Reviews from

in the past

Que jogo maravilhoso é esse em!
Uma obra de arte... nunca que um game desse pode ser classificado como Indie... não da.
Ele é simplesmente incrível.

Qualidade na jogabilidade, qualidade sonora, gráfica, história, TUDO.

Um dos grandes jogos ja feitos... aguardando ansiosamente pela continuação.

Todas las loas que se han hecho a este juego son merecidas. Cada aspecto de Hollow Knight está tan ajustado como los saltos entre sus plataformas y aunque desde el principio no te coge de la mano, su dificultad nunca parece injusta. Siempre te da un respiro, un resquicio para aprender y consigue que la satisfacción al superar sus retos sea una de las mejores sensaciones que un videojuego puede darte.

Pero no sólo es virtuoso en su parte jugable, si no en todo lo que lo rodea. La ambientación, dirección de arte o música son excelsas y su historia, como su pequeño protagonista, esconde a simple vista mucho más de lo que unos ojos que no estén atentos puedan observar.

Una maravilla.

Currently playing this game, very difficult but very challenging overall - loving the animations and gameplay though

Borderline masterpiece. To start off, The world design and character designs are incredible. Each world in this game gives off a different vibe along with the beautiful soundtrack that immerses you into the game's world. Using bugs as characters lets the devs make whatever they want with some influence on the real-life bugs. Exploration is endless with the thousands of secrets and alternate paths that can be found that hide secrets of the game's deep lore. The game is challenging enough that can keep you from finishing the game too fast but it's not too hard that makes you rage. A nitpick I can give is that the movement is not very flexible and can get repetitive at times.

Best Purchase I have ever done.

The amount of content and enjoyment that I got for that price is insane. If they priced this like a triple A I would've glad paid it.

Lo mismo que dije para su versión de PC, pero aqui. El mejor metroidvania de la historia.


2 hours, 34 minutes and -5€ later, I deleted this game from ps5

desperation won the game

O que mais gostei dentre os que joguei no ano. Me prendeu por horas e horas e horas.

PEAK GAMING. Souls made to be appetizing and accessible to new players in the early game but by the end game it's harder than most souls fights. Haunting story and incredible soundtrack that pulls you even more into the events of the game.

Le jeu est trop beau, les musiques sont cools, mais j'ai jamais réussit à accrocher. Le back tracking je trouve ça trop chiant, dommage ça m'embête de pas réussir à accrocher à des jeux unanimement admis comme des bangerz.

So far I only have 64% completion and have only gotten the first ending but I can confidently say that Hollow Knight is one of the best games I have ever played. It takes almost all of the great things from Dark Souls and has almost none of the bad.

This game is amazing, the combat, the art, the everything, it can get boring whenever you don't know where to go or what you're doing and I don't feel as though the skills add all that much to the combat, for better or for less.

Hollow Knight is an amazing Metroidvania.
It has a great art style, good combat and a decent amount of lore behind it.

The one indie game you should play.

Acho q nunca vi um jogo com uma dificuldade tão difícil e gostosa ao mesmo tempo.

Jogo com um passo muito lento, não gostei da gameplay e achei meio morto em questão de ambientação.

Melhor Jogo indie, e melhor metroidvania. Jogão.

um dos jogos da minha vida, direção de arte impecável, progressão de gameplay perfeita, bosses perfeitos, simplesmente obra de arte.

Sem mente pra pensar, Sem vontade pra quebrar, Sem voz para gritar o sofrimento. Nascido de Deus e do Vazio.

review copied from GameTrack

Console Played On: Xbox Series X
Game played using Xbox Game Pass

Hollow knight was a great introduction to the Metroidvania genre for me. It has beautiful art and music, along with fun and surprisingly intuitive gameplay. Hollow knight is at its best when you're just exploring and finding new areas and upgrades. My only real issue is the boss fights, because while every single one was interesting and unique, there were quite a few that left me more frustrated if anything else. Repeatedly dying over and over again because of some BS move the boss can pull isn't exactly what I called fun, but of course not every boss is like that. So yeah, I think Hollow Knight is an amazing game, and probably the best indie I've played yet. I can't wait to try out more Metroidvanias in the future.

9 / 10.

just recently beat the main basegame standard ending everything, and i'll be honest i am pretty mixed, this is pretty consistently a good game, but it is also very reminiscent of DS1 in so many ways design wise, both good and bad. The difficulty also felt completely inconsistent and generally very easy, as almost every main boss fight was done within 3 tries. This is a great foundation for what silksong could be if it actually comes out.

There is really not much to say this game is just perfect in every way please god play Hollow Knight.

One of the most complete and fulfilling games I've ever played in my entire life