Reviews from

in the past

Great game, fun and engaging.
J.K Rowling is evil tho

There was a time early on in this game where I really enjoyed it. Early on, you're met with a faithful rendition of Hogwarts, and little nooks and crannies with secrets that can be solved by the new spells you have aquired, reminiscent of the early 3 Harry Potter games that were Zelda clones back in the early 2000s. If it stayed that way and the game was designed around that methodology, we could have had a true classic on out hands.

Instead, what we got was the most blatant mesh of corporate intervention I've ever seen in a game. Right off that bat I ask myself: why is there a simplistic diablo-esque gear systen in a game about a wizard school? Why is 3/4ths of the map made up wilderness that no one cares about? Why do we unlock spells by doing fetch quests, and why are these spells not more well integrated as tools outside of combat as well as within? These were questions I asked myself when I was actually enjoying the game, mind you. Over the course of the game you'll get more and more feature creep when you add in 10 additional collectable types, a lockpicking mechanic midway through the game that is unbareably slow the more you use it (which will be frequently), confusing 3D maps that you have to wait for an animation to either access or back out of, and a shall we call it Pokemon raising/breeding minigame where you "save" animals from poachers by capturing them and taking them away from their families for zero reason.

Many of these decisions to me read as corporate wanted to please everyone in the wake of the author who shall not be name's twitter comments, but when doing so they inevitably made the whole game very unfocussed and at times a huge slog. There's also the weird aspect of how strangely multicultural this place out in rural scotland during the 1800s is. It's somehow more diverse than how it is in the 1990s when the main series takes place. Mind you, this aspect doesn't really hurt the game, it's just extremely noticeable and kind of goes into what I was referring to about the game feeling very corporate.

I haven't even gotten into the story yet either. They start off with some fairly interesting ideas surrounding ancient magic and how hogwarts ties into it, but ultimately ends up feeling like another chosen one story except with basically irrelevant villains and a lot of unexplained things (why is the MC coming in as a 5th year? Hell if I know, they never explain it). On top of that it just kinda... ends. With little to no fanfare.

This is one confusing game, but the ultimate tl;dr is that this is probably the most mixed bag of a game I've ever played. AAA devs, please, stop trying to make games into by the numbers open worlds. If they went in a highly polished Zelda clone direction, or even grabbed some aspects of Persona this could have been a far better game.

Good game, could've been better.
Hogwarts feels kinda dead after the initial awe, could've had less same old rpg dungeon exploring missions and more activities in the castle. A hangout system like in GTA would be cool for the companions + house friends, call them to explore the world and do some activities.

Solid 8-8.5/10 for HP fans, about 6.5-7/10 for non HP fans.

who wouldn't love this fucking game?

Started off solid and quickly turned incredibly mediocre. Platinumed anyway against my better judgement

the combat carried it

that shit was mid as hell bruh

Absolutamente fantástico.
Uma das minhas melhores experiências sendo fã dessa franquia a tanto tempo, e finalmente me jogando pra dentro dela.
Eu fiquei completamente imerso nesse universo do momento que eu comecei a jogar, até agora (que estou escrevendo essa review), eu estou completamente apaixonado pelo jogo.
A verticalidade do mundo aberto principalmente em hogwarts e em hogsmead é incrível, de cair o queixo mesmo, tem tanta coisa que eu tenho certeza que eu ainda não explorei em hogwarts, o mundo aberto é gigantesco, cheio de sidequest, que em sua maioria são bem elaborados até, mas nada muito THE WITCHER por exemplo.
O protagonista, mesmo sendo customizável é incrível, tem presença de tela, vc não sente muito a falta deles falarem o seu nome, exceto em uma ou outra cena aqui e ali, mas em geral, é um ótimo protagonista, com carisma, etc. Óbvio que depende das escolhas que vc faz.
Os personagens secundários são maravilhosos e todos eles carregam ótimas histórias, Professor Fig, Poppy, Natty, Sebastian, Omnis, Professora Weasley, são extremamente marcantes.
A história é muito melhor do que eu achei que seria, expande bem o universo de HP e traz mais coisas pra vc se aprofundar, tem as curiosidades e referencias pra quem é fã da franquia o que torna o jogo ainda mais incrível.
A história principal é maravilhosa, a revolta dos duendes, magia ancestral tudo isso é incrível, mas também gostaria de deixar o destaque pras missões de relacionamentos, que são fantásticas, todas elas, mas acredito que a do Sebastian se destaca um pouco mais.
esse jogo é incrível, quase perfeito (CADE O QUADRIBOL DONA WARNER) como fã dessa franquia, como fã de jogos de mundo aberto, isso me pegou demais.
Vou jogar mais, pretendo platinar, pq simplesmente estou apaixonado.

