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in the past

Surprise of the year with great writing and fantastic presentation!

The combat is chaotic fun at first, but gets extremely boring and repetitive towards the end of chapter 8. The fights seem to drag on forever even on custom difficulty with increased damage and defenses.

Here's hoping for a sequel with more polished and smooth combat and traversal.

such a fun game with a surprisingly great cast/story probabyl my second fav guardians media pice
and the music they made for this game slaps and is much better than anything they licensed!

Combate horrendo. Os diálogos salvam, as vezes...

a dublagem melhora 100% da experiência

I'm sure the problem is mostly with me, but I tried like a dozen times to beat the same mission to no avail. Even trying to dumb down the difficulty settings didn't help and THAT only made it more frustrating.

For the parts I got through, the writing was really great and I wish I could finish the story, but I don't have the patience or time at this stage in my life to tough it out.

Most of the fights with henchmen type characters or smaller monsters were honestly way too long and repetitive even when I was beating them with relative ease so it's hard to say what my final score might've been even if I COULD finish it.

Certainly better than Marvel's Avengers at least.

A gameplay mesmo que sendo uma versão melhorada do Marvel Vingadores, pode soar repetida em certos momentos, o combate caótico com pouca estratégia e alguns bugs que acabavam incomodando, mas surpreende no investimento colocado em sua história, uma aventura épica cheia de altos e baixos, a relação dos personagens que vão crescendo individualmente, a imersão dos diálogos (q rolam por grande parte da gameplay) me faziam "parte" desta equipe de desajustados, conseguindo ser até melhor que os filmes é sem dúvida a adaptação definitiva dos Guardiões da Galáxia.

The plot is the typical marvel plot. It means it's not my cup of tea. The combat is little boring sometimes. There are only one good boss and 3 bosses in all like 20-25 hours game. I don't know what to say about this game. I'm not sure why i hoped it will be next DA:O. Probably because of game journalists. Good optimisation. The spaceship crashing into a planet game sequence was made by a literally brainless person. Solid 5,5/10 game tho.

Gameplay daora, graficos coloridos e bonitos, historia e dublagem maravilhosas.

was fun but im glad I didnt pay full price

SUPER UNDERRATED. This flew under the radar for many because of the Avengers game, but man is it good. Decent story, fun gameplay and an awesome soundtrack. My biggest gripe is that you can't play as the other members. I would have loved to play as Gamora as she was my favorite character.

An amazing cast of characters, I truely loved the conversations and witty banter, and the cutscenes don't look half-bad either! The gameplay is fairly simple and repetitive, but it's fun...for a while.

El sistema de combate se hace un poco repetitivo, pero como historia de mi grupo de superhéroes misfits favorito, es buenísima, es a las pelis de Gunn lo que el Spider-Man de PS4 a las pelis de Raimi. Manejar solo a Star-Lord y hacer que los diálogos tengan relevancia ayuda muchísimo a darte la sensación de de verdad estar liderando el equipo. Todos los personajes tienen muchísima carisma y casi que es mi versión favorita de muchos de ellos (de Gamora al menos), y me gusta que aunque solo luches con los 5 Guardianes principales, el equipo vaya creciendo en cada aventura. En definitiva, un producto que puede sentirse orgulloso de llevar el nombre de la marca.

This review contains spoilers

I was not sure what to expect from this game cause I did go in partially blind. I saw the E3 reveal but thats it. I loved this game. The story was great and its a story that hits really close to home. I thought it was beautiful. The combat was pretty sick. The way it utilizes the other guardians was cool and the conversations between them was sick. I liked how also decisions within the game also affected future missions as well. That was a neat feature that I had no clue was in it. I did experience many annoying bugs which was a shame but nothing to bad to spoil my experience. Wish some DLC would come out for this game cause it was pretty dope.

go and read Marvel Annihilation (2006)

Fácil meu jogo favorito de 2021.

