Reviews from

in the past

"Truth is - game was rigged from the start"

Blam! Our character gets shot in the head and one of the strongest game openings ever kicks us off on the adventure. Amusingly enough the first time I played the game on release I was so invested in this premise that I stopped playing the game entirely AFTER I got my revenge because at that point - hey, job done right?

Well, like the best Obsidian games (okay maybe its just this and Pillars 2, but those are the best ones!!) the main personal narrative is woven into the larger conflict of the region you're in. In the Mojave Wasteland there are several factions vying for power and they all swing around you and what you think is the best path forward. And, even within those routes you have quite a bit of wiggle room on determining who you are and why you're doing all this wandering around and rootin and tootin and shootin... But ultimately it comes down to - are you the message, or just the messenger?

The Good:
-Damn, where to start
-The roleplaying!! From the very beginning quest you get to use your skills to define what you're good at and.. not so good at. Corral people to help defend a town from bandits, but didn't take explosives? Pete won't lend you his dynamite because he doesn't want you to blow everyone up on accident. This carries on pretty far through the game all the way to the end where you can use the BARTER skill to talk down the Big Bad at the end because Supply Lines and Capitalism or some shit.
-In addition to that there's a lot of ways to sneakily complete quests or do them in a roundabout way and the game will notice and credit you for it. You can also do things like string the major factions along and then betray them only at the very very end (like I did. Sorry General Oliver!) . Just superb amounts of choice and consequence here.
-Adding to the writing: the companions are all strongly defined and very memorable. I used Arcade and Cass for this playthrough who I had never really used before, loved em both - Arcade especially.
-Gunplay is a solid step up from 3. Aim down sights and a much broader variety of weapons (non-gun categories especially, Energy/Melee/Explosives are much more usable here from the get-go)
-DLC quality ranges from "pretty darn good" to "excellent". Small open world exploration of a beautiful and lush region with great characters, mad science opera, The Tomb of Horrors but for video games.. we've got it all, baby!
-The mod scene is still healthy and excellent. I did one of the more 'basic' collections on Nexus that installed nice and easy on my steam deck - it was mostly QOL upgrades but it made a big difference with extra animations, some extra guns and rebalancing for survival mode

The Bad:
-Even with nearly15 years of mods its unstable. I actually had a pretty good run for the first 40~ hours but the last ten I had at least one crash per hour of gameplay. My mods were pretty minimal too

The Ugly:
-The color palette for the game is too much samey brown. It is of course a desert and there are several exceptions but overall... too brown!
-And I never actually include this category it just fit well with the cowboy/western theme and my usual good/bad categories I use. Sue me!

The Meh:
-The DLC, while excellent pretty much across the board, throws the power curve out of whack. Everything in the wastes gets notably tougher when you return from each to the point where there was literally half the game (if not more) for me to do and I was rocking 200+ DPS weapons + in the best power armor + fighting exclusively the toughest enemies. AND I had the JSaw mod which lowers XP gain too!!
-Monster/enemy variety is a bit low. There are the occasional odd enemy but its 90% recycled from previous fallouts.
-The POIs on the map feel a bit less meaningful compared to other Fallouts. There's a lot of small stuff that gets its own marker for not much reason
-The companions, while VERY well written, very rarely have much to say about what you're doing.

The Hmmm:
-Voice acting. It's pretty much all high quality, HOWEVER it is very clear they got the Oblivion levels of funding for their VO work from Bethesda so you will hear the same... 7-8 voices? For 90% of the NPCs. It's a bit annoying but honestly at least its good? Can't complain too much.

New Vegas is a titan of a roleplaying game and a superb achievement for a team who only had 18 months of development. It is very clearly just a deeply expanded "mod" for Fallout 3 with no huge leaps in the engine or gameplay but it just does everything better in terms of story and roleplay. You feel the weight of your choices for good and bad.. and its fun to blow things up into piles of goo, okay?

