Reviews from

in the past

Not into racers, but this one is too meh

Little Big Planet Karting es un juego con un concepto que estamos cansados de ver. Porque sacan una versión de autos de todo? Más allá de eso, un juego que "safa"

This game had potential, not only that but was good already. The story was a fun thing to have in a Kart racer and the creation aspect was fun to play with. The levels people made were amazing but the lack of community for this game killed it in the end. Eventually having the servers shut down was the end of it's life. Maybe a sequel could come of it but highly unlikely.

It may not be as good as ModNation Racers, but it's still a great time. Story tracks are really solid and the controls, while a tad floaty, are really smooth once you get the hang of it. I wish I played this while the servers were still online.

mais um jogo de corrida estilo mario kart

A slow paced and not very fun kart racer. There's a whole single player campaign of tracks to go through, but why you would want to do that is left an exercise to the player. The tracks there are pretty mediocre, and unexciting. Custom tracks can be a bit more interesting, since people can remake tracks from better games such as any Mario Kart, but the game is so slow that 3 laps on the same track is unbearable even if it is Waluigi Pinball. It takes forever. Really really bad!

This game had promise. It had some of the best music selection in the series, however create mode fell flat as it was a janky Modnation. but hey, Story mode was fun! and the community creations that people did make were amazing.

é de se pensar que o littlebigplanet KARTING é melhor que o 3.
dito isto esse joguinho me rendeu muita diversao e admito que sinto falta de joga-lo nos dias atuais...

Simple karting game, what I hated was the platinum, it was practically impossible. Matt and I tried so hard to get this plat we just couldn't find anyone to play with us, I also recall thinking a trophy or two were glitched.

For a total cash grab, the track building mode is kinda fun to mess around in.

It's not very fun, but it's not horrible. I couldn't get through it in the best of times though. So, it doesn't get the 2/5 I'd give to something I could realistically complete, but it's better than something not worth playing. So, 1.5/5.

It is an okay game, my personal favorite game of the franchise but still the most average kart racer I have played

Casi tan bueno como Modnation Racers

Entirely inoffensive kart racer at the time with a pretty cool track maker, but now that's offline I honestly wouldn't bother with this one

A serviceable kart racer slathered in LBP charm. That's as far as the compliments go. Drifting feels pointless and incredibly fiddly like a cheap iOS game and items feel like they're balanced for Battle Mode far more than the kart racing mode, which therefore makes them far too powerful and unfair in standard races (the green and red shell equivalents stun you for far too long, also most items are homing).

Customisation and creation online was obviously the name of the game here, but with the servers offline for years now and the game being locked behind an online pass when it was new to block preowned sales (ew), this game withered on the vine and therefore most of the intended functionality and replayability has been lost in subsequent years.

Play only if you're making your way through the LBP series, don't bother for any other reason.

I had this game and I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT WENT

It was a lot of fun though. Wish the greebles didn't take my copy

Track-maker was nice but all that’s left now is a middling kart-racer

It is Mario Kart with the creativity of LittleBigPlanet, which on paper should just be YES YES YES. But it's more YES NOOO yes.... The creation aspect is as clunky as it can get and the racing part is fun but not as great as the best of Mario Kart. So overall its on the same level but worse in each category from the games it's based on.

Definitely one of my favorite kart racers. Modnation walked so this one could run. Takes the LBP vibe and perfectly shoves it into the kart racer formula with a robust level maker.

EU ERA VICIADO (ainda sou) EM CUSTOMIZAR CARRO NESSE JOGO. Tudo que eu tenho de bom pra falar é que ele segue a mesma linha do Little Big Planet clássico, mas ao invés de fases de "plataforma", temos corridas. E MEU AMIGO, AS ARENAS DE BATALHA DÃO UM ARREPIO NA MINHA ESPINHA...

Tenho esse jogo há uns anos já, mas não lembro quantos, especificamente. Mas o jogo é foda. Zerei também, e fiquei muito triste porque não tinha mais fase.

Infelizmente eu nunca tive a oportunidade de entrar no online desse jogo, sempre joguei com amigos no multiplayer local. Mas ainda sim valia a jogatina. Um dos meus jogos favoritos de corrida junto com Mario Kart Wii.

You'd think this franchise would fit in to a kart racer perfectly... and it probably should. This didn't work out though. It felt awful to play. If it was done right I think this could have been a hit.

It was another karting game of the time, but as a LBP fan, it was nice to see the characters and the touches of the franchise added to a racing game. It just wasn´t so memorable for me. I´m giving it a 6, but it was a nice game to spend some time on.

Sans doutes pas le meilleur jeu de karting existant mais une bonne adaptation de l'univers de LittleBigPlanet
Très amusant avec des amis !

I don't need to justify myself to you

God this game was so fun. I miss it.