Deu início a minha jornada pelos jogos recentes da Marvel e sendo bem sincero nunca imaginei que fosse tão bom.
Não consigo pensar em nenhuma crítica, só tenho o que elogiar.

Primeiramente transformar esse jogo em uma espécie de Mass Effect foi uma decisão que beira a genialidade, acredito que seja a forma perfeita para trabalhar com jogos de equipes.

A história e o roteiro chegam a dar inveja aos filmes recentes do MCU, diria inclusive que é melhor que os próprios filmes da franquia. Adorei o desenvolvimento dos personagens, todos possuem suas complexidades e falhas e passam por arcos narrativos bem interessantes.

Por fim, um jogo excelente que infelizmente foi ofuscado pelo péssimo jogo dos vingadores. Espero muito que tenho uma sequencia.

Man, I dunno.

The game makes an excellent first impression with creative art direction that immediately pulls you in. The characters are solid, balancing what we know from the MCU against a unique take on the guardians. But seriously, this thing is paced torturously at times. The ability progression is stretched really thinly across a 17-hour playthrough, which means you reach the apex of your arsenal with ages left to play. It means the tail end of the game becomes a total drag gameplay wise, which is a bummer because I think there are elements of the climax that are genuinely great. It just sucks I was already worn down by the experience by this point. It either needed to be shorter to have a more sharp experience, or more enemy variety and ability combinations to make it feel more concise.

Still, I can't ignore how much I loved the design of every location in the game. It's a fantastic example of aesthetic appeal carrying much of the experience, for better and worse.

Wayyyyyy too much talking and not enough actually playing a game. And even then the gameplay just isn't fun.

Played on PS5
Also Available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S
Playtime: 17 Hours
Completion Date: December 31, 2021
1000% No Spoilers

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is a game developed by Eidos Montreal and published by Square Enix. It's a lineer action adventure title.

I will only give details about the first chapter while talking about the story don't worry. The game is about Guardians going on a mission, during the mission, an accident causes a horrible thing to get out into the universe. Of course, the Guardians tries to stop it before it destroys everyone and everything.

Story is really good. It has so many twists and turns and it goes to very interesting places. The summary i gave you might sound cliche but that's because i don't want to ruin anything. Less you know, more fun you will get from this game.

But i think the reason why story works this great is the characters. Wow. Thanks to the MCU, a lot of people are familiar with these characters. And while at first they feel like they came out of the MCU. But there are so many great little things developers put into the game that makes the characters different.

Star Lord has more depth thanks to an interesting relationship he has with the main villain and his relationship with his team. Gamora seemed like the one we knew from the movies but towards the end, some revelations about her past makes her scarier and deeper.

Drax gets a big push. There is a chapter dedicated to him and his relationship with his family. He has more depth for sure. Rocket and Groot doesn't have as much depth as the other 3 but there is a fun thing they do with Rocket. And he has a very good scene. A little after the midpoint of the game.

There are many more characters. And there are more than one villain. Which was great. They already showcased Lady Hellbender. She was great. There is also Raker, don't want to say too much about him but just like the main characters, he has a reason, a motivation and a depth to his character.

Game uses cutscenes to tell the big story points of course but our characters also talks a lot and i mean A LOT during gameplay. Their chemistry is fantastic. Shout out to their voice actors. They did a great job.

Yeah, the narrative of this game is fantastic. Does it deserve the best narrative award it got in The Game Awards? Probably. There are still many games i want to play in 2021 but this narrative is Playstation Exclusive/Rockstar level. Which means it's S tier. But, unfortunately. It's not all great.

The gameplay, is fun. Good. But definitely not great. In this game, you can only control Star Lord. You can give commands to other characters though. There is a wheel you can open with a press of a button. Then you select the character and you have 4 options. All of them are different attacks with different effects.

