Reviews from

in the past

Lots of fun to co-op. