes. It was dull, and I had nothing but time to think. Any time that was not spent playing Dragon Quest XI was spent thinking about it. Finishing it was one of the best moment I've ever experiences. I really like this game.

I fucking adore this game the world feels so real and is done fantastically. Every place feels like a real place with real people living there. The main characters (minus Jade, her character arc in the second half is kinda :/) are phenomenal, and the story is top notch.

DQXI es cojer un JRPG clásico de los 90 y hacerlo en 2018 con presupuesto de superproducción, muy disfrutable y entretenido pero también poco ambicioso en su guión y personajes, aun y así recomendable si se es amante del género.

My first Dragon Quest game. Honestly had a lot of fun with it. I don't think the overall plot was very engaging. Tons of charming characters and cool progression system with your characters. This game has great presentation

Very very cool, still need to 100% it. Jade ftw.

Tanta, tanta roba. Eric ha risvegliato sessualmente qualcosa di sopito in me. Il protagonista è un'ameba,

pain And suffering. this game has one of the best party characters i’ve seen in a dragon quest game and i would die for them all. i felt it was easier than previous games (looking at you dragon quest ix) but i cried nevertheless which is all u can ask from a dragon quest game really

Provavelmente um dos únicos JRPGs modernos que eu consigo considerar bom.

Easily both one of the best RPGs of the generation and best games of the generation. I spent the Christmas of 2018 playing this wonderful game and it was the finest way to spend my time.

Found out that Dragon Quest games are not for me :(
At least not for $60. I refunded it and maybe I'll try again someday. I want to like it.

Fine for what it was. There's a lot here that I miss from older games in the genre, but there wasn't enough for it to truly stand out either. Half the time, an idea it has, I can think of another game that executes it better. Final Fantasy VI is one such example.

On a side note, I thought the music was handled in a very misguided way; a prime example of this is when the battle theme is used during a stealth sequence.

Some of the most fun combat in a traditional style jrpg ive ever played

My first Dragon Quest completed. So gooood.

inferior version and too slow

rivals kingdom hearts games for longest title ever

Dragon quest XI is interesting and get some good mechanics like forge, high power, hidden treasures and something else that a RPG is common to use. The story was not cool for me because this is a simple "A hero comes up to save the day" at all. I was expecting a big and interesting story (maybe a bit adult idk) to spent my 50+ hours in. Other thing make me sad was sometimes party separation, so you fight together with someone you can't control or just two of your party can fight to make sense about story. One more bad thing is the random turn battle, I can't plan which turn my characters will die because sometimes the enemy attacks first than you even you attacking him first on last turn.
I think everyone can enjoy this game if don't care about bad things I said above.

I'm towards the beginning of this, but want to somewhat chronicle my thoughts as I go.

Off the bat- DQXI is maybe the best looking JRPG in existence. This thing looks and plays gorgeous. It also has plenty of QoL improvements, great VA, amazing score, and intuitive gameplay systems. One of the most accessible and immediately engine JRPGS I've played.

The combat is fine so far, but like most JRPGs I'm anticipating it just gets better as I get access to more options.

Story is off to an Ok start. Nothing groundbreaking, but I'm interested. Not passing judgement yet

My first DQ game I ever beat and fell madly in love with it. One of the best RPGs I've ever played.

Nossa, comecei achando todos muito genéricos, modo de batalha ultrapassado e história clichê, mas vale dar uma chance porquê tudo nesse jogo vai cativando aos poucos até que está amando tudo!! Uma ótima surpresa! Jogue até o plot pelo menos antes de largar!

This review contains spoilers

Gameplay : 4.5/5 On touche à la perfection du tour par tour. Les arbres de compétences, les crafts, les combos d'équipes, tout est excellent. Aucun bugs, merci pour ça. La save auto qui carry bien également.

Histoire : 5/5 Oui il y a du voyage dans le temps, et oui ça reste cohérent. Incroyable non ? L'histoire est incroyable de bout en bout, chaque partie est géniale, et la fin qui lie le jeu à la première trilogie est juste masterclass. Bravo.

Musiques / Ambiances : 4/5 Musiques magnifiques bien qu'un peu redondant, pas assez de variétés à mon goût, mais sinon la qualité est évidemment au rendez-vous. L'ambiance est également très bien gérée en fonction des zones que l'on traverse.

Graphismes : 4/5 Le jeu est très beau et assez bien détaillé, je pense que malgré tout que c'est son point le moins bon (et ça mérite tout de même bien son 4/5)

Tiene al Gorrino Chamán así que es automáticamente bueno 👍

One of the best modern JRPGs, follows the formula of if it ain't broke don't fix it.

a very, very good DQ game and an excellent starting point for anyone who wants to try an older style turn based RPG mechanics, the type the series is largely known for!

Has a lot of what I loved from the golden era of RPGs, but the characters and writing don't quite reach that level. The soundtrack also ranges from bland to outright insufferable.