Reviews from

in the past

No hay mucho que decir de Ord. Es un juego simple, con una ejecución básica pero muy efectiva, y aquí la vemos retorcerse para adaptarse a todas las posibilidades que imaginan. El único detalle que no acabo de verle es el paso de una historia como World, que ofrece tantas posibilidades, a una como Foul Things, que las cierra tanto. Pero me imagino a mucha más gente empleando este molde para hacer cosas nuevas.


There's not much to say about Ord. It's a simple game, with a basic but very effective execution, and here we see it twisted to fit almost every option. The only detail I'm hesitant about is moving from a story like World, which offers so many possibilities, to one like Foul Things, which ensnares them. But I can imagine so many people using this mold to do new things.

Interesting concept but honestly i felt as if it peaked with the first story.

Jogado no Google Play Pass. É um conceito muito interessante, mas cuja execução parece faltar algo. É legal pras primeiras vezes, mas depois a repetição fica bem cansativa.



Ord is a game that creates little adventures in a minimalist way through combinations of three words that vividly spark your imagination as you choose which direction to go



Short, simple - but a clear idea of what you're choosing to do in the situation. It's a game all about finding endings, frequently involving you dying, and then exploring different routes on subsequent playthroughs.

It doesn't have a huge amount of longevity, but it is engaging and interesting for a while and I always like to see games get experimental and different.

Its pretty cool.
Not too much.
Not too little.
Go play ord.
it's very cheap.

This is an ingenious little idea. Usually the gameplay loop with interactive fiction is something like read passage of text > make choice > read another passage of text > make another choice etc. In this case, the decision to use single words instead of full passages of text enables a far higher rate of "choices per second" than any other interactive fiction I've encountered. It feels like the sort of thing its creators might have considered an experiment, but it's so good that it's accidentally a legit game.

The five included stories are good, but I feel like if more writers got on board it could be a really promising format. Here's hoping for updates. Or sequels.

Played this with my Game Design class and found it really well done. Very subtle sound design and really stripped down mechanic made it feel super focused and really fun to play with others. When we played together we only got one "win condition" by marrying the princess, but you can see through the gameplay that there's multiple different routes and options, including what I'd imagine is some kind of battle with a warlock.

I really enjoyed showing this to my students, since it's really simplified mechanic was still so engaging to them. Ord. provided a really refined and polished example that you don't need complicated graphics and sophisticated art to tell compelling stories and get players "hooked."

Very interesting concept. Love that it comes as sort of an open source game engine. I just find the repetition of some of the stories extremely cumbersome.

Concept succeeds independently.
Form overrides content.
Repetition dilutes replayability.
Platform inspires possibilities.
Absent rewind frustrates.