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in the past

This game is unimaginably horrible and it's baffling it's the hill so many are willing to die on. There is no enemy variety, which is for sure a good idea for a modern open world game. There is no spell variety either (26), which again certainly was a great idea for a modern rpg based solely around it's magic set at a magic school, but hey Harry Potter has always had a terrible magic system so ¯\(ツ)/¯. For reference Final Fantasy (1987 NES) has triple as many spells (60), and Skyrim a more modern open world game for comparison has over 100 AND both those games have multiple combat classes besides magic. The game will let you use the "unforgivable curses" but it has no morality system to give any meaningful consequences to your actions because according to the devs it would be "too judgmental on the game maker's part". The world is empty, which is always a problem with open world games (not remotely a fan of the genre tbh) and every door is a loading screen. The game is also a buggy mess and anyone saying otherwise is just lying, the game literally has Denuvo lmao. But none of this is surprising, ignoring the original author for a moment, every trailer made it look lackluster and it's made by the developers infamous for Disney tie-in shovelware.

And now for the elephant in the room... The game doubles down on all the racism and antisemitism of its source material, anyone saying Terfling had nothing to do with this game is bending the truth. The official Q&A for the game on their site says they worked closely with her team so it perfectly fits her world, and that it does a little too perfectly. The main premise is squashing a goblin rebellion riddled with antisemitism. The goblin rebellions are not new to the franchise, they are a thing mentioned in the books and expanded material as something the students learn in history class. And what were all the rebellions about? The lack or basic rights like using wands, and checks notes wizards attempting to enslave them "as house elves" but we’re supposed to believe they’re still the villains throughout the franchise?
Which brings us to the next topic, the house elves... As in the source material Hogwarts is run by slave labor and the franchise doesn't want us to look deeper into what that means, waving it off with "well they like it". But if wizards can attempt to enslave goblins as “house elves” what does that actually mean, what exactly is a “house elf” and why doesn’t the series creator want us to examine it? The head house elf at Hogwarts becomes a companion, so you don't actually get to own a slave but you still get one by proxy. The game also lets you decorate the Room of Requirement with mounted house elf heads, with how controversial this aspect of the books has always been idk who on the dev team didn’t think “maybe we shouldn’t keep the mounted head of a sapient creature decoration item”. Again none of this is surprising given the source material where they decorate houses with elf heads and the kids put little hats on during christmas, oh isn’t it so cute and whimsical? And the fact that one of the lead devs was a gamer gate youtuber (them stepping down was never going to divorce the game from these elements). The game is also a prequel set in the 1800s so it can't actually effectively deconstruct the issues with the source material, the goblins are still the anti-semetic bankers, the house elves are still slaves, and the ("good") wizards are still the good guys that have every right to oppress them. Just like Terflings own politics and the politics of the source material the game's message is about preserving the status quo, nothing meaningful can change and it shouldn’t cause we have a continuity to uphold damnit!
The game also throws in the series "first trans character" who they named "Sirona Ryan", this is a name of a Celtic goddess (as many people will point out in an attempt to ignore criticism, despite the origin not being the issue with the name) but just like "Cho Chang", "Anthony Goldstein" and "Kingsley Shacklebolt" it's certainly a choice out of all the Irish names to deliberately use that one for your first trans women. Sirona was also very obviously thrown in last minute in an attempt to save face and say the game was divorced from Terflings and her raging transphobia, but as you can see the game is quite the opposite.
But you know despite all that 9/10 IGN-ostalgia am I right!

In conclusion this game is truly the “Legacy” of this franchise and I can see why fans say “this is everything I ever wanted in a Harry Potter game” because this is all the franchise really truly is. I certainly hope everyone who bought the deluxe edition for the sole reason to spite a minority the author is actively harming daily love their overpriced shovelware and fuck off. Remember yall were the same people in the 90s who hated and wanted to boycott the books for being “satanic” and "progressive". (spoiler alert they never were)

And for anyone who can’t let go of the franchise because of “childhood” and cause “it’s so magical”, let me recommend “Earthsea” by Ursula K. Le Guin, “Discworld” by Terry Pratchett, and “Percy Jackson” by Rick Riordian. None of those series are perfect and have their fair share of problems, but they were written by authors who actually cared, who actually took criticism and grew from it. You can let go and grow too.