Volevo scrivere una bella recensione per Hogwarts Legacy ma in realtà questa intenzione ha seguito un percorso parallelo alla fruizione del gioco stesso: inizio entusiasmato e man mano mi svuoto fino a ritrovarmi sterile e svogliato, il colpo di grazia è stato visionare su youtube una cutscene vana di 3 minuti che mi sarebbe costata come minimo 5 ore di grinding folle per i livelli finali.

Hogwarts Legacy è un open world standard un pò alla ubisoft, c'è un pò di tutto e allo stesso tempo non c'è nulla. Molti contenuti ridondanti, poca sostanza. Il wizarding world tiene in piedi un gioco altrimenti scialbissimo, parte dell'immaginario della rowling è affascinante e gestito benissimo, dal numero di magie alla loro interazione con gli enigmi ambientali e in combattimento, dalla bellezza del castello (diverso da quello che conosciamo ma simile in molti frangenti) alla libertà di volare sopra una scopa, un thestral o un ippogrifo, allo sfizio di distillare qualche pozione e customizzare la stanza delle necessità, così come prendersi una burrobirra ai tre manici di scopa o assaggiare dolciumi incantati ad Hogsmead.

Quando si arriva per la prima volta ad Hogwarts e si sceglie la casata, la bacchetta e quant'altro l'emozione è enorme se come me siete cresciuti a cioccorane e schiantesimi, ma dopo qualche ora tutta la magia si perde, letteralmente.

La componente scolastica è solo abbozzata in qualche quest, vi dimenticherete ben presto di essere in una scuola grazie alla quasi totale assenza di lezioni, regole ed eventi. Il focus si sposterà tutto sulla trama principale che non mi va nemmeno di anticipare in quanto apoteosi dell'anonimato. I personaggi sinceramente mi sono piaciuti, il modo in cui sono stati sfruttati meno. La narrazione è rushata, il gioco finisce da un secondo all'altro senza lasciare nulla.

Tantissime le mancanze: le lezioni le avevo già citate, il quidditch assente ingiustificabile, un sistema di moralità e coerenza con le leggi magiche e scolastiche, le romance, la coppa delle case (e no non basta una cutscene per rimediare alla cosa), eventuali gite a Diagon Alley e mille altri dei luoghi che fanno parte di questo fantastico mondo, i GUFO, potrei continuare sforzandomi con altri mille esempi ma conviene dire che praticamente non c'è nulla a parte le magie che si imparano da professori scelti a caso e che si occupano di altre materie il più delle volte.

Cosa rimane a questo punto? Come dicevo l'ennesimo open world copia e incolla con un sistema di combattimento divertente e il background del wizarding world.

Un'occasione sprecatissima, non sto dicendo sia un brutto gioco, c'è molto di peggio e il suo fascino lo mantiene ma è sicuramente un'occasione sprecata, un gioco rattoppato in fretta e che avrebbe richiesto tempi di sviluppo molto più lunghi e più contenuto. Hogwarts Legacy inizia come un sogno, una favola per gli amanti di Harry Potter, e termina come un gioco ubisoft, un vero peccato.

Die Entwickler von Hogwarts Legacy hätten sich folgende Frage stellen sollen: "Welche Spielmechaniken können wir einbauen, die dieses Spiel zu einem einzigartigen Harry Potter Erlebnis machen?". Haben sie aber nicht. Stattdessen haben sie sich gefragt "Wie können wir jedes einzelne 0815 Open World Feature in Hogwarts und Umgebung reinquetschen?".