Non sto giocando New vegas, ma un'accozzaglia di mod (come TUTTI dovrebbero giocarlo).
Mi farei piacevolmente mettere a 90 da questo mondo, se non fosse che il povero Rex abbia problemi con le sue texture, e dipende come sistemo i file di gioco o è un segnale di pericolo triangolare, o diventa un accartocciamento su sé stesso che non reagisce alle leggi della fisica ma solo a quelle del VATS (non lo continuerò finchè non sistemo sta' merda).

um homem é coberto de piche e incendiado, jogado do grand canyon e o mesmo simplesmente sai andando e vira cristão. isso é new vegas.

Creio que esse seja de fato o melhor fallout que tem na franquia inteira, mas os poucos problemas que esse jogo tem são realmente BEM aparentes, na minha opinião o gunplay é bemm datado, divertido ainda mas datado, e os problemas técnicos como bugs e crashes são os mais reportados, sendo necessário mods para rodar direito, o que é estranho porque na minha run eu não instalei mod nenhum, e apesar de obviamente ter crashes, não foi nem 10% do que falam por ai, completamente jogável sem precisar de modificações. A gameplay desse jogo é simplesmente BIZARRA de boa cara, todas as quests são muito divertidas de se fazer e acompanhar, os diálogos são basicamente entretenimento puro, mas com uma ost que completa tudo. o fator de rejogabilidade é extremamente alto por causa de todas as coisas que você pode perder nas primeiras runs, seja por simplesmente ter perdido ou por ter um status de inteligência alto, mas confia em mim, são de fato MUITAS coisas pra se fazer no jogo, seja em sidequest que não aparecem no mapa ou em DLCs, que por sinal são MUITO boas. No geral é um puta de um jogo, ainda mais sabendo que foi feito em tipo, 18 meses, que em sua maior parte envelheceu como vinho, recomendo à todos, é um jogo que requer muitas horas pra realmente ser apreciado em sua totalidade mas que vale muito a pena, e com certeza é um jogo extremamente marcante.

Jingle, Jangle, Jingle🎶

Patrullar el desierto del Mojave casi te hace desear un invierno nuclear...

Finished the NCR ending. Great as always and now I need to do the other endings.

too early in to give a proper review but i can't wait to keep playing.

One of the greatest RPGs of all time. the only problem i think New Vegas actually has are the bugs. Unlike most gamers, the bugs or performance of a game has no impact on my feelings towards it. New Vegas has an incredible story, fun cowboy atmosphere, and wonderfully zany writing on par with the greats. Some people don't like the combat and i guess i understand but something about 3D Fallout combat resonates with me in a particular way. If you like Bethesda's open world RPGs, give New Vegas a try. It contains everything i like from those games plus so much more!

fiquei meio frustrado com o final por conta de hurr não tive luck suficiente pra farmar dinheiro pra arma que eu queria mas fora isso jogasso

you've heard of mr. House, now how about mr. studio-apartment-that-costs-20x-what-it-used-to!

Outside of the Bethesda jank, this is probably one of the greatest games ever made.

The idea that there's like 10 branching paths for the ending is great! Unfortunately that idea also made me very overwhelmed and I have yet to come back to this game to do the rest of the endings because of just how much stuff there is to do 😭😭😭

This game is truly a gem of its time. It has a ton of bugs that sometimes enhance the experience but can also cause it to become a massive mess. But, despite all this, the game persists in my mind to be one of my favorite fallout experiences out there. Seeing the Mojave while trying to track down the man who attempted to kill you and blasting old country music hits so different that it's really hard to describe. Take all of those experiences and then add the possibility of mods, you got yourself a good amount of content for a long time. Would definitely recommend the game.

Dated somewhat but the story and world keep me coming back for more time after time.

people weren't lying when they said this game is good
it is GOOD

Despite requiring mods to even function (and still crashing on me 20 times throughout my playthrough), it's the one game that's so great I can't let that knock my experience. Breathing in the rust of the Sierra Madre, getting a full view of the wasteland through the sky-high windows adorning the Lucky 38, scrapping with Cazadores and lobotomies on the moon, befriending a robot dog gifted from an Elvis impersonator, I was never not amazed at the creativity and wit in the writing that was laced through every quest and character decorating the apocalypse. It's the first game I've played in a while that feels like a breathing world, not just because of the previously mentioned variety, but the way it responds to your actions.