It's very easy to use them and they are fun to watch. The problem is, they look more fun than playing Star Lord. As Star Lord, you can do some melee combat but it's very limited. You mostly use your guns. And while i liked using them, you only use those.

There are some elemental abilities you gain but they are not changing the flow of combat that much. For 17 hours, it's only guns. And that gets boring. Especially when you get to max level. When i got to max level, there was still 3-4 hours left until the end.

There is also a perk system. You will find some components and you can install some extra benefits to your guns. Nothing too interesting but it was still progress. When i purchased every perk, there was like 6 hours left until the end. Both of these things kills that progression feeling in the Third Act of the game which makes the combat sequences less fun.

There are some team executions, environmental objects that different guardians can use. There are a bunch of enemy types. Especially in the first half of the game. Second half doesn't introduce that much new enemy types.

Animations are great but there are many problems with the sound. Sometimes it doesn't come at all, sometimes it comes late. 2 months after the launch, they are not fixed. There are also some bosses. Nothing too special but there were some unique ones towards the end.

Combat is of course not the only thing we do in the game. There is also exploration and puzzle solving. With some platforming. All of these things are great in my opinion because of the dialogues between characters. They are funny, interesting and smart.

You will have fun while learning more about the characters and this version of the marvel universe. There are also choices by the way. They don't impact the ending at all. But there are some different scenes and different events in in the road to the ending. That is a very nice and clever thing to add. I will definitely play the game another time both to get the platinum trophy and to make different choices and see the scenes that i missed.

There are many collectibles. Wall of texts with some lore, outfits and the most interesting of them all, guardian collectibles. These things will unlock new conversations you can have with your teammates in your ship Milano. They are fully voice acted lore dumps but they are fun and they definitely give the characters more depth. Find as much as you can!

On PS5, currently there are 3 graphic modes. Fidelity which is 4K 30. Performance which is 60 FPS and i think 1080p. Also a Ray Tracing mode they added later. It's also 30 and of course has Ray Tracing enabled. It might be 2K. Might be something like 1800p. Not sure about that.

I played it on the fidelity mode. I am used to the 30 FPS and it was a locked 30. Game looked beautiful in 4K with HDR. I recommend Fidelity for your first playthrough if you have a 4K TV. In my second playthrough, i am thinking of using the Ray Tracing mode. Heard the performance mode had frame drops. But don't quote me on that.

Music is great. They have a ton of licensed music and many they have created. In the end, i really liked this game. Gameplay is not perfect but i don't think it's bad or boring as some people say. The game throws you into so many battles in the last 2 hours so at that point it was a little boring but i had fun with the gameplay in the first half for sure.

Story and characters are top tier. Incredible. Graphics and music, very good. Currently it's my favourite game of the year but like i said, still many games i have to play. Though i have a feeling it will be in my Top 5, maybe even Top 3 after i played everything i am interested in that came out this year. Thanks for reading it, Happy New Years!

Da primeira vez que joguei, eu pirei na qualidade dele
Recentemente peguei pra rejogar e meio que não era mais tão divertido, o modo difícil é meme e o combate se torna enjoativo, é melhor que Avengers mas isso não é muito mérito

Suprisingly a good game based off an existing property. I feel like most of this game could've been cliches, but I ended up caring more about it than I thought. The combat is made fun by switching characters and improving their abilities over time, but you get skills way too quickly and combat becomes a bit dry near the end. The environments are pretty for the most part, and with a side of marvel dialogue, it's an enjoyable experience.

A complete surprise this was. Picked up on gamepass before it left and was greeted with a memorable 20 hour experience I will not forget. I know this game got tainted with Avengers being whatever that game was, but this one deserves all the credit for how much obvious love infused craftsmanship was present. Please play this one if you have the slightest interest.

Mid that’s it. It’s just mid

It's really good and highly enjoyable imo. The story, while predictable and a little safe at point, is great. The gameplay is fun and enjoyable, if a little repetitive. This game is way better than it has any right to be.