Bizarre how this game is trying to present wizarding world of 1890 as this secret island of progressiveness and liberalism with a few rotten apples here and there. Everyone is welcoming and friendly, there's no tension with teachers or rivalry between houses, your student buddy is a black girl from (soon to be a British colony) Uganda, a blind kid in Slytherin dorm complains about his father being a boomer blood racist, you can enter any bathroom in the school despite your assigned dormitory etc. It's truly a wholesome chungus version of Hogwarts, created as a smokescreen so you wouldn't think too hard about fantasy slavery and institutionalized stratification of wizarding society. The way to put distance between the game and woeful worldviews of the author. A scheme that doesn't pan out at all as the story uses goblin uprising as window dressing instead of the venicle to address inherent injustices of this fictional world.

But what if, for a moment, we try to disregard the elven slavery and goblin racism, Rowling's politics and hack writing. What will you find? Nothing short of another checklist open-world game. All the artistry, gigabytes of assets and hours of voice acting went into filling the wonderful recreation of Hogwarts with icons and one-button chores to raise your gear score. At one point the world map opens up with the massive grassland expanse full of goblin camps to clear. You'll find a Harry Potter game without characters to befriend or mysteries to ponder. There's no wish fulfillment, no secret life escapism — things that made HP the inescapable cultural phenomenon with millennials like myself in the first place.

I'm amazed it came down to this when Atlus figured out a socialite RPG framework 18 years ago. Like, a Hogwarts game with calendar system would still be junk food, but at least in somewhat inspired serving. I should be attending wizarding classes and looking for ways to break school rules with my scrunklo Slytherin buddies. Instead I'm mass murdering goblin population and checking with ancient magic hotspots so I can deal 3 more damage with "basic cast". The fleeting charm of opening hours evaporates as square socket structure of the game laids bare, and so is my desire to engage with such slop.

Glad this game turned out genuinely bad so that the hate-buyers have to do the gaming equivalent of chewing on gravel and pretending they love it.

This review contains spoilers

Spoiler review so I can dig into why exactly the plot is antisemitic and why you can't "just ignore" it.

The TLDR is that the game's about stopping a goblin rebellion, which we already knew from the trailers. The trailers also included a scene where the main villain goblin and dark wizard talk about kidnapping the player, calling on the antisemitic trope of blood libel.
Well we now have the full context, and it gets so much worse:

The dark wizard Rookwood (no subtleties here as that's the name of one of the Death Eaters in the original series, guess the whole families evil) cursed Anne, the companion characters sister, and framed the goblins for it. This out of context truth is most likely what people will use to say "see the games not antisemitic, the goblins were framed" but this is just backstory for one character and the rest of the game still exist.
While not completely new to the series (offhandedly mentioned like 2 times in the books) this game is the first time anyone learns what exactly "ancient magic" is. Ancient magic is apparently a substance that can be extracted from the body, and apparently extracting it is believed to be a form of "pain relief". Not dissimilar from medieval "therapies" of bloodletting and leeching. The antisemitic blood libel doesn't end with the goblins: In the game's backstory a former Hogwarts professor Isidora Morganach discovered how to tap into "ancient magic" by extracting it from her students. Isidora became addicted to "ancient magic" and made many magic repositories which you can find throughout the game. In the present the player character is someone who has "ancient magic", this is why the goblins and dark wizards want to kidnap you.
The goblins who teamed up with Rookwood are rebelling because the wizards don't give them equal rights, like wand use. As I said in my previous review this along with wizards trying to enslave goblins as "house elves" is already a part of the series' lore for their many rebellions. The game also adds little details like goblin artifacts that are eerily similar to Jewish cultural items, and past rebellions lining up perfectly with real world antisemitic genocides. And of course the final boss of the game is the "evil leader" of the goblin Ronrok who uses all the "ancient magic" to transform into a dragon, as if evil bankers wasn't enough. A better writer would maybe have Rookwood be the final boss after revealing he was just using Ronrok and the goblins plight to his own ends, to marginally make the story better (but not by much). But that wouldn't be in the spirit of the franchise now would it? And like I said in my other review, it's a prequel, they can't actually make any meaningful change to the status of the non-human sapient magical beings without breaking continuity with the original series.
Sure if only one of these were true (and the context of the books and creator didn't exist) it would most likely be an unfortunate (gross) coincidence. But that's not the case.

