Reviews from

in the past

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i sat bolt upright in my chair when Chronos unpaused my game during the boss fight

Absolutely phenomenal first showing, cannot wait to see how the masterminds at Supergiant update this gem.

Really good but also really punishing. Everything feels like an improvement from 1

Like it's brother, Hades 2 is maybe the most fun I've had with a roguelike, and it's not even finished. At the time of writing this I've gotten to both "hey man, we're still working on it" screens and decided to hold off on delving much deeper until the full package is in front of me. I do have some nitpicks and criticisms, but I'd rather wait to see if those are addressed in the full game. That being said, as it stands, you're getting your money's worth here.

A sequel in every sense of the word. This game is essentially another hades 1. I think it makes some improvements with the core issues I had with Hades 1: the lack of re-playability. The builds here seem more interesting and diverse, however it suffers from the same fate as hades 2, once you find a build you like, why change it? I still don't think it holds a candle to other 10/10 roguelikes (i.e. ROR2, Binding of Isaac, Dead Cells, etc.) as those games you can put 1000's of hours into, and for me at least, Hades will be a 100 hour game.

fun game but tbh i think i'll just wait for the full version to come out for now

Will give it the last star once it's out of EA

Good god what an excellent game and its not EVEN DONE!

No spoilers, but after unlocking everything, I know I'm gonna be playing this for another 300+ hours.

The most exciting thing for me about this game is that it's not quite just "Hades again but more": the base mechanics are evolved, the progression feels different, and just overall the environment has such a different vibe.

Maybe that is just "Hades I but more". Oh well. Can't in good faith give it 5 stars yet since it's still incomplete, but will patiently wait for 1.0 to come out and dive back in to re-experience the whole story.

With Hades, Supergiant Games made the best thing since sliced bread and now they made the best thing since that.

A good portion of the game has yet to come and I'm super excited for it.

Shelved till more content comes out but this game is an absolute blast. Super Giant has put more love, care, and polish into this unfinished game than most AAA studios put into entire franchises. Absolutely one to watch and I can't wait for the full release.

I've yet to fully beat the game but as a huge fan of the original this game is a true sequel to an amazing first game.

Things may change since still early access, it's still good but after completing the ea content at the moment the first one is just way better. Just some thoughts:

don't like how the combat is slower, holding x,y,b for abilities/cast slows the game down too much.
don't like the weapons in this one, especially the 2 torches
boons are not as cool as in the first game, in general upgrades, boons, keepsakes, aspects etc that are supposed to change playstyle/attacks are pretty flat compared to H1.
Story and dialogue is not as strong as H1, areas look mostly the same, not visually as good as the first

just play the first if you haven't, or just wait until 1.0

Best roguelike for newcomers

Basically feels like a full game already. Incredible soundtrack and art style, combat not quite there yet for me.

It's insanely good but this is the definition of early access. All the content here is absolutely fantastic but the lack of some is very jarring. Major content missing, placeholder models and portraits, balancing issues etc. Playing it now is very interesting and it's gonna be really fun when the updates start rolling but unless you're absolutely craving for more Hades I would recommend holding off until the full release. This here's a masterpiece in the making, just gotta wait till the making is done.

Great foundation. Parts of it far surpass the first game despite still being in developement. Others (example being currently available boons and weapon upgrades) feel much worse. Waiting for the full release, it's promising and I'm hopeful but I do worry about the combat being worse than part 1

Take a relatively solid, well-received formula, then pare down all of the interesting gameplay to a very simple formula, add dozens of useless upgrades and resource gathering minigames that gate content, and introduce dozens to hundreds of bugs that, while this is Early Access, hamper the experience even beyond where it was already. I played it, I beat it 6 times (not including the 3 or 4 runs I lost to game-breaking bugs), and I uninstalled it.

ta no early acess ainda mas esse jogo ja ta fenomenal

(Review of the early access, I doubt I'll finish it before the full game comes out, but I might play it here and there)
First off, this game will be compared a lot to the first hades in this review. While there are some aspects that this has over 1, a lot of the changes to progression and gameplay I just find lacking. OfCourse this all can change or be improved upon in the full release, and I hope that's true.
I like the changes to the combat; it feels good and fluid while keeping the basis of the first game. The axe is a really fun to use, but the rest of the weapons are not as good as it or the ones from hades 1. Also, the encounter rewards aren't as fun as the first game. From what I've played I haven't had as much fun making different builds or experimenting with boons that just might work well together. The number of boons you get feels a lot less and it doesn't feel good coming across rooms that just give you the currencies that you can only use in your next run through. I have no idea why they don't let you switch keepsakes across areas like Hades. And while I've only just finished the second area, the bosses don't feel fun to play against. I hope just for the sake of making it different, the devs don't remove the features that made Hades so fun.

Hard to fully review a game that isn’t even out of early access, but my thoughts thus far: Holy Shit, they did it again. Hades was a top contender for GOTY back in 2019, and honestly this might be definitively GOTY for 2024.

vou parar pra n estragar a experiencia

For a early access game this is just too good.

looking forward to complete this game soon, will buy it in some weeks

for a preview build this is expansive and the hades formula is addicting as always. I have no doubt the full game is gonna make me bust rope but for now its a solid 8/10.

EARLY ACCESS: Supergiant doesn't miss. "How could they improve upon Hades?" They did. You can tell they've been thinking about a lot of these additions and changes for a long time. This is a game made (or currently being made) with purpose. Supergiant doesn't miss.

I completed what was available in the early access, which was terrific. From the start, it's a more complete package than Hades I. Although I prefer Zagreus's personality, the story this time is amazing and intriguing. The changes to the game loop, like the possibility to explore another map, the familiars, and the emphasis on magic, make this a more well-rounded experience. I cannot wait to see what they're cooking for the game when it finally launches.

Vou esperar ele lançar completo para jogar de novo, eu achei um pouco fácil demais no lançamento, tomara que balanceiem tudo certinho.