Reviews from

in the past

Visual novel bastante entretenida, sin demasiadas pretenciones, ni arriesga demasiado, tiene una historia bastante decente, con buenos giros y personajes, yendo de menos a más, con un punto autoconsciente que mola y justifica varias mecánicas.

Luego combina la VN con una especie de Candy Crush que está bastante bien metido, pero tiene una autoayuda que jode un poco y facilita de más las cosas, y deja espacio a ese punto salido japo (aunque lo justifica argumentalmente). Musical y artísticamente está simpático.

Bland cast of characters, forgettable story, uninspired match 3 puzzle game to sexualise the characters, and intense scenes involving murder and animal abuse with characters they want you to like, it's such a terrible game.

yo creo que esto es una VN que existe

Плохая визуальная новелла. Сюжет в начале интригует, но все портит ужасный геймплей с механикой три в ряд и мерзкими сценами раздевания персонажей, чтобы открыть их секреты

Halfway through i gave up on it and just powered through skipping everything to get my platinum trophy.

Holy shit, this vn is garbage.

This is a pervy match-3 game. I did not know that when I bought it. Must have missed that part of the Nintendo eShop description.

I'll just ignore the part where you strip high schoolers to their underwear. It's your typical visual novel about investigating mysteries where you have to replay several times to get all the clues. Sure, fine, it's a staple of the genre. But this reason it fits the genre so well is most of them have a fast skip feature for previously read text. This one does have a skip button, but even with that, the game is so slow. Every investigation sequence, every match-3 intermission, every uncomfortably long loading screen for those match-3 games. You'll start figuring out the exact frame you can enable skip on entering a room, just to get through it a millisecond faster. I might like the game better if replaying a loop wasn't so boring.

Emphasis on "might", because the way they use the replay aspect betrays a lack of respect for the player's time. If you're playing without a guide like I did, expect to fail a loop because you forgot to check in-game fake-Twitter at the right time, or you misclicked one option and didn't make a save because the save menu is so sluggish. Add a few loops for the time it takes to figure out the baffling decision to indicate true-ending text in red and fail-state text in blue.

The mechanical sloppiness bleeds into the story as well. Typos, dialogue errors, typos, typos, typos. The story veers into some dark territory aimlessly, focused solely on mining it for shock value and twisting expectations. While I'm not as negative on the true end as a lot of reactions I've seen, it feels like they never quite connected the final dot there. There's not a thematic cohesion to the mysteries and Nanami's arc.

In an effort to be more positive about life, I will now list both of the things I like about this game:
• Lots of visual novels make you replay a few times to solve the full mystery, but not many put the unsolvable chapter smack in the middle. That was mildly different.
• In the segment where you chase a student around the school, fake-Twitter starts buzzing about what on earth the freaks are doing. It made me laugh.

One star feels harsh. I'm an advocate of "star ratings are mostly meaningless" and I still wish I could give it two. But I think of scenarios where I would recommend this and can't come up with any. I'm going to remember this game as the one that prevented me from starting Famicom Detective Club on release day.

Biggest Pile of Shit i've ever played. Awful ending where there is no justice served. The most "erotic bait" shit ever. Horrible ending with no Goodness out of it. Don't play this crap.

my brother bought this shit for a buck because he found it fUnNy and thus listened to his intrusive thoughts

The beginning was average at best, but the more you play, the more you are taken by this story that is surprisingly demanding... I can't rate it better because the graphics and animations, except during puzzle game time, are horrendously unfazed.