With Harry Potter you can argue the antisemitism is not a huge part of the books (but still a major issue) but with this game the antisemitism is at the core of its identity. The devs didn't have to quadruple down and add all this, but not surprising that the lead dev was a gamer gater before being booted.
You can't remove this game from its antisemitism and you can't remove this franchise from its creators' bigotry and political views.

Go read "Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Bad Boy Parasaurolophus" by Chuck Tingle

well I actually played the game and finished it. So I can say its a very good game I would recommend it.

As if the transphobic baggage, antisemitism and anti-worker rhetoric weren't bad enough, it's the worst aspects of AAA game design distilled into one unseasoned and flavorless package.

Man, I hate how this game became the posterchild for 'any press is good press' -- I don't wanna get into the controversy but I promise I got this at a discounted price :p

Hogwarts Legacy is pretty good ngl. I completely understand how some (many) may call this a typical overpopulated open world game, filled to the brim with 603 collectibles which is at least 400 too many yada yada, but idk, it just clicked for me.
A few years ago I had a similar experience with Assassin's Creed Odyssey where I just got so sucked into the world, so addicted that spending 10 hours collecting shit went by in a flash because it just never stopped being fun, right up until I platinumed it after what was essentially a 3-week binge.

If you can't tell already, the similarities in structure between this and that had me hooked instantly. It looked overwhelming at first but once I was in it finding 10 field guide pages within seconds of each other, oh yeah, it was all coming together. [side note I did play AC Valhalla too but I dropped it bc holy shit that was too much]
Hogwarts was not too much :) In fact, it's about 1/3 the length of AC Odyssey, so honestly I'm sorry but this game was tailor made for me lol.

I've already talked too much and I've been lost in this game for so long I'm just gunna speed through the actual points I have to make.

The story is fairly safe overall, the ancient magic angle works well to explain how your lil protag can be so strong in a way that doesn't feel out of place. What does feel out of place, however, is how little the characters react to some of the things that happen. One of the first scenes in the game has someone die in front of their friend and literally 2 mins later he's just like "ahhh, so this is what he died for" -BRO!? Your boy literally just bit it right in front of you😭

The setting is pretty great in my opinion, the open world gets a bit samey but it's not humungous or anything so you can still find your way around. Hogwarts Castle though? Chefs kiss honestly. There are little hidden passageways and secrets and shit all over the place. The magic definitely wears off over time, but even when it does it's still just, neat. There's nothing annoying or whatever, no waiting 20 mins for stairs to move, very well crafted.

The nostalgia is undeniable, inevitable, it's the whole reason this game was given a Hogwarts theme at all lets be honest. It's not overdone, it's not in your face, it's (for the most part) its own thing that us millenials and older zoomers can be like "ayo, it's the thing!" but than widdle baby zoomers can just be like "lol frogs in a choir" - everybody wins :p

The combat was actually a lot better than I expected. This, again, worked similarly to AC Odyssey but the variety of spells and combinations you can do with them was fun. Enemies having shields that needed certain types of attack to break was nice and the duel challenges in every battle were a great way to keep you trying new things without being distracting or overbearing.

