Reviews from

in the past

It's a free, short dating sim with nice furry art that takes less than 30 minutes to finish. When I downloaded it, I didn't realize that it was supposed to be an April Fool's joke based on another game called Rivals of Aether. I guess I'll check that out some time...

Funny April fools game that has a surprising amount of content.

Its a fun gag, but aside from the irony factor, I didn't really enjoy it.

I would risk it all for Absa Kragg

Your mom/kid would problably enjoy it.

this game is literally a joke, it came out April Fools Day

I 100%ed it...

due to my aversion to fighting games (read: i'm bad at them) i have not played 1 second of rivals of aether, but for some reason recently i was reminded of this thing existing post-me caring about the cringe optics of being a furry. and like, free hour long furry datesim? dont mind if i do! unfortunately, sadly, even as a furry, i can tell you this is pretty nothing. not bad! but not really good either, just nothing.

im not even really sure what this game is supposed to be, like on the surface its a gag game (maybe the premise of a datesim-lite spinoff of a platform fighter is bizarre enough in of itself), but it plays it way too straight to be a total joke, like its undebatable this was made by and to some extent for furries. pretty much none of the comedy in this is metatextual (which is what you'd expect for something like this), almost all of it is stuff that wouldn't be out of place in any other datesim divorced from the rivals name--for the most part its literally exactly whats on the box.

but also, its way too short and has way too many characters to be that good of a datesim either, you get maybe a paragraph from each character, maybe 2 if you spend any available freetime with them before you have to pick which one you wanna go out with in the end. how am i supposed to know which one of these people i want to date without knowing anything about them besides their assigned archetype?

again, im not even really sure what the goal was here. it's not much of a joke game, and its definitely a datesim but it almost feels made out of obligation, like "ok the joke is its a datesim now we gotta do a datesim" and then its just the most default thing ever. it's certainly not bad by any means, its a pretty competently made game (and let's be honest, the main reason this game was probably made was to have a reason to draw/commission furry art and in that regard this succeeds with flying colors), but it's going to evaporate from my brain the next time i go to sleep. ah well

Maypul was a freak in computer class

No, I didn't enjoy it. No, I didn't 100% it on an alternate account because I was ashamed to have it in my steam library. No, I didn't run a second playthrough on my phone. I totally didn't gush over Absa's route. What the hell are you talking about? Why would I ever play this game? It's not like it's related to my favorite platform fighter of all time..

Played (((for fun))) with a friend.

I don't see why this game was made at all, and there's not even a dateable Shovel Knight.

silly little furry dating sim to accompany rivals of aether

Dan Fornace has done it again.

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Short and fun, it's pretty good for what it is: an April Fools prank. I went for the 100% and even though it got pretty tedious (a button to fast-forward text would've helped a lot), the fact that it made me read Etalus whole undercover cop thing made it worth it. That was hilarious.

i 100%d this in 2019 while denying that i was into men

best lore drop the franchise has ever had

not a furry cus I stopped playing :sunglasses: