Reviews from

in the past

Me pareció un poco más "jugable" que el anterior, la verdad es que tiene el mismo sistema de niveles, 4 niveles por escoger y luego 4 más seguidos sin recargar las armas. Así funciona hasta el jefe final Dr. Willy. Siento que mejoraron al jefe ya que ahora tiene 3 fases distintas y no la mierda difícil de la vez pasada.
Ahora introdujeron a Rush al juego, haciendo más ayudas como volar, el trampolín o nadar.
De ahí en fuera lo considero un poco aburrido.
-Juego completado en Nintendo Switch ✅️

Açò sí és un joc de Mega Man com toca, la veritat. No sé si inclús és massa fàcil o només m'ho pareix per com d'infernal era l'anterior.

El diseny de nivells ja no és un intent d'assassinar-te constant i els Robot Masters addicionals tenen les seues fases i tot. En conjunt es nota que el joc ha tingut més dedicació (o ganes), molt recomanable, la veritat.

També es nota moltíssima milloria en els gràfics (especialment els fons) i el rendiment (enemics repetits del 1, ara no produeixen ralentitzacions).

Honestly pretty good, I'm familiar with the idea of GameBoy Mega Man games crossing into several individual entries of the Classic Mega Man titles and even incorporating new bosses at the end, it's kinda fun.

The level design in this one wasn't as unfair as Mega Man I either, pretty neat.

القصة مثيرة للاهتمام بس برضو سيء

Quint might have the most wasted potential of any Mega Man character.

Also am I tweaking or are the physics worse than in Dr. Wily’s Revenge.

After this game your ears will bleed

This game proves how video games don't have to be difficult to be bad. Stay away from this one.

Not as awful as the first game but still not anywhere near good.

Maybe it's just relief to actually enjoy Mega Man again after coming from Dr. Wily's Revenge, but Mega Man II was a way more enjoyable experience than I was expecting. Nothing flashy, or even anything amazing. But just coherent, well put together levels and action platforming that you've come to enjoy from the Mega Man series. The focus on vertical stages instead of the typical screen scroll was much appreciated, and even the traditional screen scroll sections felt much better by comparison.

Still it's a Game Boy Mega Man title, so it's nothing spectacular. The music is actually...worse somehow from the previous game, which blows. Also sucks there's no original Mega Man Killer in this game. But outside of some minor level design gripes, this is a title much more respectful of your time.

This game was so much better then Dr. Wily's Revenge, but I felt as though that this game was too easy, it showered me with lives and introduced E-Tanks, but some bosses like Crash Man and Needle Man were too unpredictable. So overall it was meh.

The first game that unirocally i can put it a "1/10", ist just terrible in everything

I went into this expecting a shitshow as I've heard a lot of shit about it and it's the only GB Mega Man game made by a different company than the rest. This was good though! I like the music a lot and the level design was cool. Interesting to play some Mega Man 2 stages with the slide.

You think this game and CRAZYBUS are good friends?

soundtrack is god awful and there is some questionable level design here and there but overall it's solid. not a bad game but not incredible either.

Megaman II on the Gameboy is actually surprisingly fun! It's really hard like other 8-Bit Megaman games but it's very fun to play. It actually feels fair to fight the bosses. The addition of the slide move adds more depth to dodging projectiles which makes it more interesting.

[played on mGBA Wii w/ GBC Edition patch by SpecialAgentApe]

After playing through Mega Man: Dr. Wily’s Revenge recently and enjoying it a lot more than I expected, I figured the next logical course of action would be to play the second Game Boy game! I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this one considering its reputation, but I had a fairly decent time! There’s certainly a few issues and places where it falls flat in comparison to the first game, but I still mostly had fun.

Despite being handled by a different studio (Biox/Thinking Rabbit instead of Minakuchi Engineering), Mega Man II retains a lot of its predecessor’s DNA. The Robot Masters are still split into two groups, although the latter four get their own stages this time around, which helps make the game feel a bit longer. And just like Dr. Wily’s Revenge, II takes after the NES titles in regards to bosses and stage themes (pulling from Mega Man 2 and 3 this time), which means the slide, Rush and E-Tanks make their Game Boy debut! I’ll get more into Rush when I talk about the weapons, but E-Tanks are always nice to have for their convenience, and the slide’s still a fantastic movement option.

In terms of control, Mega Man feels a lot tighter, and closer to his NES self as a result. He does have an odd sense of rigidness that I never fully got used to, but it’s only a minor blemish since he still feels better in just about every other way.

The Robot Master abilities are a bit strange this time around. Due to the fairly high difficulty of Dr. Wily’s Revenge, I felt incentivized to use them often to deal with tougher enemies. But because of how easy II is by comparison, I didn’t use them anywhere near as often. Even with access to the Metal Blade, Leaf Shield and Magnet Missile, I barely touched them due to how effective the Mega Buster was. They do come in handy for quickly dealing with smaller enemies and ones hidden in weird spots, but that’s basically it.

By comparison, Rush gets a lot more mileage. There was a surprising amount of underwater sections that required the use of his Marine form, and due to Jet taking after its Mega Man 3 incarnation, it was really useful! An interesting change is that you have to unlock Rush Coil in this game instead of starting with him, which I honestly prefer since it makes jumping up to higher spots for items like E-Tanks and extra lives feel a bit more meaningful.

The Sakugarne item you get from the exclusive boss Quint is an interesting addition that could’ve been really fun, but it’s unlocked right before the final stage and there’s no real opportunities to take advantage of its unique functions in that stage. Maybe this could’ve been avoided if you fought Quint before the second set of Robot Masters, thus giving you more of a chance to test out Sakugarne and its quirks.

