Reviews from

in the past

It's lacking, it feels like an XBLA game, but for all it is, it's certainly not NOT fun. Weird little TPS tower defence game. It's on gamepass so it's worth an afternoon

Real gamers will remember when this game was called "Trenched".

This game had a massive spike in difficulty at one point. It was that same point where I had a massive spike in disinterest.

Great fun. especially with a friend. Like most i got this game when it was free for gold.

Neat and inventive but I was not into it. The humor is unbearably meta.

Plusy: grywalność w coopie, fajny koncept, system unlocków
Minusy: brzydka grafika, nuda, słabi wrogowie, nędzna fabuła

5 - This game made me realize Armored Core 6 fucking sucks

It was fun playing with my buddies in highschool. It was a free with xbox live gold game so we just fucked around in it but it was actually pretty neat.

The cutscenes are great. Everything else? Not so much.

A really great multiplayer game with solid gameplay, a lot of cool ideas, as well as plenty of silly charm. The once eponomyous walking trenches were an amazing idea, a real funny way to do mechs without calling them mechs. This along with a few other details (such as analog saluting, which was great to do in lobbies) gave the game a lot of fun personality. The tower defense gameplay is also really solid and well designed, makes for a great strategic and fun action game to play with friends.