Reviews from

in the past

Freaky modification, great balance between vanilla and updating!

şaheserin güzel texture lu ve silinmiş contentlerinin eklenmiş hali

plays and looks better than vanilla but it's still half life 2: same gimmicky uninteresting setpieces, same disconnected feeling progression, same terrible plot and writing

How did I choose to play HL2 from now on.

Disappointing as hell, didn't run well even after tweaking all the graphic options and a lot of weapons shown in the trailer didn't make it into the mod. But it has nice animations and makes the source engine very pretty.

half life 2 com skin de jogo moderno, tem como ser melhor ?

Fun way to revisit this classic.

A really fantastic visual and audio overhaul that attempts to modernize and add some more weight to the gameplay of Half-Life 2 without removing anything that made the game perfect in the first place. The game also does make new additions and personal changeups to provide a somewhat new experience which was certainly a lot of fun, things like being able to remove turrets and keep them as weapons, a much more talkative HEV suit, as well as that famous creepy reversed “GOD HELP ME” line from the zombies being re-reversed so you can hear them speak it as it originally was.

There are a couple things that I couldn’t tell were glitches or just bad choices, such as a lot of the fires having these annoying strobe light effects that seemed like an extremely exaggerated version of how flames flicker.

The improved enemy AI the mod offers coupled with the game’s vanilla hard difficulty (my first rodeo with it) provided a truly hardening experience where Combine can absolutely ruin you if you’re not careful. The Alyx defense section in Anticitizen One was borderline impossible without some flagrant savescumming.