The characters are kinda funny in this, a lot of them are pretty stiff or seem like they're gunna be more important than they are lol. But others are pretty well fleshed out and the three relationship questlines especially were nicely done. Sebastian is sure to be a favourite due to his arc but Poppy is my child and I hope she's in every sequel until she passes the torch to Molly Weasley as sweetest bean.

I think that'll do it anyway I've already turned my short review into a short novel. Overall I think this is a genuinely decent, maybe even good game that many people can and should enjoy, even if not as much as I did :)

P.S. This game has a glitched quest that's preventing me from getting 4 trophies, and a glitched trophy that's not recognising my final merlin trial. These 5 trophies are all I have left and I'm going to cry.

Fuck J.K. Rowling.

First of all, fuck J.K Rowling.
This game was super ambitious and had a lot going for it. I remember the general public being pumped for this, even non-Harry Potter fans. When it came out I was disappointed to learn switch users were gonna have to wait longer and for the most part, it was worth the wait. The open world is beautiful with a lot of exploration to do with secrets around every corner. I was hooked to the story from the beginning but I soon found myself putting the main quest on the backburner for a long time because of the amount of side content. But I pulled through and finished the main quest and I was very happy with it.
This game has many faults though and it wasn't stuff I could overlook most of the time. This game has TOO much content first and foremost. As a completionist, this game hurt me. There are way too many collections, for example; landing pads, balloons, demiguise statues, field guide pages, Merlin Trials, collection chests, SOOOO MANY COLLECTION CHESTS. And for the outcome and lack of new "treasure" it felt like a chore to do it do I chose not to (and that's unusual for me). The only thing I 100% completed was the challenges and there was no reward for completing all of that (just saying), but it didn't bother me too much as by that point in my playthrough I was SO READY to put this game down. The Room of Requirement was fun in theory and I'm sure it could have been better if I messed around with it but it just wasn't worth it in my opinion, the creature care was actually one of the strong points of this game and could have been a lot more fun if they had the offsprings grow up instead of them staying little forever. It doesn't give you any reason to come back to it. Combining genetics to get different creatures after generations and generations could have been super fun and satisfying but they just.... didn't? It felt like a dead end and kind of annoyed me.
The voice lines also get super repetitive because there just isn't a lot of variants. Every enemy camp you came across had the same voice lines, it just got annoying after awhile. I did enjoy the combat and I after I realized that you can set 4 different spell sets, it was even better. The Ancient magic meter was super fun to use and I loved the variety of different attacks.
I had heard horror stories about how laggy this game is and I found it to run surprisingly well on the switch, but one of my complaints that was hard to ignore (and I'm not sure if it's like this on other platforms, let me know) is the fact that there are so many loading screens, I don't mind if it needs to buffer a second while you're walking through the door but Hogsmeade was especially super annoying to navigate because every single building had a loading screen, it made it hard to collect pages or finding treasure because Revelio wouldn't show what was inside buildings behind loading screens. Hamlets and Hogwarts didn't have this problem but I hated going to Hogsmeade for this reason.
The last point I'm going to talk about is the MC being insufferable, I wish they had different varieties or points of personality that you build up with your reputation over time but I know this was a large game and there was a lot going into it, I just wish they made them feel less stuck-up.
Overall, while I had a lot of fun with this game, it's not worth it to 100% it and I probably won't be going back to it ever.

This game is one giant allegory for an anti-Semitic Christian conspiracy that has been used to oppress Jewish people which is beyond disgusting.

What a strange entry. I remember booting up this game and my jaw hitting the floor because of how incredible it looked. The fidelity of Hogwarts castle was impressive and the voice acting is very convincing. This is an amazingly immersive game that has tons of personality. I remember getting lost for HOURS just tinkering graphics setting and admiring how the reflections looked like on the floors of the castle (definitely a pc gamer thing lol), talking to every NPC and doing every sidequest. Going out of the castle and walking to Hogsmeade village had my inner child crying with joy.