Picture this: early into my run, I came across the little town of Novac. I quickly found out that an ex-NCR soldier's wife had been sold into slavery, and you just know I had to find out who did it. To find out, though, I needed to crack a safe; but I didn't have a high enough lockpick to do it. What's a Courier to do? I took a brisk walk over to the HELIOS-One power plant to gain a little xp from a quest, hopefully enough to upgrade my lockpick skill and bring that slaver to justice. Long story short: in an attempt to boast my relatively high science skill for the early game, and a wee misunderstanding, I accidentally nuked about 30 NCR troopers stationed at the plant. They weren't particularly happy with me after that! Went from neutral to shunned in one event, but I shrugged it off and got the note proving the little old woman sold Boone's wife to the Legion. Took her outside, he shot her, went upstairs to collect my reward and shockingly: Boone didn't want to talk to me! Apparently killing a lot of people he considers allies will do that to your personal relationship with someone. Slightly sad about this, I helped out the NCR with little quests here and there until I went from shunned to accepted, went back to Boone, and he became my partner (not before a talk where he told me I needed to quit fucking with the NCR like I did in the past). It was so rewarding gaining the trust of not just an entire faction, but individual members; it felt like my choices really did matter in the grand scheme of things.

The story doesn't end there: much later, I tried to help the NCR recruit troops for the relief effort of Bitter Springs, and what do you know? They want me to go back to HELIOS-One and ask for help. Only problem? Because I killed all the NCR there earlier, the Legion took over the plant. I was astounded in that moment, a place that I had all but forgotten about completely changed under my nose. That's what I mean when I say the world is an entity, even when I repaired my personal problems with the NCR, it didn't make what I did earlier in the game justified. The wasteland kept revolving even when I didn't look at it--and that's the secret sauce that makes the RPG elements come together. The skills you choose have uses and impacts, the friends you make have uses and impacts, there's no such thing as an irrelevant decision in how you play your character and I think that's just brilliant

After playing Fallout 3 and considering the circumstances in which the game was made, it really is remarkable both how much and how little Obsidian had to do to the foundation Fallout 3 laid down to create a sequel that outdoes it in every way. In both gameplay and in story it is leaps and bound better than Fallout 3 and even Fallout 4 (story wise particularly).

Tinha jogado o jogo base anos atrás, mas não lembrava nada e nunca tinha jogado as dlcs, então decidi voltar nisso aqui. DE FATO É UM JOGO INSANO, TIVE Q DESINSTALAR DEPOIS DE TERMINAR SENÃO IA COMEÇAR DNV.

Eu acho o sistema de reputação, as quests, os companions, as facções desse jogo todas MUITO BOAS, de vdd a obsidian COZINHOU com esse aqui, basicamente um upgrade de tudo do fallout 3.

No pc esse jogo é bem bugado, tive que baixar uns 20 mods de estabilidade pra essa porrakkkkkkkkkkkk mas ok, é a experiencia dessa engine horrorosa da bethesda.

Obviamente o jogo é inacabado, areas vazias com buracos pretos no chao que claramente deviam ser cavernas, quests não marcadas inacabadas, etc etc. É foda q a obsidian teve 18 meses pra esse jogo.

As dlcs são todas muito boas, dead money é um pouco frustrante com algumas de suas mecânicas, mas a história vale a pena, honest hearts tem um mapa foda e muito lore mas as quests principais são bem meh, OLD WORLD BLUES E LONESOME ROAD PRA MIM SÃO IMPECAVEIS, NENHUM DEFEITO, MEU DEUS DO CEU QUE DELICIA QUE FOI JOGAR ISSO. A frase no final de lonesome roads nunca vai sair da minha cabeça, war never changes, but man do.

Então é isso, o jogo envelheceu um pouco mal, mas é DE LONGE o melhor fallout "moderno"

Только не спрашивайте у фаната Нью Вегаса в какой политической партии он состоит и какого цвета его чулочки

Leaving the game in F3s engine was a great idea, as someone who is head over heels for that game. It was a smooth transition for me into this new world of fallout. However, I’ve experience more lag in this game in typical playthroughs. The longer I play, the more unplayable it becomes. Which blows. Unsure if that’s the disc, console, or what. But F3, despite having rough FR drops, never got that consistent. The DLC missions however ran smooth as silk, it was primarily on the strip or random parts of the Mojave desert.