In regards to the level design, I think it’s both a step forward and a step back from the previous game. The stages feel more polished and nowhere near as rough, but they’re a lot more derivative of their home console counterparts, and are also far easier. Personally, I’m of two minds about this; on one hand, being more accurate to the levels of the NES games is nowhere near as interesting as the remixed stages of Dr. Wily’s Revenge. But if I look at it through the lens of the time, having closer renditions of these home console levels on a portable system is a massive plus!

Besides, the stages are still fun and enjoyable, even if they are more derivative. There’s still a few interesting and unique areas, like an underwater section in Wood Man’s level or Crash Man’s level being more winding and maze-like instead of a simple vertical ascent like its NES counterpart. The final Wily stage is also completely unique, and ended up being my favourite in the game!

Just like the level design, I think the visual quality’s a slight step back from Dr. Wily’s Revenge. The player and enemy sprites still look solid (although a few are crunched down and look off-model as a result), and the stage graphics are a closer match to their NES equivalents. I think the only category that’s flat-out worse is the backgrounds. Even with the Game Boy’s monochrome display, Dr. Wily’s Revenge still managed to have some fairly detailed backgrounds, which are mostly just solid colours with occasional secondary elements here. It’s not a massive deal-breaker, but compared to the original game, it still feels like a step down.

Probably the most infamous aspect of Mega Man II is its soundtrack, and if you’ve played the game for yourself or listened to it on YouTube, you already know why. Instead of reusing music from the NES games, each Robot Master stage gets an entirely new theme… which doesn’t mean much when they’re all incredibly high-pitched, screechy and grating, mostly due to the way they were arranged. But beneath all that, the compositions themselves are actually quite good! Several fans have rearranged these tracks to correct their pitch, and those versions sound far better. Overall, it’s a bit more somber than most Mega Man soundtracks, but still incredibly solid! My personal favourites are Crash Man, Air Man, Metal Man, Top Man and the title screen/Wily’s Fortress theme. If you want to play the game with this improved music, I’d strongly recommend Forple’s improvement patch, which is also included in the colourization hack.

On the whole, Mega Man II’s a bit better and a bit worse than Dr. Wily’s Revenge. It makes a few solid improvements in regards to controls, length and additions to the formula, but is a bit more derivative of its home console brethren. Regardless, I still had a fun time! If you’re just a casual Mega Man fan, I don’t think it’s necessarily worth playing, but if you’re interested in the series’ history or want to see if it really deserves the negative reputation, I’d say it’s worth a go! (And besides, it’s not even an hour long, so you won’t be wasting that much time.)

And if you want to play the colourization hack I’ve mentioned a few times throughout this review, you can find a link to that here! The colour palettes really help bring the game to life, and I’d highly recommend it just for the improved soundtrack alone.

I feel like this is only better because the metal blade makes things slightly more playable

Um dos meus jogos favoritos do NES

Its fine I guess. Its nothing too special. The music sucks though. Its too high pitched for my liking. The game is kind of a pushover. Once you get the metal blade, the other weapons are practically useless. The bosses are all super easy. I beat all of them with just the buster. Air Man and Wood Man can literally be beaten by standing still and just spamming shots lmao. It controls well though, which is a huge improvement over the first one, but I don't think its nearly as fun. This one is just kind of boring in comparison. Its still good, but like that's all it is.

It's decent? The soundtrack is nightmarish but i kinda like it

Very painless. And for this series, that makes it above average in my eyes. Nothing to really praise or anything but the hour I took to beat this game left me feeling more positive than I usually am after playing a Mega Man game not gonna lie. It's a very easy game but to be fair NES MM2 is also one of the easier games in the series to begin with. I can definitely see my 7 year old self getting pretty into this one if I played it back in the day. If you love hearing the Gameboy squeal in agony you'll love the soundtrack. Lucky for this game, I'm a 100 gecs fan and I'm into that sort of thing. (But seriously the compositions are great, the soundfont choice is baffling, even if I do get a kick out of it anyway)

Overall a nice palette cleanser if you're doing a bit of a Mega Man marathon. For a series that at the time was getting 2-3 games a year you'd think the Gameboy version would be a LOT worse. I suppose it helps that the games its based on are very simple to begin with.

It's better than the first by a lot but it still doesn't really stick out to me. It's a lot easier for sure but even though I really don't care much for MM2 I'd still rather be playing MM2 y'know. Quint is a cool character at least.

very easy to pick up and play, it took me less than 45 minutes to beat like omg it's insultingly easy

It's extremely easy and the bosses are janky, but at least you can get through it without hating yourself

It's fine to kill an hour or so but that's really it. I literally just finished the game and as I'm writing this I can't remember any stand out level or setpiece. With 9 levels, 8 of them feel like halfbaked versions of the levels the Robot Masters they're using originally had.

The reason I'm giving it a whole *1* is just that... I see no reason for this game to exist. It offers absolutely nothing that Megaman 2 will not give you by itself. As a handheld in 1991, I guess it was fine, but as it is now it is so entirely uninteresting that it gives no value.

Also what's up with some of the bosses doing literally one point of damage to you wtf?

The first game was too hard, and this one is too easy. I steamrolled my way through the stages easily. The second half of the stages is stuffed inside teleport capsules for some reason. I don't remember anything about the final boss.

This one has a weird time travel plot that doesn't make any sense. You fight mega man from the future who wields a jackhammer (guh?). That's also the only part where the time travel aspect comes to play in any way.

The music is pitched all wrong, but I can still appreciate the new music they composed for this, even though it's very samey and oddly melancholic.

About as good as the first one.

i played this with a music improvement hack and honestly my only complaint is that its kinda very incredibly Piss Easy