Reviews from

in the past

Gostei, mas não achei incrível, acho q o tow é até melhor

Initially got the game on a whim since Fallout 4 just released, and I wanted to play some of the older games first. Now I've nearly 600 hours wandering the Nevada wastes, and haven't even touched Fallout 4. It's just that endless/good/replayable a game.

O melhor Fallout e quem discorda tá errado.

Great, but released in 2010 and really shows its age. Use the Viva New Vegas mod guide and play in god mode for optimal enjoyment.

Great game haven't played vanilla but with mods easy 5 outta 5.

Primeiramente, não consigo me lembrar quando comecei a jogar esse jogo, mas lembro que me interessei por ser meio faroeste, e como me apaixonei por essa temática lendo as HQ italiana "Tex".
Bom, sobre o jogo, ele é um RPG incrível, apesar de ter envelhecido mal, entretanto, esse mal envelhecimento pode ser resolvido com mods e configurações alternativas (isso não é desculpa para defender o jogo, mas sim, métodos para poder aproveitar melhor o jogo). A história de produção dele é inacreditável, tendo sido produzido de forma prodigiosa pela Obsidian.
Sobre a gameplay, é meia travada para os dias atuais, entretanto, as ideias que norteiam a produção desse jogo facilitam a liberdade: "Vá para qualquer lugar, faça qualquer coisa, zere de qualquer maneira, elimine qualquer NPC" (menos um, mas aí é spoiler falar qual).
Sobre os gráficos: não acho correto abordar isso para esse jogo, porque tratar dos gráficos ruins dele poderiam desanimar quem nunca jogou, e no fim, você vai acabar baixando mods de qualquer maneira.
Sobre a história: o jogo começa com você levando um tiro na cabeça, e logo após, você é salvo do túmulo por um robô; após dias desacordado você acordará na casa de um médico, e por aí, ele vai te explicar sobre o universo do jogo. Para não dar muito spoiler: você é um mensageiro, literalmente um carteiro, que estava indo entregar uma remessa muito "especial".
As missões secundárias são maravilhosas, cada companion tem sua lore própria. O sistema de karma é separado do sistema de reputações, então, você pode ser odiado por uma facção, mas ainda ter um bom karma no geral, e ser considerado bom; mas, lembre-se, dependendo do companion, sua reputação o tornará hostil.

Enfim, não tratarei da lore do Fallout aqui, mas de qualquer modo, esse é um jogo para todos, e no fim você sentirá que aqui, suas escolhas importam.

Apenas jogue, e... bem vindo a Vegas.

When i was playing the game at my first time didn't know english very well so which caused me to not being able to understand game at that time but one of the best game experience in my experiences.

oyun mekanik olarak bişi sunmuyor ama rpg elementleri iyi
(dlcler hikaye ile ilgili olsada hepsi b*ktan)

great game until you realize the game could be so much more so you end up installing all the what-ifs in it

Being honest this game isnt bad on itself. Its just outdated and didnt aged well. Need mods to be even playable today. I still wont recommend this game because majority of gamers dont use mods. As for the game itself it can be playable and revolutionary at that time if not for Assasin's Creed 2. Which also released same year as this base game.

This game is overhype this isnt the best Bethesda Games Studio game, not even close. This game really not evolve RPG genre even during 2010. Anyway I recommend JRPGs, specifically japanese role playing games during that time.

Its still Assasins Creed series and Skyrim why JRPGs lose its popularity and relevancy, not particular games before that. The timeline is way off because of miscommunication with Yoshi P during that interview.

JRPGs still critically acclaimed and made huge profits during the 00s. The crucial point from what I researched is during the early 10s with the release of Assasins Creed 2 and Skyrim.

went as randy orton this playthrough so i can justify only using fists

This is my favorite game of all time and it's absolutely amazing but it's sadly not perfect.It has outdated graphics and the combat is barely serviceable which may put off a lot of people.But the well written story and plot keeps you hooked from start to finish with its amazing narrative and wonderful characters.The dlcs are excellent and are an amazing addition to the base game.I think everyone should try it

Had to get on HRT to even install this game. Gotta say I wasnt dissapointed. Probably one of the better bethesda games but thats not saying that much :) cope and seethe reddit

great game and great expansions, quiete buggy tho, highly moddable,

play it again, johnny guitar

The best post-apocalypse game ever made.

Excellent world design, main story, side quests, build variety, loot, weapons/armour, player freedom and lore.

Combat is dated and wasn't great even back on release. Mods only help so much.

i should really finish the dlc some day

retro futurism + post-apocalyptic + western + rat pack era vegas + wacky shit = my favorite game ever

Fallout: New Vegas is an achievement in gaming. It had only 18 months of development time, which sounds perfect for a dumpster fire. But with the little time Obsidian had to develop this game, they managed to create one of the best worlds in gaming.

The Mojave is an awesome place to explore, as the small size of the map helps with the walking times and there are many interesting locations scattered around to explore. There are also many NPCs roaming around, such as: traders, prospectors, members of factions, and wildlife.

The choices in this game aren't just to complete a quest, as they have an actual impact in the world. One example I can think of is Hard Luck Blues, where you have to make a choice between the sharecroppers water or saving a family's life. If you decide to save this family, you can actually meet them in the game, and they will reward you with items. Of course, when talking about consequences, the slideshows at the end of the game need to be mentioned. These are where you can truly see the impact that you have had on the Mojave. These can range from the bigger choices of what faction you chose to side with, to how you resolved a side quest. This is the part that keeps me replaying the game, as it is awesome to see that you have made an impact in the world, no matter how big or small it was.

The factions in this game are great, as you have to decide between the NCR, Mr. House, Caesar's Legion, and Yes Man. All of these endings play out in vastly different ways from each other. There is no true good ending in this game, just a less worse one. There is no way to make everyone happy, and some characters and places will be worse off depending on what faction you sided with. Such as Goodsprings prospering under Yes Man, while suffering under the NCR's.

The companions in this game are amazing, and are the best in the 3D games. My personal favorites are Boone, Gannon, Cassidy, and Raul. They have so much personality, and are quite complex. Each companion has a personal quest that can be completed, and you can make choices to change how they end. Raul's quest involves him feeling like he's getting old and useless, but you can show him all of the elderly being respected and useful in their communities. At the end, you can decide if he should pick up his old identity again or leave it behind.

The DLC for this game are also great too. Honest Hearts is awesome as you can finally meet the "Burned Man" Joshua Graham, and decide the future of the Dead Horse tribe. Whether they decide to run away, become merciless slaughters, or learn mercy.
Dead Money has an awesome atmosphere, which is vastly different compared to the Mojave you were just in. You meet the other characters in this DLC who wouldn't help you ordinarily, but are forced to due to the circumstances they are in.
Old World Blues is hilarious, but deeply disturbing once you learn the background of the Think Tank, and decide if you want to help them or Mobius. The humor of the DLC is fantastic as the Think Tank bounce off of each other, and discovering the actual truth of Mobius.
Lonesome Road is the best DLC of this game, as you see an almost leveled DIvide. There are no other "friendly" characters besides you, ED-E, and who tells you to venture further into the Divide to meet him.
What's awesome about these DLCs is how they connect to each other through subtle hints in each one. They don't happen in a bubble.

I can't say why but, the game kept my curiosity high all the time. Well, at least the times I could play because it's not compatible with newest systems anymore. Perhaps I could consider it as one of the best games I have played or not. But, the game is not kept up-to-date thanks to(!) stupid Bethesda.

Todos los años se termina por lo menos 1 run del new vegas.

This review contains spoilers


Una mejoria de fallout 3, y con mas mejoras