Dadurch verfliegt der anfängliche Zauber schnell und man driftet nach und nach immer mehr in eine komplett generische Open World ab.
Und das ist wirklich ärgerlich, da durchaus viel Potenzial zu erkennen ist. Das Schloss ist wunderschön designed und die ersten zwei Stunden bin ich wirklich einfach nur komplett umhergelaufen und habe gestaunt wie toll das alles ist. Diese Kulisse hätte so viel Raum für tolle Rätsel, spannende Mysterien und nostalgischen Zaubereiunterricht. Doch all das weicht sehr schnell so belanglosen Mechaniken wie Crafting, Banditencamps leeren und Fetchquests. Das sind alles Sachen, die zwar Gang und Gäbe in diesem Genre sind, aber mal so überhaupt nicht nach Hogwarts passen.

Und auch das Kampfsystem ist durchaus packend. Die Zaubergefechte machen ordentlich Spaß und hätten locker durch eine 30-40 stündige Geschichte tragen können, doch leider war die Geschichte dafür zu schwach. Die Hauptstory ist nämlich wenig ergiebig. Man selbst ist der übermächtige Auserwählte und auch alle anderen Charaktere verblassen dadurch, dass sie für jeden kleinen Mist zu dir kommen, weil du einfach der allertollste Zauberer bist.

Im Endeffekt freue ich mich über die ersten paar magischen Stunden, die mir Hogwarts Legacy beschert hat, bleibe aber trotzdem enttäuscht zurück, da hier viel zu viel Einheitsbrei drin steckt.

Hogwarts Legacy spielt in Sachen Spielwelt und Atmosphäre sein Potenzial aus. Näher wird ein Potterhead der Erfahrung, Teil von Hogwarts zu werden, nicht kommen. Das Kampfsystem mit den verschiedenen Zaubern und deren Typen funktioniert auch erstaunlich gut. Selbst nach etlichen Spielstunden motiviert es noch.
Trotzdem wird man an vielen Ecken des Spiels das Gefühl nicht los, dass hier noch viel mehr möglich gewesen wäre (und auch geplant war). Das Fehlen von Quidditch ist eine vertane Chance, gehört es doch zur Welt von Harry Potter wie der goldene Schnatz zum beliebten Zauberersport. Der Story hätte noch mehr Dramatik sowie das Einbeziehen der verschiedenen Nebenfiguren gut getan. Dafür, dass Freundschaft ein zentrales Thema innerhalb der Bücher wie Filme war, kommt es gerade in der Hauptstory viel zu kurz. Ein Moralsystem hätte der übergreifenden Geschichte ebenso gut getan. Gerade in Hinblick der unverzeihlichen Flüche macht das Verhalten der NPCs keinen Sinn.
Nichtsdestotrotz macht Hogwarts Legacy aber großen Spaß. Dafür ist es Avalanche zu gut gelungen, die Magie der Filme und Bücher einzufangen. Es hat einfach was, mit dem Besen oder Hippogreifen um Schloss Hogwarts zu fliegen und wenig später dunkle Zauberer und Kobolde wegzuzaubern. Für die wirklich ultimative Potter Erfahrung fehlt es dann aber doch an einigen Ecken und Enden.
Was aber nicht ist, kann ja noch werden. Eine optimale Grundlage haben die Entwickler schon mal geschaffen.
Hogwarts Legacy exploits its potential in terms of game world and atmosphere. A Potterhead doesn't get any closer to the experience of becoming a part of Hogwarts. The combat system with the different spells and their types also works surprisingly well. It's still motivating even after several hours of play.
Nevertheless, in many corners of the game you can't shake the feeling that much more could have been possible (and was planned). The absence of Quidditch is a missed opportunity, as it belongs to the world of Harry Potter like the golden snitch is to the popular wizarding sport. The story would have benefited from more drama and the involvement of the various supporting characters. For friendship being a central theme throughout the books as well as the movies, it falls short a lot in the main story. A moral system would have done the overarching story just as good. Especially with regard to the unforgivable curses, the behavior of the NPCs makes no sense.
Nonetheless, Hogwarts Legacy is great fun. Avalanche did too well to capture the magic of the movies and books for that. There's just something about flying around Hogwarts Castle on a broomstick or hippogriff and a little later conjuring away dark wizards and goblins. For the truly ultimate Potter experience, however, there are a few corners and ends missing.
But what is not, can still be. The developers have already created an optimal basis.

hikayesi twitterdan yazilan bi seri icin oyun yapmayı birakmalilar :D

The housing feature is preaty neat, but would rather play Sims isntead of that

I never played this game but 0/10 this game is based on Harry Potter so in my opinion it sucks

