Reviews from

in the past

Truly amazing mod, even better than Blue Shift or Opposing Force. The map designs were amazing, the story as well. I kinda wished they leaned more into the Survival Horror aspect of the first few chapters, but that's ok.

very very solid mod! the looping level design is something i've always thought would be cool in an fps, but it didn't quite hit for me the way i thought it would, and the music being stock kevin macleod stuff is a bit immersion-breaking if you've heard it all before a hundred times. but it's so pretty! and the storytelling is really well-executed! the setpieces are great! and it's half-life combat, who doesn't love that? definitely stands tall next to Blue Shift/Opposing Force, even if it's not quite everything i love about HL1

Surprisingly polished and well put together for a fanmade venture. Starts off great, but unfortunately as the game goes on the combat really shows its weaknesses and every battle is more a war of attrition than anything else. The atmosphere is still really good though!

Maybe as good as opposing force, maybe better. Though only one has the skydoesminecraft intro song.

Não ironicamente, um dos melhores mods.

ENG: I went in with high expectations and ended up being disappointed. Uninteresting story (and I'm not asking for much being a Half-Life mod) and bad level design. I do recognize the work done in terms of the setting and the recycling of dialogues from other games in the series.

ESP: Iba con altas expectativas y me terminó decepcionando. Historia poco interesante (y eso que no pido mucho siendo un mod del Half-Life) y mal diseño de niveles. Eso sí, le reconozco el laburo hecho en lo que respecta la ambientación y el reciclaje de diálogos de otros juegos de la saga.

The environment of this mod is top notch. I have only played a couple of half-life mods, and this is my second best with first being Field Intensity.
The only thing that I didn't like about this mod is the number of enemies it throws at you. I felt that this one is hard even at medium difficulty level. I had to straight up cheat in the last military fight😜.
Overall, it is amongst the best mod for half-life. If you are a half-life fan and up for a challenge, then this is a must play.

HL: Echoes es un mod bueno... A medias

Debo decir que la primera hora no disfrute para nada el juego porque... SE APROVECHA DEMASIADO DE LOS SUSTOS CON SONIDOS FUERTES! Y yo soy una hamster asi que he saltado de la silla y mis audifonos salieron volando mas de las que me gustaria contar

La historia es... Poco interesante, sin embargo el reciclaje y el ambiente estan muy bien logrados... Pero aun no supero el cambio tan brusco de la estetica de terror del inicio a el final lleno de disparos y explosiones que nos dan

Segun mi opinion hubiera estado muchisimo mejor que el juego se esforzara en dar aun mas miedo, despues de todo lo logra super bien en la primera hora y en el momento en el que nos dan la primera pistola ya se va ese sentimiento (aunque yo me segui asustando por los headcrabs)

Un buen mod por la ambientacion que genera

This mod makes more to modernize the 1998 Half-Life game than Black Mesa(2016 mod), this is Half-Life with detailed mapping, cutscenes, facial expressions, lighting, surround sounds, everything that is in modern games, the plot is interesting for fans of universe, and some monsters pose a greater danger than in the original. This is just a gorgeous WORK OF ART, in which every gamer should play, however, there are elements of horror in the game, which were not in the original half-life, but technically everything done well, so why not. Sometimes people create unimaginable masterpieces, and this is one of them, thanks to James Coburn for this GAME.
Этот мод делает больше для осовременивая оригинального Half-life 1998 года чем Black Mesa(2016, мод), это Half-life с детальным маппингом, катсценами, лицевой анимацией, освещением, звуками окружения, всем, что есть в современных играх, сюжет интересный для фанатов вселенной, некоторые монстры представляют большую угрозу, чем в оригинале. Это просто невероятное произведение искусства, в которое должен поиграть каждый геймер, так же в игре есть элементы хоррора, чего не было в оригинальной халфе, но технически всё сделано хорошо, так что почему бы и нет. Иногда люди создают невозможные шедевры и это один из них, спасибо James Coburn за это.

Echoes is good. I think the praise it receives is earned. But it's not perfect. I think the encounter design is frankly wack, the game just throws too many enemies at you. And the part where you have to crawl past the bodies with the snarks in them is not fun. But this is still a well made and very competent mod. I would say it is worth a play, but I would probably play it on normal mode if I were you.

Since this is a community made mod, not a game made by a company, you really can't complain about it much. But honestly, the team behind Echoes, knew what they were doing and are to be praised, especially the level designers. The level design is like nothing I've seen in any hl mod, really pushing the limits. The rig animation is also really impressive when you notice it and the re-use of cut-content was very cool. The plot is, there, nothing to write home about really, it's there and more for people who are invested in the hl universe than anything.