Reviews from

in the past

I was obsessed enough with this game to import a poster of it from the US. I own the hand in killer7 book, that I can't read bc it's in Japanese, the grasshopper artbook that thankfully got a translation and the OST that started me always perking up as soon as I know that Masafumi Takada did the score for a game.

I was a bit obsessed when the game came out.

Looking back at it and having played parts of it again two years ago, it lost a bit of it's charm for me.

I think I wouldn't like it as much if I had played it as an adult with the current state of games and esp indie games. Back then - for me at least - Killer7 was the word almost avant-garde game with it's weird graphics, antique railways-system-gameplay and confusing storyline.
But now there are more games like this or maybe it just feels like that too me I don't know.

I love it to bits and pieces but it is absolutely not for everyone and I get it when people don't like it. It's violent, it's confusing and definitely not easily accessible. Still glad it exists.

This one one of the most unique games I have ever played, gameplay and story-wise. I heavily recommend it

11/10 i definitely have energy to spare.

This game is a stylish fever dream and I loved every second of it.

One of the best political thrillers is a game where you fight the power rangers

Well, from what I have played, this is a nice little venture, I guess. Definitely not THE best Suda 51 game. God, no. It's got some quirky(?) characters and unique, gun gameplay, but REALLY needs to knock it off with the puzzles. Overall, it's an enjoyable experience for normal gamers and ESPECIALLY Suda 51 enjoyers like yours truly.

Pupunha pra The Smiths (irado tho)

my first foray into the sudaverse and i have to say it has me hooked. very enjoyable.

Before playing it i was creeped off by this games metascore but when i started playing... damn this game is a masterpiece.
Constant mystery and interesting characters , insane art style and amazing visuals and pretty decent story. With his out of ordinary visuals this game is one of a kind.

i think everyone should try this masterpiece

Beat it with a controller and in 4:3 for authenticity.

Incredibly intelligent direction from Suda51, one of the most unique story-based games ever made. The only complaints I have is that certain chapters are much, much less consistent and gripping than others

this game has a really strong start, doesnt keep the momentum for 2 chapters and then picks it back up. otherwise, itd be pretty perfect. reminds me of mgs2 in a lot of ways

A unique and immensely fascinating game that oozes style, for sure. However, I found the combat would get somewhat tiresome after a few hours of continuous play. It's not particularly challenging or exciting, since you're largely just shooting at the telegraphed weak points of upwards of 100+ braindead enemies per level. Luckily the bosses are usually quite interesting to make up for it.

This game's ending still gives me chills its so god damn good

I absolutely adore everything about this game's aesthetic and writing, despite the fact I only have a vague idea of what the fuck happened.

Unfortunately the actual gameplay doesn't resonate with me very much. It feels like a cross between a rail shooter and the puzzle solving of a Resident Evil game. This is not a combination that I think works especially well, I ended up getting lost and having to do a ton of backtracking for items which doesn't feel great in a shooter. Also the shooting kinda feels awful.

Overall though this is a super unique game that I'm sure I'll be thinking about and trying to interpret for a while, it's just not a game I want to actually play again anytime soon.

Unique gameplay and an awesome story that all comes together right at the end.
In the name of Harman...

Couldn't get into it. Tried twice. I wanted to love it as much as everyone else for its uniqueness and aesthetic but I just found the gameplay too tedious to want to continue both times.

Bastante bueno si juegas con una guía

Pretty dope, not sure if the story is as brilliant as the 140+ page analyses state, but it was enough to keep me into it for 5 hours or so. The gameplay is kinda moldy, I used a walkthrough at times. The storytelling was fascinating.

Cool art style, intriguing story, unconventional control scheme that seems weird at first but becomes natural as the game goes, terrible levels that dont feel satisfying to explore, puzzles that solve themselves, and unfulfilling combat. Overall, its a great game to watch and control but not play.

Suda at its finest. Crazy in gameplay, crazy in plot.

El 1er juego de Suda51 en ser traído a occidente en colaboración de Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil). Describirlo como "raro" sería quedarse muy pero muy corto.

Killer7 es de los juegos de disparos sobre rieles más únicos que he experimentado. Todo en este juego me vuela la cabeza: el gameplay, los personajes, la banda sonora, su historia de desarrollo... sin palabras.
Si algún día sale un Suda's Cut de Killer7 con todo el contenido que fue cortado del juego original juro que me apunto y lo compro a precio completo.