The battle system was also quite fun and engaging. I really enjoyed learning so many spells from the movies. It really has a “git good” dark souls flavor that I love. It does kinda let you go to areas where you’re not ready to go to and be successful anyway. I was loving this game for hours on end.

The thing that kinda irked me in the end, which is almost always what irks me whenever I don’t like and RPG, is that the quests are kind of boring and repetitive. These guys built an enormous world around harry Potter lore and not alot to do in them. The merlin quests are a slog and the main story isn’t all that interesting. I wasn’t able to finish the game because I got too overpowered mid game and no enemy posed a threat anymore. I will def try it again in the future though.

Please disagree with me in the comments lol 🙏🙏🙏

(Since my last review got removed)

I fully expected this game to suck since the creators have not done anything worthwhile but by god, they actually pulled it off. This is a legit a great open-world RPG. The graphics are fantastic and the combat is actually really fun and complex. I've been wanting a good triple A Harry Potter for a long time so I'm happy to say that it's finally here and it's terrific. I will say this though it does have its issues. It suffers from problems that most open-world games have and the story is fairly standard. But even with those problems the world and gameplay kept me satisfied. I hope the next game is even better. I feel like it has the potential to be a 10/10 game.

jk rowling basically said "if you buy this game, you are supporting transphobia" so of course transphobes are going to buy it. it's not "our fault" if it happens

People really believed that the studio whose greatest hits are Disney Infinity and Cars 3 could make an open world game huh

Another AAA action adventure game that claims to be an RPG despite lackluster mechanics with an open world that consists of nothing but tiring quests and collectibles. Relies on nothing but nostalgia. The storytelling is bad but it's a Harry Potter game so pretty fitting. The Sims 2 added wizards as side content for the apartment life expansion pack and had more spells than this and a morality system that changed your appearance based on how you used your powers

Aight so I played this for few hours and I get exactly why Harry Potter adults like this game: it successfully captures the magic of the books and especially the earlier films really well. There's a lot of environmental detail in Hogwarts that is fun to look at. Lots of moving paintings and inanimate objects doing fun and whimsical things that really don't need to be there at all but greatly contribute to the atmosphere. I wish more games did that. Aside from the spectacles this game has, it ultimately doesn't really deserve much consideration as a game worth playing.

The story had small amounts of intrigue I can see being interesting down the line , but really most of the plot I saw is just a vehicle for nostalgia baiting to give the casual audience what they paid for. That's fine and all but I was never hooked on a single thing that was happening. It does not help at all that the game spends a lot of time addressing that you are a fifth year student who just joined Hogwarts because you are super cool and smart and almost everybody in school likes you from the jump. It is really hard to shake the notion that your character is anything but a self-insert in for someone's DeviantArt fan fiction power fantasy and doesn't make for a lot of room for a player to make a character they can really express themselves with.

What's really funny is you can see & feel where this game halted development as a live service and 180'd into a single player experience. A really smart move considering the collapse of the live service side of the market, but it's obvious you were meant to run dungeons with another player or two and collect loot exactly like Destiny 2. How you find items and even the equip menu UI is dead on exactly like Destiny. The spell effects are cool and take after the latter Harry Potter movies where they essentially act like wizard bullets -- and doing your special wizard move looks pretty good.

This game also involves a lot of stealth, which is the weakest aspect of this entire game. The two stealth sections I played were linear and really, really boring. All I could think about while playing them was that this game is meant for casual audiences and not meant to be challenging, but then I remembered Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on Gamecube that came out twenty-one years ago had the same philosophy on its stealth sections but gave the player more freedom to take on it's stealth challenges.