New Vegas has a quicker approach and has a few tweaks to the format compared to the previous game. Instead of karma there is reputation which I think is a solid element. Rather than having an overlapping rep amongst the wasteland. You have different reactions from factions and settlements based on what you’ve done for them or to them.

The combat is improved drastically. Melee feels so much smoother, being able to site-in disables the hefty reliance on the VATS system (which is still great)

Dialogue and exposition can get tiresome. I’ve had a few missions where a conversation drags for 10 mins and I’ll be honest. I’m always trying to fully immerse myself into Fallout when I play. But some of the storytelling here can get lost. It didn’t feel as robust as 3’s divisive missions.

That being said though… New Vegas has an overall better narrative than 3. I think where 3 shines over this one is the side missions and visuals of the wastes, whereas New Vegas has a lot more involvement in the players choices in the grand scheme of things. The side missions weren’t as gripping as 3s and I blame that on a rushed schedule I heard this game had.

Fallout New Vegas is a damn near perfect game and one that I will sure as hell revisit. What an experience, especially after watching the show recently. My playtime was nearly 70 hours total and there was still quite a bit to do!

I would fucking die for Cassidy and/or Veronica, especially Veronica. This dumb naive lesbian loves other dumb naive lesbians.

Man merkt dem Spiel das Alter an.
Die Ladezeiten sind lang, die Welt ist leer im Vergleich zu anderen Teilen der Falloutreihe.
Man trifft selten auf Gegner und noch seltener auf Orte, in denen mehr Dinge zu finden sind als 2 Klumpen Altmetall.

Eine Menge Bugs sind natürlich auch mit dabei.

Es fühlt sich weniger belohnend an, als Fallout 3 und 4.

Am Ende ist es aber immer noch ein solides, handgemachtes Open World Action RPG.

simply the greatest rpg of all time, so much freedom that is lacking in most modern rpgs

Bok gibi sıkıcı serinin en iyi oyunu

When you don't have an annoying NV only fanboy in your ear you can enjoy this game almost as much as you would Fallout 3, despite the bugs, the story inconsistencies, the extreme story railroading that makes exploration worthless and so on.

Definitely one the first 'open world survival crafting sandbox' games I've enjoyed in a long while, sucking me in from start to finish while managing to capture the atmosphere the original games were so famous for.

The stories here are top notch with great writing, characters are interesting, nuanced, thought-through, and the central tension resonates through the game world at every level. Don't get me wrong there are some swings that miss like 'Hard Luck Blues' and 'I Don't Hurt Anymore', but these are few and far between. My only real gripe is the occasional lack of closure - some mission chains end abruptly, and others seem to end without any of the NPC's acknowledging what happened which took me out of the experience a bit.

Combat meanwhile is more stagnant. Gunplay especially feels clunky and oddly numeric. Movement doesn't feel like it makes a difference so I tend to stand in place aiming and trying to avoid anything thrown my way. It doesn't feel like a firefight, it feels like trading numbers. This extends to the gun progression as well since the upgraded laser weapons just feel like you need less hits, and from the start to finish I didn't 'develop' any combat skill short of learning to trigger VATS for bonuses.

I'm chalking a lot of that clunkiness up to the oblivion engine as you can feel the devs putting heart and soul into it regardless. The mission design and the way in which skills directly impact speech and action options is where all the fun of the game lies, making it as easy to talk your way out of a problem or negotiate a peaceful solution as to draw your gun and start blasting. The depth with which the skills enable and limit your interactions makes multiple playthroughs far more interesting to explore.

Having completed the main story I was surprised how enjoyable FONV was given that it's in a genre I try to avoid - but Obsidian did their best to address the homogeneity and shallowness that tends to make these games unplayable to me. Don't get me wrong it's still graphically dated and missing a lot of quality of life features, but if you can get your head around the mods that can be mitigated. I'm curious to try 4 at some point, but for now I have the DLC to go through so I'll come back to this at some point to grind those out. Overall, a fun and deep revitalisation of the classic fallout formula, imperfect but full of charm and care.