It was fun for like 3 weeks. Cool story

Terminei Hogwarts Legacy com 39 horas de jogo, cara o jogo é simplesmente MAGICO, a imersão dele é gigante, o mundo todo é mt bem pensado e dá pra ver claramente o carinho e paixão dos dev com o universo de HP, a exploração é super recompensada, em Hogwarts e no Mundo aberto.
Eu fazia em média uma sessão de 4 horas por dia, e era sempre 1 hora de quest principal e 3 horas de exploração e secundárias, de tão divertido que o jogo é seu mundo é, era viciante ficar fazendo só isso, cada detalhe do castelo é mágico, CHEIO de segredos e mistérios pra descobrir e explorar.

Tenho 2 pontos negativos só:

1 - a falta de chefes e a falta de variações dos que existem

2 - além da questão principal tem as questões secundárias/linhas do tempo de outros personagens da história, q tem conexão com a principal, são 3, 2 delas pro finalicou afobado o final dela, tava td indo bem mas assim que chegou perto do final, a qualidade abaixou e parece q foi feito as pressas, a única q não foi assim foi a da Poppy, que pra mim foi a mais divertida e bonita de jogar e ver

08/10 pra mim

No inventa nada nuevo, pero todo lo que hace lo hace de maravilla. Divertido, inmenso y muy satisfactorio de jugar.

Volar con la escoba a tu antojo por el mundo es una sensación única.

Environment looks nice
Exploration is fun
Combat is fun
Puzzles are well spaced out and not overly long/complex
Occasional good side quests
Voice acting is quite good
The Room of Requirement is a nice change of pace, especially the vivarium

Story makes no sense
Most side quests are lame
World has no reactivity (casting unforgivable curses causes absolutely zero reaction, for example)
Performance is shamefully bad on PC

Pros outweigh the cons for sure but it could be so much better.

Great game, has everything that you’d want, good graphics, good combat and gameplay, good story, just an all round good game

Muy buen juego, no esperaba tanto, pero es el juego que mejor usa la magia en general.

Algunas misiones secundarias están al nivel de la trama principal, muy sorprendido para bien.

Brilliant game, Hogwarts is truly alive, a dream come true for gamers who played the older games and loved the movies, enjoyed the combat and exploration around Hogwarts, the rest of the world felt a bit empty and the main story didn't really hit that hard but I enjoyed my 30 hours in the game.

This review contains spoilers

It's fun, but for something set in the wizarding world, it's barebones. It's like it's wide as an ocean but only deep as a puddle. There are a lot of missed opportunities to make the game more immersive and grounded, no matter how small the details. There's no Quidditch, which is conveniently reasoned away in the plot. There's no Gobstones, Wizard's Chess, no real morality system. Despite being able to make different dialogue choices, the narrative remains more or less linear. Aside from collecting field guide notes, we could've been collecting chocolate frogs.

You have all these transmogs but no real way to show them off except for your own benefit. Multiplayer and PVP would've been really good reasons to show off the outfits you've collected. It would also give additional incentive to actually decorate your Room of Requirement, show off rare beasts you've rescued. I also wished there were more ways to interact with the beasts as well, as to make them more real and have life and personality.

Overall, I had fun with the game. The main story was decently compelling. But still disappointed with the other aspects (or lack thereof) of the game.

This review contains spoilers

Is a good game, your combat system is fantastic, exploration fantastic but i really liked the Sebastian's side quest over the main quest.

O plot e os personagens são interessantes, mas o que brilha de verdade é o ambiente extremamente rico em detalhes, especialmente envolvente para fãs da saga Harry Potter como eu. O ponto fraco é o mundo aberto: repetitivo e sem muita graça no overall. Tirando isso, tem um sistema de combate magnífico, que juntamente com uma trilha sonora majestosa, fazem desse jogo um sonho se tornando realidade.

Save'i kaybettim lanet olsun.

Si les fans d’Harry Potter n’ont jamais été lésés sur la quantité de titres tirés de l’univers du jeune sorcier, il est plus difficile d’en dire autant du côté de la qualité de ces derniers… On retiendra surtout quelques épisodes sympas adaptés des volets éponymes de la saga et les deux titres de la licence « LEGO ».