This game started development before JK Rowling's overt fascist-adjacent views were brought under spotlight and we can go back and forth all fucking decade on the pros and cons of supporting this game as a consumer product. That all said, I'm a second generation Scottish immigrant and a person who recognizes Trans people and their inherit rights as human beings; I'm not gonna throw that aside to support some extraordinarily mid video game even if it doesn't greatly affect JK Rowling's wealth or influence. Fuck her whole ass life, her momma, and her momma's momma. So I pirated this thing and deleted the files after I realized I wasn't engaged at all and everyone was arguing over a product that really isn't special in any way other than emulating the vibes of earlier media of this franchise to get some bucks from an audience who've had a hard life and are not terminally online like all of us. This game's existence is just a touchstone of how pathetic the game industry, the consumer base and internet discourse really is. I kind of want to live in another dimension where Harry Potter doesn't exist so I never have to witness an event like this again. Hogwarts Legacy, everyone!

This game runs like shit on PC too.

she be hogging on my warts till i legacy


how on earth is this gonna run on switch

Hogwarts Legacy is one of the games that I've been most hyped about in years. I was a Harry Potter fan when I was a teenager, and the idea of an RPG game set in Hogwarts couldn't excite me more.

Besides all that, shortly after its release, I was on vacation in New York City. In the Big Apple, I reconnected with this franchise by visiting the official store and attending the Broadway play. It couldn't be a better time to return to Hogwarts.

But talking about the game, I can say that it didn't meet my expectations, but it's not a bad game. It's definitely one of the best games of the year (2023) and the best product of the Wizarding World, excluding the original seven books.

As for the gameplay, I can say it's pretty good. To be honest, despite my hype, this was the part I had reservations about. The last Harry Potter games based on the movies were generic shooters, but that's not the case here. It still feels like a shooter, but much better than I was expecting.

The story is pretty good, second only to the original seven books. The game is about a new Hogwarts student who enters the school in the fifth year and has the ability to harness ancient magic. To be honest, it feels like the story was created to make the game possible, with its mechanics and the idea that it wouldn't be fun to play as a first-year child who doesn't know anything about magic.

By the way, it was a good idea to set this game a hundred years before the Harry Potter saga to disconnect from the characters we already know and allow those who have no connection with Harry Potter to enjoy the game.

The best part of the game is its atmosphere. It's really cool to return to Hogwarts. The entire world is very well done, but the school is the best part.

Hogwarts Legacy is the best Harry Potter game ever and one of the best things the franchise has offered in years. I truly recommend it to anyone, even if you don't have any connection to the saga. It's a pretty good game on its own.

Nossa... Esse jogo é simplesmente magnífico! Não conhecia nada do universo de Harry Potter, e quando esse jogo lançou não liguei muito e nem fui atrás para ver como era. Porém recentemente me deparei com uns vídeos do jogo que me despertaram do nada um interesse e uma vontade imensurável de jogar. Comecei a jogar e me senti meio desconfortável, pois era meio diferente do que eu estava acostumado e não entendia muita coisa, mas com o tempo fui aprendendo e ficando maravilhado com o quão incrível é esse universo. Uma coisa que me deixou meio surpreso é que o jogo é bem maior do que eu esperava, mas apesar de tudo amei a minha jornada com o game, aprendi muitas coisas sobre esse universo e me diverti muito jogando essa obra prima! Super recomendo.

This game's story is going to be a surfire hit for the Kirby Air Ride music: Item Bounce YouTube comment section

I know this game comes with a lot of divisiveness. This is just my feeling on the actual game itself and no reflections of what I feel about anything else other than the game itself.

Hogwarts Legacy was almost everything I could have wanted out of a game based off of the Harry Potter world.

The first several hour you spend in the game is as magical and fun a time as you can have playing a game. Seeing Hogwarts come to life in a way you’ve pictured it in your head but had never seen before was surreal. Every nook and cranny packed with collectibles, things to see, and things to do. They did such a wonderful job of after several hours of gameplay making Hogwarts feel somewhat familiar but always finding just one or two new ways to go through this maze of a castle. The Easter eggs in this game are possibly the best the medium has to offer. So many references to the movies and books that are there for you to find but they do not smack you in the face with it.

