Reviews from

in the past

No. Madame. This is garbage.

Its a heaped load of assets thrown together without rhyme or reason, some basic game mechanics signalled badly and everythings so glitchy, tired and messy. Its just appalling.

Druid said:

I can give you items, tools, magical artefacts and wisdom. But not for free. Here is a list of items I have for trade and their price:

1. Ubuntu shield - 5 gems.
2. The spear - 2 glasses of strawberry syrup.
3. The jumping coat - 5 glasses of strawberry syrup.
4. The power coat - 5 glasses of strawberry syrup.
5. Coat of invisibility - 1 bucket of strawberry syrup.

This was a game i foolishly bought for like 5 cents on steam originally just to do the ol' "flip the trading cards and make a 10 cent profit" maneuver, only to actually kinda be interested in the art style and environments? The visuals were colorful and the environment looked exotic, the whole game just had this otherworldly "this doesn't feel like it was made by a real person" vibe to it. I was certainly intrigued enough to play through the thing while idling to get cards. Only then did I find out the whole thing is only like the first half of the entryway to the first level and that's pretty much it. I figured that due to the low price and early access moniker that this was just one really long WIP project that would blossom into something complete and bizarre, but that never happened as I think this thing was only updated once. Certainly disappointing, and despite the fact that the game essentially paid me to get it, i still felt ripped off in the end.

buah new kind of adventure definitivamente el jugo parece una aventura de tocar la flauta y bugearte y salir del mapa porque esta roto pero no entiendes el juego es que es un nuevo tipo de aventura vale tio no lo entenderias ademas luego pulsas la C y cambias de personaje osea eso realmente abre muchas puertas porque ahora eres una niña y el juego es un nuevo tipo de gameplay un nuevo tipo de aventura claro ahora tiene sentido porque ya no toca la flauta tiri tiri ahora recoges fresas y piedras y los devs se olvidaron de checar si estabas en el suelo para poder saltar asi que tienes saltos infinitos y vuelas o a lo mejor es que es un nuevo tipo de aventura y no lo entiendo no se tiri tiri