Reviews from

in the past

Fable is pretty clunky, but it's worth a play.

I don't understand the appeal of this franchise.

A lot of it may seem super subjective but I cannot stand the art style, humor or the story telling. Some interesting ideas for it's time but I've never enjoyed playing it.

Had this on live arcade 360. Don't know why that isn't listed as an option.

Remember skipping school to play this

Pues es un RPG muy majo. Divertido y simpaticón.

Dá pra bater em criança, 10/10

the only game i ever played on xbox, and my save file spanned over more than a year bc i played it at a friends house

The most British game. Whimsical adventures and fulgar humor with a dash of high society snobbery. Great game with mild RPG elements and surprisingly fun management aspects. Combat is janky nowadays, but throwing out cool spells and finishing combos is worth getting stun locked now and again.

RPG entretenido con diálogos divertidos. La mecánica del karma está guay y algunas misiones te sacan una carcajada. La historia es una basura.

Perfeito. Combate muito divertido, da pra jogar várias vezes graças ao sistema de karma, história maneirinha que motiva até o fim do jogo e gráficos agradáveis.

O melhor conceito de RPG já feito, merece muito mais reconhecimento. Peter Molyneux merece tudo por sua dedicação INCRÍVEL pra trazer isso.

people were mad at molyneux for creating a charming and ultimately satisfying open world experience for us

This game was the original that really seemed to capture the "choose your own adventure" feel missing from so many games before it. There is a somewhat linear story, but every decision you make actually seems to have an impact. While not the best game to do it, it showed us what was possible.

This game is stupid. Make no mistake of that. But its stupid in the way a good joke is stupid, stupid in the way the games you played and loved as a kid were stupid.

it doesnt try to be something its not.

Sequel was better though.

Worth playing through, though TLC add a lot more content.

Ugly as hell and weird beyond belief, but it was cool when I was like, 13.

Peter Molyneux hyped the shit out of this game, but it somehow still managed to live up to expectations with its unique atmosphere and quirky sense of humor

(Played on PC, just didn't play Lost Chapters)

I think being British made this easier to play.

While fun most the time (combat not being too bad considering when it was released), this game could be pretty frustrating with a nonsensical map/fast travel system as well as being a generally janky game.
Saying that - it has a lot of charm and clearly the developers had fun making it, creating a game that doesn't take itself so seriously while taking itself seriously. The story was pretty much pointless, and you can easily become very powerful very quickly.
A lot of mechanics are unpolished/unfinished, for example the guards/trespassing which could cause major frustration in the wrong moment
Fun game though, looking forward to playing Fable 2

Very into it back in the day, wonder how it's held up, probably not great.

My first RPG and one of the few games in my youth I was able to finish. Incredible all around. Worth multiple replays.

I remember this game with so much love I don't think I'd ever enjoy it as much as I remember.
Play it if you can, it's amazing.

Iconic XBOX game, had fun playing it when I was a kid.

A fun world with solid combat and a simple but entertaining story.