The dueling is very fun. Once you get all your spells it’s fun to find combos that you enjoy and feel work great together. At first it doesn’t feel great or well connected but by the late game you will feel like the greatest sorcerer that ever lived chaining combos and destroying several enemies at once.

The story is very… ok. The only companion side quests that had an above average story was Sebastians. The main story is fairly basic in my opinion. Nothing inherently wrong with the story but nothing that is gripping either.

The only problem I have with this game is (and admittedly it is a minor problem) the amount of collectibles. Don’t get me wrong I had fun all the way through to 100%ing the game but I felt like sometimes the game started losing some of its magic when instead of playing the game or really exploring on my own, now I’m hitting Revelio every 3 steps to find the last few field guide pages or doing the 100th similar Merlin Trials. Like I said I still had fun but sometimes I would honestly forget what was happening in the main story because I spend the last 5 hours of gameplay searching for collectibles.

Which leads me to my final point. If you are a completionist wait for a few patches before you finish this game. I got everything in the game but can’t get the platinum because it says I have 74/75 of an object in my collection screen. However if I go to the main hub on the map it shows I have 100% and every area that you get these 75 pieces from are checked off. I decided to look online and there are many people experiencing the same problem. It’s very frustrating spending 10s of hours collecting things just for the game to not realize you have collected something and locking you out of a trophy on that file.

All in all I would highly recommend this game especially if you are a Harry Potter fan.

Since my last review was removed I'll just say this: the game is great and review-bombing it is pathetic.

Oh, look at that! AC Valhalla got a sequel this quickly? Weird name for it though, "Hogwarts Legacy".

Sorry for the meanness, but this is pretty much everything I despise about triple A games nowadays. A successful time waster, barren of any substance whatsoever. Hitting the usual Ubisoft clone faults:

-Awkward pacing all around
-Bland ass dialogue
-Mediocre gameplay
-Over the top UI
-Mind numbing collectathons
-Side quests = fetch quests
-Bloated open-world
-Plays like it should've come out in 2014
Etc, etc.

To be honest, I can completely understand if you enjoy it as a hardcore HP fan, but I personally found it very silly. And I'm probably being too harsh with my rating, but I don't have any patience left for these types of games anymore.

★½ – Unplayable ❌

(And oh yeah, Rowling is an awful piece of shit of a human. And no, that's not reflected in my rating. The game's just that bad as it is.)

This review contains spoilers

Her: You must be some kind of middling open world action RPG to even THINK we fuckin
Me: Professor Fig dies in every ending and that Rookwood is the one that cursed Anne and the goblins were blamed for it

Me proving to the chuds hate-buying Hogwarts Legacy how NOT baited I am by talking about the game I constantly tell myself I'm not going to play for days on end.

Please for the love of god my fellow gamers shut the fuck up. Everyone with half a braincel knows how dogshit the world both inside and outside of HP is, a promising series with a strong start driven deep into the ground proportional to the author's ego rocketing into the stratosphere.

There's plenty to slam this game for, it's basically what people pretend a lot of other open-world AAA games are. In a way I almost have to thank this game for putting it into perspective how good we have it when the biggest complaint we have about the state of AAA development the last half decade (referring to 2015-2020) is that the open world ones "aren't as good as Skyrim" or whatever; until this came along, anyways.

Count your blessings when you see a Horizon: Third Subtitle or whatever reboot comes next, it can be and is so much worse. Keep playing the good or even "mid" stuff and stop feeding into the cancerous discourse that goes nowhere.

