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PS4 Open Beta Impressions, August 2020

If you've played the Arkham trilogy or Spider-Man or God of War, and you like Destiny-style looting and leveling..... Then this game is gonna tease you with a combination of ideas that never quite come together.

My take is: this is a video game. It's not very interesting or novel, you've seen this all before. But it's not bad, really. Just boring.

What's cool is that all the characters do actually feel meaningfully different, even if you are still gonna be doing light-light-heavy most of the time. What's not cool is that it's all kinda chunky. It just doesn't have the flow state feel that Arkham or Spider-Man has. This kinda leaves you to just run all over the place wishing you could read the room better and that your teammates would stop killing enemies before you could get in a satisfying hit.

A big highlight is how fun it is to play Ms Marvel and Hulk. They were smart to make them the focus on the demo, and presumably of the start of the game. Ms Marvel is really interesting, she's got longer ranged melee attacks, and she's reasonably fast. She can also swing around on her stretchy arms and it's really dang fun. Makes me think that the Spider-Man update for PS4 could be a reskin of her in some way (this is speculative). Hulk is more interesting than he may seem as well. He does just bounce around and crush everything, but there are some fun moves, and he actually moves pretty fast. There's a lot of weight to the animations that makes for a surprisingly satisfying experience.

The other two characters you can level up freely, Black Widow and Iron Man, are kinda fine to me. Iron Man has a problem where you control flight and your reticule with the right stick at the same time. If you want to aim down, you have to start flying down too. It's really frustrating. Black Widow has the problem of being the the person without superpowers. So she ends up being really fast and can be satisfying to beat enemies down as you dodge and roll and shoot and grapple, but she just doesn't have the very physically pleasing animations of Hulk or Ms Marvel or the power of Iron Man.

It's also good that you can play the entire game solo, it seems. The mission start menus are kinda confusing, so you might get real players and you might not. You can toggle it, but it's confusing.

As for the loot, it seems just fine. The loot that you get has several statistics that never quite make sense. For example, your health pool is called Willpower. Why not just call it health? It confuses me.

Loot has an overall power rating, and the bigger that is, the better. Loot can also have perks like "performing a perfect dodge will make your next attack deal 32.5% extra cosmic damage" or "having this specific node on the skill tree unlocked will change your damage to shock type." All of that is fine, but I don't know what shock, cosmic, particle, cryo, or whatever damage is. It doesn't mean anything to me, and the game doesn't help me understand it, so why would I care? Perhaps this is better tutorialized in the main release.

This leaves the loot feeling really bland in comparison to other games that have taken up the Destiny structure, including Destiny itself. Perks and boons don't make sense and aren't clearly communicating what actually changes if I use this piece of gear vs another.

I will be playing the final release, but this beta leaves me feeling satisfied for now because it doesn't feel like there's much to be interested in. I'm gonna wait for updates and new characters, and importantly, a sale. I love loot games, MMOs, and Marvel, so I'm gonna play it eventually.

This game will do well, and it's probably for the best that it's not absolute trash. But part of me feels like if it was really bad, it could have been given time to become something really awesome, like an FFXIV comeback story. Instead, I predict it's just gonna coast on a fun license paired with a mediocre combat system.

It’s still a bit buggy, but developer response has me optimistic it will get the care and attention it needs.

Vaya bajón de juego.

La parte live service está rota, no debería haber salido. Pensaba que al menos la campaña merecería la pena, pero tras unas horas iniciales prometedoras se la comen las misiones multijugador aburridísimas. Qué pena.

The character interactions are cute but the gameplay, story, graphics, and in game purchases are PURE TRASH! Honestly one of the worst games I've played this year. Just buy Ultimate Alliance 3.

i liked when the hulk turned around to look at the camera and laughed at me for buying the game and then called me the n word(soft a, hulk is green and not racist)

had insider info on this game months before it was revealed and was very hyped. shame the game is utter dogshit

Fun, but very repetitive. The best experience I've had in a Marvel game and definitely the best story I've seen in one. This was very buggy when I played through it, several of those bugs being game breaking.

Fun action game with a good story. The main campaign is pretty short but there is plenty of co-op missions to do with friends and that keeps it from getting stale... but first you need some friends. I wish there was more open world like a fully explorable NYC or something.

Pior jogo que eu já joguei no PS4.

