Reviews from

in the past

This is an incredible game and there's nothing quite like it.
The thrill of the speed of the races, with courses so tightly designed and difficult to master that one mistake could be costly and your vehicle flies off the track. The risk vs reward when on lap 2 you get boost power which drains your health in exchange for more speed. The boost mechanic is genius as it adds an extra layer of strategy to the races. Do you boost when your health is low and risk blowing up from crashing into a wall? Do you risk boosting near a corner and fly off the track? It all adds to the intensity that F-Zero races bring. Add into that the ability to destroy other racers by either side or spin attacking them and you have even more power at your disposal. There's nothing quite like catching up to someone and side attacking them into oblivion. All of this makes the standard grand prix mode exhilarating to play through, but this game goes above and beyond for replayability.

Beat a grand prix with a character and you earn a nice little interview scene where you can ask them a question to find out more about them. Why did they become a pilot? What's the story behind their machine? The answers may be short but it adds an extra something to characters that are normally stuck behind the wheel. Not only that though, every pilot in the game has a bio section with a description on them and every single character has their own unique theme. Seriously, they didn't need to do that for 30+ characters but they did!

GX also includes a story mode which does give a nice insight into the actual world of F-Zero, from canyon challenges to bet races, there's a nice little bit of world building gone into the game. Now the main issue with story mode is that even on the lowest difficulty, Normal, it's blooming hard as nails. It will take a lot of patience to get through it but it is a nice thing to have in the game.

There's also unlockable content from the arcade game F-Zero AX, but that requires beating stuff on the hardest difficulty..... or taking your memory card to an AX arcade machine......

This is the ultimate F-Zero, you can tell a lot of love was put into making this game. It may be very difficult and challenging in areas, but if you stick with it, learn the courses and how to handle the immense speed of the vehicles, then you'll find one of the most satisfying racing games out there. It's a shame the series has never stepped into the online era because 30 player online races would be very cool to see.

Soy incapaz de pasarme el tutorial, estoy seguro de que es un juego excelente pero joder...

HYPE. My favorite Gamecube game, period. I loved this ridiculously fast and absurd racing game and my friends hated when I made them play it. The story mode was nonsense but building your own ship was awesome. Bring it back Nintendo!

De mis juegos de carreras favoritos. Canto de cisne (por ahora) dejando el listón altísimo

Mecanicamente me gusta, y la mitad de las pistas son muy buenas. Problema, la otra mitad geniunamente casi me hacen vomitar, y no de el punto de vista de "que malas que son" si no que tanta volvereta a tana velocidad con escenarios que dan vueltas y vueltas con colores por muchos lados y detalles, hace que literalmente me maree y me sienta mal. Me gusto mucho una parte, pero el otro 40% de las pistas me hicieron sentir mal. Sorry.

the perfect racer we just need online and hd release and its made by SEGA?????

I absolutely suck at racing games

This is SUCH a good arcade racer. WE NEED MORE.

this is the only racing game that tells you "YOU'RE GOING AT 100000 MILES PER HOUR WOW!!!!1!" that actually feels like you're going that fast. their willingness to let the camera move insanely fast and spike around really helps, even if it's less "clean" it really gets across how fast this game goes

What an amazing game! I would rate it slightly below F-Zero X, which is an unpopular opinion, but after completing the story mode and almost all of the Master Cup races with Mr. EAD, I still maintain my viewpoint that the mechanics in X feel more fun to master than in GX.
This game has some of the most difficult challenges in any racing game that I have ever played. Unlocking all of the extra content requires a deep understanding of the game because some of the requirements are things such as playing the already challenging story mode on the hardest difficulty. While there's no randomly generated cup in this game, the gameplay alone makes up for the lack of tracks. Different vehicles feel much more different to play in comparison with X.
Custom parts feel a bit weird in this game. Most of the vehicles I make, which I intentionally make sure aren't heavy by using weaker parts, still seem to end up having poor handling and will play like it has E grip even if the stat itself is C+.

I don't know, it just doesn't speak to me on the same level that the first F-Zero does. I might need to get more into it and play for a little while longer. Maybe then I'll get it.

yeah it's definitely good, don't know what else to say.

Why does it take TWO MEMORY CARDS???!?

This game came out in 2003 and is still one of, if not the best, racing games out there, but it would be even more insane if this game came out today and had online with 30 other players.

Why do we even need a new F-Zero when we can just play this one? Forever.

El mejor juego de carreras de la consola y el que explotaba todas las capacidades graficas del sistema. Un juego dificil, con un modo historia, creacion de vehiculos y el ya conocido gran prix. Carreras freneticas y llenas de accion, es el punto mas alto de la saga y nos deja con ganas de que algun dia regrese...

This is just peak racing gameplay. It is hard being a F-Zero fan man lol. 30 man online would go hard.

Solid racing game, F-Zero is what Wipeout wishes it could be.

Best racing game part 2. Peak OST. This game FUCKS.

not gonna lie this is pretty fun but god damn these track designs are brutal. An actual hard racing game, I have never seen that before. God damn. Story mode sucks, main playtime will be from Grand Prix and Time Attack.

mi mancava fare le ghost trials ma tanto frega un cazzo visto che ho finito tutti i grand prix e la story mode l'ho finita in very hard mode

Super cool game, actually too fast for me and I found it challenging.

Shigeru Miyamoto inventou a física pra vender F-Zero

Endlessly rewarding and absurdly spectacular racer. The fact that there has been no sequel produced in over twenty years is a shame but, considering how well this one holds up, I'm not so sure we really need one.