Reviews from

in the past

A poetic existence; by far the best Japanese mahjong client resides within this gloriously Ka wa ii skin.

It's a web mahjong client with a god awful gacha you can ignore if you like to feel poor.

Depressão, tristeza e fé abalada durante a partida inteira

Bato um tanyao

"Vocês são meros plebeus comparados a mim"

i like making my friends angry its funny

i have a severe gambling addiction

I destroyed one friend that was near a Yakuman with a hand of 2k points. Good times.

Mahjong is super fun as a game, but as a platform Majsoul is probably the worst even though it's the most commonly used

Tem a Yagi Yui então é o melhor jogo de todos

agora eu entendo quando os lolzeiros falam "ain eu não consigo sair do bronze"

playing this game is a form of self harm

Mahjong causes great repairs to the human spirit with numerous benefits.

Quando eu aprender a jogar isso 100%, eu dou 10

easily the most fun i've had playing a board game

edit (14/08/2022): (my top moment)

Nada se compara à experiência de ter um tenpai de Yakuman interrompido por um Tanyao.

i want the akagi skin so bad 💔

That's how you make a gacha game

Came to learn Mahjong for Yakuza games, stayed for the epic mahjong gameplay (definitely not for the anime girls).

fun game, easy for me to pick up after putting down for a while. ive never played mahjong before this and i think the anime girls and bishoujens are. uh. Something? not really my thing. i appreciate that the game is less focused on gacha, though i wish it were easier to get new characters in general. i would love to get the dog guy but i will never spend money on a gacha.

that said, great game for teaching you mahjong & it lacks text chat so you won't get yelled at except maybe with reacts. i think it's better that way

can we get more furries, also? like just animal people? come on

Who knew I'd whale in a Mahjong game.

Funny chinese board game, truly our apex as humans.
