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Lo tosco y repetitivo de las boss fights encaja perfectamente con la tematica. Exterminar toda una especie de criaturas hostiles no deberia ser un espectaculo comodo y placentero. Es un trabajo sucio, es un trabajo violento. Y aun asi, despues de horas de estar matando y matando en un planeta oscuro y opresivo, el juego te recompensa con un final precioso y benevolente. Pocos juegos logran esa "luz al final del tunel" de forma tan efectiva.

This game has so many cool ideas; but it is basically unplayable to me on the Gameboy.

Clunky controls and pretty linear maps, a notable step from first Metroid but needed the remake to make it actually playable.

It's one of those games that I'm glad got remade, because this didn't age well. Still decent, but a product of its time, unfortunately.

Released 5 years after the fact, Metroid II: Return of Samus is a slower and floatier Game Boy sequel that's nevertheless a two-pronged update: One for structure, by replacing the debut's roundabout mystery with more complex areas and a well-defined objective - and the other for gameplay, by adding new combat options and upgrades useful for secret-hunting and platforming alike (e.g. Spider Ball, Space Jump). The result improves upon their model of hostile sci-fi expedition, a slightly more feasible but no less intense effort when compared to the original, only the personality is missing.

It’s kind of a fun novelty to comeback to this, but just play the 3DS remake instead

I’m really glad I decided to play all the 2D Metroid games because this one was so much fun. Even on the Game Boy it was great. Maybe the remake on the 3DS is better idk but I had a lot of fun with this one.

The cramped claustrophobic hallways opening to vast empty voids and back again. The happy music going to tuneless beeps. The feeling that you are descending into a bleak oppressive hell as you systematically commit genocide. Amazing game.

This was a surprising game. It was the first Game Boy game I had beaten (this was 2022) and it was a surprisingly great game with music at a quality level I didn't think the Game Boy could do.

It's fun but god is it difficult!

It's a pretty rough game to play, but still Metroid. Metroid Samus Returns is the best version.

I’m comfortable recommending that new players start with Super Metroid instead, but that isn’t to say I don’t like this game. It’s just that it’s much easier to say I like Metroid 2 now that I’m done with it and not faced with the prospect of having to actually play it again.

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ok so the only improvement is that samus controls SLIGHTLY better here.

the rest feels like a step back sadly. atsmisphere not as strong as the first one (only so much the music can do. its all GREEN). if i didnt have a guide i would have been so lost lol, the idea of exploring to find metroids to kill is fine, but it doesnt really work when theres such a lack of variance in areas.

the small moment with the baby metroid at the end was really neat tho

Honestly had a lot more fun with this one than I was expecting. Basically having the entire game be a hunt even with a tracker at the bottom was a neat idea. However, the game has a lot of jank and those old metroidvania flaws. Some of the later forms of Metroids are just annoying and the final boss is a joke once you figure out a secret to it. Really excited for when I get to the remake and see how they (hopefully) fixed my issues with the original.
Final score: 5/10

Despite being on the monochrome gameboy, rooms look more distinct than they do in metroid 1. The game controls a lot better too, and introduces iconic Metroid items like the Plasma beam and the Space Jump. Though the gameplay loop can be quite repetitive, it is definitely still worth playing

Metroid II manages to be more playable in some ways than its NES predecessor, which is admirable considering that's not usually the case for other franchises making the portable leap.

Still, it isn't great. Along with the original Metroid, it feels like a proof of concept for the later Super Metroid, and is not worth visiting for reasons other than familiarizing yourself with the roots of the franchise.

i really like the aesthetic and feel of it and i have nostalgia for it playing it at my grandparent's house but due to lack of map i kinda just end up wandering around

I only played the first couple hours of this and am planning on "finishing" it by playing AM2R, but I'm glad I gave it a chance - the innovation over Metroid 1 basically paved the way for the rest of the series.

Game game that was limited by the limitations of the gameboy but it used those limitations to its advantage and became my favorite metroid so far. You will definitely need a map to fully enjoy this game though. I ask you to at least play this first if you plan to play either remake on this game

atmosphere good, other stuff bad

A significant step up from Metroid 1. Controls feel a lot better, level design makes more sense, and the attempts at atmosphere and environmental storytelling are impressive for a Game Boy game, even if it does fall short sometimes.

Was doing great without a map until I missed killing one of the metroids and had to backtrack. Did not help that I was playing on black on white. Though I felt this was easier than nes metroid but def feels more janky

Metroid se caracteriza por su énfasis en la exploración y su algo elevada dificultad, por suerte Return of Samus no es la excepción a esta regla, ofreciéndonos ambas cosas desde que iniciamos a avanzar. Aunque es un juego desarrollado para el limitado hardware de la primera consola portátil de Nintendo, Metroid II logra sumergirnos en un mundo laberíntico y peligroso, utilizando al máximo el potencial que ofrece una paleta de dos colores y sonidos monofónicos entregando un mapeado creíble y lleno de vida, si no somos tan exigentes. Desde un principio tenemos una misión, acabar con la plaga Metroid en su planeta de origen, a medida que vamos avanzando por el juego un contador nos muestra cuántos enemigos más tenemos que derrotar para llegar hasta el final, pero seguir adelante no será sencillo, ya que tenemos que inspeccionar cada recoveco para encontrar esas mejoras que necesitamos y sobrevivir a los enemigos que estarán esperándonos con el fin de hacernos ver esa molesta pantalla de game over. No es un juego que todos puedan disfrutar por igual, pero si eres de los que gustan de la exploración y los juegos no lineales, es una buena opción para comenzar, ya que de los Metroid que se encuentran en el mercado, es uno de los más accesibles para todos en términos de jugabilidad.

Wandered around some cave for a few hours and accidentally committed genocide. Was pretty cool but areas were kind of boring and was easy.

Never got far in this. Always got lost and the design made it hard for me on the Game Boy when I was a kid. But I always appreciated the design and feel of the levels, it’s a sci-fi atmosphere. The soundtrack, the sounds, everything about this was cool. And was my first experience with Metroid in general.

How did people beat this without a guide wtf

It's about what I expected, unplayable without following a map but I have a weird soft spot for these old cryptic games so I had fun playing this.