Reviews from

in the past

Strong start, very weak ending. Just another pixel horror game, i guess.

point n' click legal. platinado na steam

A pretty decent point and click. A short story told in four acts. Acts 1, 2, and the beginning of 3 are very strong story wise, but the end of act 3 and all of act 4 is really weird and doesn't make much sense even after replaying it a few times. Both endings are pretty meh and even the "good" ending is pretty unsatisfying.

A solid game for Stranga, creepy and interesting story.

It was better than the first game in the series, My Big Sister. Its a top down adventure horro game with lots of dialogue and story to explore. I didn't care for it in my first playthrough, but may give it a second chance in the future and I only unlocked the bad ending so far.

A bit of a poor translation but otherwise very great

Aunque el principio me pareció aburrido, disfruté la parte de adulto y la relación que tiene con la chica. Eso sí, el final es un poco ambiguo y, apelando a su nombre. El final malo es horrible y el final bueno es...bueno.
Juego completado al 100%

Played via the UK PSN release on a Vita OLED.

This is the third Stranga Games experience I've had and I think this is quite possibly my favourite so far. Again, there's nothing ground breaking here in terms of gameplay, sound, art or narrative, but it pulls all aspects together rather cohesively you form a solid cozy horror experience that doesn't take more than a couple of hours to play through.

The puzzles are fun and relatively imaginative here but there were a couple of options I just would not have found out about without the help of a guide. The areas to explore keep your attention too with four very different levels to work through and a relatively soothing soundtrack to accompany you throughout. It also benefits from having a clearer narrative in comparison to Stranga's later efforts of My Big Sister and Red Bow although admittedly with aspects in both bad and good endings being a bit too vague again.

Overall if you're wanting to try a relatively interesting narrative-based point and click with some minor horror elements I really suggest giving this a go. It doesn't take long and it won't blow your mind but the characters are fairly memorable and the entire game is pretty chill.

this game is good but i felt like it could've had a little more potential? it felt too short

Eu gostei bastante do jogo, da história, da jogabilidade, etc. Senti medo algumas vezes, mas em outras não, isso porque a ambientação do jogo não era muito boa.
Achei os gráficos muito infantis, parecia que eu tava jogando uma creepypasta de pokemon em alguns momentos, e acho que isso não era proposital. Além de muitas piadas, alívio cômico desnecessário que quebravam todo o clima do jogo.
Também achei o design dos personagens muito preguiçosos, a maioria era igual; eu sei que é difícil variar em rpg maker, mas já joguei vários outros rpg maker que os personagens eram bem únicos. Mas eu gostei do design dos monstros.
Acho que a intenção dos criadores era fazer um jogo de terror do começo ao fim, mas não conseguiram, ficou parecendo mais um jogo normal com momentos de terror.
Mesmo com todas essas ressalvas não é um jogo ruim, achei bem divertido de jogar. A história conseguiu me prender até o fim para descobrir o que tava acontecendo, foi bem instigante.
É um jogo legal e eu comprei na promoção, então achei que valeu o preço.

+1 platina rápidakkk, mas falando do jogo, sinceramente é uma história cativante, simples mas que tem suas revelações muito bem construídas, personagens bem desenvolvidos e uma trilha sonora de arrepiar, apesar de ser um jogo curto vale a pena da a chance, pelo menos tem platina facil ae

I'm not sure if I had issues with my install, but there was a significant lack of audio through a lot of the game, making what should've been tense or somber moments just.. quiet and dull.

Otherwise the game itself is pretty interesting, concept is nice and weird as expected from Stranga, but unfortunately it just doesn't make as much sense as the other games. Not in that it's vague or unusual, but there are times when a character will do or say something that conflicts with the plot if you make a certain decision later on. Or react to something dramatically only to immediately snap back to their usual personality in the next line.

That aside, still a solid entry into my RPGMaker Horror catalogue and was good enough that I played most of it 2-3 times for all the secrets and trophies. Worth a try if you've got a few hours.