Ce n’est pas pour rien si l’annonce de Hogwarts Legacy et ses premiers trailers ont secoué la toile, l’univers adoré d’une jeunesse entière semblait à portée de mains et ça s’annonçait grandiose ! Et le dernier-né d’Avalanche Software, des qualités, il en a à revendre mais non pas sans défauts.

Visuellement enchanteur le jeu respire l’amour pour son matériel de base, la direction artistique est tout simplement magnifique et Poudlard n’a jamais semblé aussi réel ! Les détails et les clins d’œil à la franchise sont nombreux et chaque fan prendra plaisir à découvrir et arpenter chaque parcelle d’une carte, non pas immense, mais terriblement plaisante à découvrir. Il est regrettable de noter quelques problèmes d’optimisation qui viennent couper notre immersion parfois en plein vol.

Côté jouabilité et histoire on retrouve également les mêmes avantages comme inconvénients. Notre personne est agréable à manier et les sorts sortent facilement mais le système de visée en fait bien trop souvent à sa tête, nous amenant parfois à mourir alors sans raison au-delà de bêtement. Pas que le jeu est difficile, mais ici également le titre passe d’une facilité enfantine à des affrontements où la moindre erreur peut coûter notre barre de vie. Un sentiment d’autant plus présent sur les combats de boss. Rien de très grave mais encore une fois des petits défauts qui auraient mérité un rectificatif.

Le scénario, bien que très prometteur durant une grande partie de ses quêtes, tombe rapidement en soufflet vers la fin et s’annonce trop prévisible. Nous restons alors dans du classique mais cela fait tout de même le travail. On peut regretter un manque d’épique et de folie au sein des dernières missions, pourtant le jeu avait commencé avec l’effet inverse après une scène d’ouverture incroyable. On ne retiendra pas les quêtes annexes qui, pour la plupart, sont sensiblement les mêmes et invite à aller d’un point A à un point B. Même cas pour les devoirs qui sont des simples quêtes cachées. C’est réellement les objectifs liés à notre amitié avec certains personnages qui retiendra notre attention, mention spéciale à la petite storyline de Sébastien, certainement le meilleur élément du jeu. Des quêtes intéressantes qui s’imbriquent totalement dans la trame principale.

Au final et après 33 heures sur le titre, je dois avouer en ressortir avec deux sentiments. Celui du désir de retourner me promener dans la forêt interdite et affronter des armées d’araignées ou de trolls, ou celui d’avoir fait le tour d’une belle surprise mais qui aussitôt terminée est aussitôt oubliée. Il n’en demeure qu’au delà de ses qualités ou défauts, j’ai adoré découvrir le titre et les premières heures passées dessus sont magiques ! Hogwarts Legacy n’est pas parfait, mais nous avons ici le meilleur jeu Harry Potter, l’un des plus beaux titres adapté d’une licence à succès et les ébauches d’une future grande franchise.

Si Avalanche Software corrige les quelques tares graphiques de son bébé, les problèmes d’optimisation inhérents aux jeux en monde ouvert, tout en proposant un bestiaire plus varié, une carte plus grande et une histoire principale plus sombre mais aussi épique, alors le second épisode aura tout du chef-d’œuvre !

Wundervolles Spiel, manchmal komische Story

bom jogo mas dps de umas 10 hrs fica enjoativo

Como fã da saga, esse jogo dá muita coisa que te deixa feliz. Contudo, técnicamente ele deixa muito a desejar em vários aspectos, muito espaço para melhora em uma possível sequência.

Played to completion. Love the universe, and mega excitement to see Hogwarts mapped out in full.

Plot was okay but could've been a lot stronger with a bit of thought. Lack of any sort of consequence to actions really held the game back, I'm not saying I'd want a morality meter, but why give meaningful dialogue options. Themes of the plot include exploration of intent over action, ends justify means, stewardship of the environment and our surroundings, and what it means to be sentient. But I spend near 40 hours using dark magic on enemies, killing beasts for challenges, capturing creatures for my zoo, and using magic to take away many people free will, with zero consequence or even comment from the characters in world.

I personally loved the flying mechanic and enjoyed exploring the world to complete the collectibles but they were repetitive.

Good game but too big and long for the content actually provided. Could have been so much more. I hope there is another title in the series, but I would want far more RPG elements and would love to see the studio design more of the classic Harry Peter universe locations.