Reviews from

in the past

Short, but fun. The orcs had more personality, the combat was similar but had slightly different powers.

This story is part of the season pass and expands the story and events after you beat the main game so it goes without saying that you should beat the main game first before playing this expansion.

The campaign can be beat in around 3 hours and perhaps a little bit more if you decided to go for all Elf weapon parts which I did, taking me slightly less than 5 hours.

Overall, this is a good expansion game since it continues the story and expands the characters a bit more, it introduces new mechanics to the combat system (in this case the power of light which was fun to use), and it introduces new types of enemies and allies that are quite interesting and more animated than the ones you meet in the main game (albeit a bit over the top and ridiculous such as the "Architect"). As far as difficulty, this feels more challenging than the main game since most missions focus on captain battles which is great since I prefer the "straight to the point" approach and battle right away.

If you enjoyed the main game, this expansion is definitely worth checking out.

Bu DLC işi gerçekten hayal kırıklığı yarattı. Oyun içinde Eltariel olarak ne hayaller kurmuştum ama DLC ışık atmak üzerine kurulmuş. Üstelik hikaye de kaldığı yerden devam ettiği için sanki hikayeye katkı sağlamak bir yana, onu biraz daha zayıflattı gibi. Hani 'story expansion' demişler, anladık da, nerede o expansion? Story expansion diyorsanız yeni bir harita yapın elflerin olduğu yerde de oynayalım değil mi?

foi mais divertido que o jogo principal, zero farming, as habilidades novas são legais e as lutas contra chefe são bem maneiras