I'm determined to make 2023 my Year Of Kino, so I learned about it to brace for the inevitability of forced exposure from my family likely wanting to buy it because they're long-time HP fans. I encourage everyone to try as many genres and games as possible, keep an open mind about art, and stop deliberately letting the chuds live rent free in your head over stupid shit like Harold Trotter and the Flesh Eatin' Slug Repellent.

world design is the standout performer here and by far, that shit is huge and they made it like 4 times for no other reason than to give me another vista? sick as

lots of screensaver moments, animations that arent facial generally look great - landscape gets a bit samey, but hey, it is scotland lol

if you're one of those people who do all the map marker collectibles in ubisoft games - first of all, why ? why do you even do that ? but secondly this is your game of the year

combat discourse on this seems misguided - the problem is not the number of spells, not the combat itself, but the fact that theres like 3 enemy types in the entire game and for some reason none of them are dementors and expecto patronum isnt in the game - but the flipping spell is. you know? the flipping spell, the spell that flips things, the flipping spell? yea. anyway its actually quite fun to just bash goblins around (they are more like scientologists)

hogwarts itself is pretty much teeming with mini activities, but the overworld quickly gets stale once you finish the castle - merlin trials exist only to make you put on family guy on your phone and play subway surfer with your feet

story is uh - its okay, the worst part of it is easily your main character, which is also the worst part of the game design by essentially forcing diablo rpg loot bullshit gear up your asshole and stretching your playtime sphincter with pointless crafting that barely makes a noticeable difference until youve farmed 37 unicorn dicks and made 10 little patches of "improved accio" that all get replaced faster than you can expelliarmus my hands off my dick

side characters generally grew on me, particularly the slytherin boys who had what we call in the industry a bit of "gray morals" (just like fallout new vegas) - natty can suck a fat avada kedavra, i dont know how they made someone with her sick ass powers so boring

wait, the author of this franchise said WHA-

Anyone who likes Harry Potter in the present day and isn't over the age of 35 needs serious jail time. Even if you attempt to separate this from the horror of a woman that is JK Rowling, you are still left with a barren, fetch quest ridden mess, par for the course with AAA gaming.

And of course I also got myself permanently softlocked

I actually enjoyed this game way more than I thought I would. I'm not a Harry Potter fan in the slightest - I read the books when I was in school but never enjoyed the films. I only tried the game because my cousin and a few friends played through it and told me they enjoyed it, so I thought I would give it an honest shot and see how far I got with it.
Imagine my surprise then when I was utterly swept up in this game. It just ticked all the right boxes for me - a massive, gorgeous open world with tons of puzzles and exploration and side activities to get lost in (even if the grind to get all the activities and collectables is slightly monotonous).

The magic system is great in that it not only facilitates your combat prowess but also ties into solving puzzles in the world. The talents you acquire also augment your spells in actually meaningful ways and make them more useful. The only bad part of the combat itself is that it does get repetitive as you are doing the same basic thing for like 60 hours, and the gear system seems to have been just an afterthought, to be honest. Luckily you can just glamour whatever you're wearing so that you're always fashionable, and like halfway through the game I had some gold pieces that I just upgraded and never traded out because the increases on everything else were negligible.

The story is probably the weakest part of the whole experience. It's a little bit too cliched and has pacing issues as you have to wait for characters between every step of their questlines. I also wish there were more choices in what type of character you wanted to play morality-wise or more options that encapsulate what house you are in, but, all said, it is entertaining enough throughout to keep you going, and it does have some genuinely great moments and set pieces sprinkled throughout.
I enjoyed a lot of the side missions as well, as they fleshed out some of the supporting cast and the actual world that the game is set in. The best part of the Harry Potter books has always been the world itself, so it was fun to explore more of the lore and setting.

There is just so much here that kept me busy for absolute hours, from combing every inch of Hogwarts for collectables, to flying around the open world, to tinkering with my Room of Requirement to get it just right to suit my aesthetics, to breeding magical creatures and all the rest of it. It truly was a magical experience, and with a better, more impactful story, this easily could have been one of my favourite games from last year.

This game has a lot of criticism online and most of them are warranted, but no one can deny, it's a great Black Panther adaptation.