Reviews from

in the past

Nothing exceptional, but it's a decent bullet hell game and it has co-op, it can be a fun thing to throw on when you aren't sure what else to play with your friends.

I feel like it didn't bring enough newness to the table to really impress me, but I already enjoyed the original, so this one definitely was worth the pickup on sale so I could go back to it again.

Really fun, but a bit short. 4 player shmup chaos.

Adore this indie shmup. It's super pretty.

I really dig this game and agree on the general opinion that this is a good entry point. Still I think it also feels a little off with some of its design choices. I need to play this w friends to see the coop praise in action.

If there's anything I want to bury into your mind through reading these reviews, it's that for the most part a simple concept executed amazingly will always trump an ambitious concept treated halfheartedly. And Jamestown is no exception.

It's a SHMUP, which is something that's honestly rare outside of the Touhou series nowadays. It's got a stellar art style, a very good if short story, enough ship variation to keep things interesting, and enough difficulty states to both let you relax and go your own pace while also pushing you to slowly creep up to that peak difficulty level.

It's good on your own, like really REALLY good. But if you can get a few friends together to huddle around your computer like a bunch of cultist gremlins worshiping some sort of evil god, you will have a fucking blast with this game. I'm certain.

A pretty fun time overall. It's nothing ground-breaking or mind-blowing, but it's good. The music is my only main gripe, it feels rather generic, especially when you compare it to most other shmups.

Easier mastery on Steam than the original, but the pros probably outweigh the cons. It's kind of simple but I can see it working as a quick couch co-op game.

The absolute peak of coop shmups there is out there.

As a shmup, it's punching up against a lot of other games. I think this has a great gameplay loop, but it's too simplistic to stand out.