Reviews from

in the past

Great modding community, great writing, great roleplaying. One of Obsidian's finest works.
Slightly flawed combat since it's an fps with stiff animation, but great otherwise.

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if you don't use Arcade Gannon can you really call yourself a New Vegas lover?

Best RPG ever made.
Character development feasible to being different. Story is fantastic, choices make you leads to different results. Only negatives are gunplay is weak and open world mostly empty.
But is that make game bad? Absolutely no!
You must play that

Kinda old and jank (without mods) but really immersive and interesting RPG mechanics. Spent most of my playtime in the Casinos on the Strip getting kicked out one by one for being to lucky like my favorite speedrunner dream. Cool game, might finish DLCs someday.

a great selection of dlc's, Honest Hearts was too short

Good story sadly the gun system has not aged well

One of the greatest RPGs of all time!

Insanely good. If you plan on playing the DLC avoid the PS3 version like the plague because by the time you do them this engines lovely save file bloat will give you constant, ever present crashes.

every now and again I end up replaying this game, its about that time again. There's literally so much i could say but w/e this game is swagful and i thought it made up the mojave yeehaw

I'm giving this five stars because I've been modding and patching it for almost a decade now so I can fill in most of the cracks this game has. Otherwise I'd probably knock off a star for the bugs and INCREDIBLY rough writing surrounding the Legion as well as some of the voice acting. But anyway, easily one of the best written games ever seen. The consistent theme of 'letting go' finds its way into all the companions, faction quests and DLC in a meaningful way. There's a great variety of weapons even if the combat is functional at best but what really makes this game stand out for me is the use of all your skills in dialogue meaning every character you make will have different solutions to most quests. I've sunk hundreds upon hundreds of hours into this game and I don't see that changing any time soon.

The best open-world WRPG despite its unfinished state.

I've never beat the DLCs of this game but I own them now. I started a modded playthrough but I haven't made much headway yet.

probably one of the games i played the most, its just hard to remember the vanilla no mods experience.

absolutely amazing RPG, there is never nothing to do in the game, super fun

one time my friend and his gf tried to tell me no one actually likes this game and it's considered the worst in the series despite the fact everyone refuses to shut the fuck up about this game anyway its like 20 bucks on steam when its not on sale go get it

I am quite an enjoyer of how the player can shape the world of the mojave. Very Cool RPG.

The main game is good but the DLC is the best part.


great game until you realize the game could be so much more so you end up installing all the what-ifs in it