Reviews from

in the past

barely played it but it was fun while i had space for this game lul

The deep combat system makes online matches a blast when playing with and against skilled players, though the campaign just feels empty.

Gostaria que esse jogo tivesse sido mais valorizado (até por mim inclusive) por que a mecânica de combate é muito diferente e gostosa de jogar.

Solid concept, but pandering to low-skill players causes the combat system to unravel as you become more experienced at the game, leading to degenerate gameplay becoming optimal

boring as sin but at least you can play as a samurai

Legalzinho, tá não é legal

For Honor tem uma puta ideia bacana pra um jogo online, mas infelizmente é da Ubisoft... mas até que dá pra se divertir em partidas onlines, mesmo sendo MUITO quebrado e com um servidor péssimo, e joguem a história apenas pra ganhar troféu ou dinheiro, pq é uma das piores coisas q eu já vi

one of Ubisoft's only good game

I really wish I liked this game more than I did, but it took years before it became even worthy of a $60 price tag.

That's not even to mention the trash community that plays this game as nothing but repeat button mashing fights.

I never understood people who sunk so many hours into this game. like its alright but it gets so boring so quick for me like id rather just learn to play fucken... tekken or something

Un pedazo de videojuego, el mejor en cuanto a batallas o pelea. La puta mierda es que se necesita psplus y no lo puedo pagar ya.
Un saludo

this game ruins lives like actually, i have never been so enraged at a game before ever

Not bad for a ubisoft game. I didn't really get into it that much, but its a game I don't mind playing again.

Uno de los 2 juegos buenos de Ubisoft

Got a love-hate relationship with For honor. so many things could be better, but it is alot of fun learning and mastering the different heroes and a pretty nice fighting system.

Game with deeply based genes, only marred by Ubisoft not knowing how to handle kino. Story mode rips and every design is cool in a way that only the lamest hipsters would deny.

Muito tempo perdido nesse jogo, me arrependo? Não, mas deveria

campanha meh, multiplayer diverte por algumas horas

Com os amigos é legal, uma pena que o multiplayer é morto.

Ever since the samurai were added the game has never been the same 😔

Love the combination of PvP and PvE in this one, the setting and gameplay is simply put glorious, and I just love the customization of our armour on this one. Masterpiece of a game even though I don't play it anymore. 5/5

i love making kids cry in this game

Played a bit with my friend a while back. It was ok.

Me gusta ver a gente que sabe jugar a "esto", pero jugarlo como tal es un suplicio