I got this game for free from Epic Games and I have to say it was one of the best things that ever happened to me as a gamer. I've been a fan of the franchise since 2017/2018, I played and replayed 3 about 10 times (Or even more), and I already knew about New Vegas, I wanted to play it since I got sick of playing 3 at the time, but I didn't have any money or where to play it, until take my mother's notebook and get the game for free. I played for hours and hours, I'm not even sure how much time I spent playing, but I only actually reached the end 3 times and I beat the Old World Blues and Honest Hearts DLCs twice, in addition to beating Dead Money as well. About the game itself, it's hard to say how much I loved playing and exploring the Mojave Desert, even though it still has problems from its predecessor, such as graphical and gameplay problems (Problems with saving, reputation, crashes, etc...), FNV is deservedly the best game in the entire franchise, although I prefer the gameplay and motor graphics of 4 and still think that the story of 1 and 2 are the best, New Vegas is the closest we will have to a balance between fun gameplay and a well constructed story.
The world reacts to the player's actions and the player also reacts to the world's actions, your choices really have weight and affect not only the story but your gameplay and the way they treat you in the game, it is rare to see a game where the developers ( Even though with such a short deadline they put so much care into the project they were building, the characters are very charismatic, they have captivating stories and truly convincing and ambiguous motivations, nothing is black and white, but rather gray. Each action you take has a different impact on the world, a decision you make can be praised by one character but can be a death sentence for another, apart from the development of characters, especially companions. The level of detail and concern they had in giving a different past, developments and endings to each companion in the game is bizarre, each one being based on the way the player influenced their actions during the game, maintaining the essence of their personalities and the at the same time giving value to the Courier's shares. The gameplay, on the other hand, is a bit slow, if you're not very fresh and play mostly with firearms or energy weapons, the gameplay will be less boring, but depending on your character's build, the game can be very easy, even in Hardcore mode. , which is a bit disappointing, because at a certain point in the game you are practically immortal and you don't even need your companions (Boone alone crushes about 50% of almost all enemies in the game with one shot, there were times when I only gained xp out of nowhere and when I looked back I only saw him putting the gun away). Besides, despite being better than 3, the combat is still not very immersive or realistic, in this I recognize that its successor hit the nail on the head in terms of physics and "realism", besides the fact that the game doesn't use all of its mechanics, which is also Depressingly, I went through the whole game without needing to use the survival skill or other mechanics simply because the game doesn't encourage them in any way, you can just play by leveling up speech, guns, lockpick and science and that's it, you don't need almost anything else in the game , you can try other mechanics but there is a lack of encouragement and practical ways to use them. Finally, my last point is that I believe there was a little lack of clarity in certain missions in the game along with the map, I got lost several times in the gameplay due to the inaccuracy of the pip-boy in instructing me to navigate not only in the open world but also in closed places , apart from the fact that in some missions (Like the one with the NCR radio tower spy), there is no certain clarity in the objectives of the mission, which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so long, even some missions in the game could be longer faster if the route the player needs to take was clearer (Not only in the pip-boy but in the game's mute) and more practical too, or maybe I'm just slow and didn't pay attention properly perhaps.
Well, besides this game is worthy of having the name Fallout in the title, even with its problems the story is good and has fun gameplay, I really hope that one day they will look more fondly at this game and give it its due recognition, a remake in graphics and gameplay (And some more updates for newer consoles and PCs) would be more than welcome. In my humble opinion, it is not only the best game in the Fallout franchise, but also one of the most memorable games of my life.

Somewhat jank and you can tell it was rushed but there's a fair bit to enjoy with this game. Great characterization, interesting locales and dialogue do a lot for this game.

The DLCs for this game feel all over the place in my opinion. They sometimes feel tonally disjointed, and Lonesome Road comes off as a tad pretentious. Locations like the Sierra Madre and the Big MT are fascinating but I almost wish they were larger in scale or their own games entirely.

De fato, meu jogo favorito, de tempos em tempos volto para jogar ele e experimentar de diferentes formas de jogar, recomendo para aqueles que gostam de RPG, esse foi titulo que mais joguei de toda a franquia, único ponto fraco é que é muito datado, mas fora isso, com alguns ajustes dá para jogar tranquilo.