Not worth even a free download on GamePass. This "game" deserves to be left in the dust as well as all other live service titles thinly veiled as proper AAA narrative games.

Doesn't matter if the DLC is free or not.

A fun single player but the core of this game is rotten.

So much potential wasted on repetitive gameplay

3.5 pela gameplay da black widow e a campanha que até é divertida

No solo la historia deja de ser buena en cuanto te presentan la zona de guerra (aka esto es un juego multijugador repleto de misiones clónicas) sino que encima el rendimiento en PC es una basura.

No se qué se fumaron para contar con una licencia tan potente y que acabasen siendo cinco mapas con las mismas cinco bifurcaciones para acabar haciendo las mismas "secundarias" (si es que se les puede llamar así, casi mejor definirlas como objetivos extras).

El proceso en todas las misiones es literalmente el mismo (salvo cuando en la misión principal te guían por un tramo lineal): llegas a la zona, avanzas (puedes elegir hacer algún objetivo extra como salvar a algún inhumano, coger un cofre oculto...), abres una puerta, te metes en el ascensor y terminas la misión con algún objetivo tipo "rey de la colina" (aguantar más bases que el enemigo), o eliminar a todos los objetivos, en fin, ese tipo de misiones insulsas. Pues así es todo el juego durante la corta duración de su escasa campaña y sus docenas de horas de misiones secundarias clónicas.

Gracias por hacer todo mal, Crystal Dynamics! Al menos los gráficos no están tan mal una vez te acostumbras a los anticarismáticos modelados (excepto Kamala y Hulk).

A great story but repetitive, soulless multiplayer. The first DLC was amazing and I’m looking forward to see if that trend continues.

Story was surprisingly fun as well as some characters to play but endgame gets boring fast due to repetetive enemies and locations as well as unsatisfying loot collecting

I just really wish this game was the game I would have wanted when I was 12. I know its not but I can't give it up! Its going to get so much better with updates but its so dead already that its unlikely it'll continue to have support that long.

Una licencia tan jugosa absorbida por un diseño tan horroroso. Es descuidado en todo: en la campaña, en sus personajes, en el sistema de combate, en el apartado artístico, en la localización... Y es tremendamente genérico y de llevarse las manos a la cabeza el que los héroes más poderosos de la Tierra se dediquen a ir de base secreta en base secreta, todas iguales, a machacar robots y conseguir cosas. De todo el plantel de súper villanos que tienen en Cristal Dynamics, por alguna razón que solo ellos entenderán, decidieron que una organización tan genérica como IMA iba a suponer un acierto. Al principio me daba la sensación de que había partes del juego en el que había algo de cariño; pero no, no hay ningún mimo en ni un solo aspecto. De locos cómo se ha desaprovechado una marca que es un auténtico caramelito para cualquier estudio de videojuegos.

Fui com as expectativas baixas por ver tanta gente falando mal, mas acabei me surpreendendo. A campanha é bem divertida.

Unlike most people, I actually like this game, while the story isn’t much it’s really fun the characters are fun to use the beat em up style is satisfying. Very overrated.

When I saw the first trailer for the game I was super excited for it. When the next trailer came up I was super excited, when I got the game I was still quite excited. I think the original before all the updates to the helicarrier were made was the best version of the game, aside from the various rendering issues & glitches.

The game was flawed anyhow, the main campaign is the best part of the story the best part of the characters was playing Captain America and Hawkeye. However I really think they missed their shot with this game.

Could not make it past the first hour of this game. Not sure if I can give it another try with so many better games out there.

With the potential this had it's absolutely amazing how badly they missed the mark with this game in almost every way. Be smarter than me and save your money from this horrendous experience.

Absolutely worthless purchase, and one of the worst gaming decisions I've made. The only positive I can give is that the combat for Iron Man and Kamala was a bit fun, and multiplayer was there, but that is it. The game ran and played so poorly, with multiple crashes, a story that was both boring and insulting, and a grind that can only be found in the depths of mobile gaming. Avoid this game like the plague.

Had the potential to be marvelous (see what I did there) but ultimately fell short in almost every regard.

Le habría ido mucho mejor si no lo hubiesen sacado como "Live-service" y con microtransacciones, aunque el juego en si no esta mal, por desgracia, esta descatalogado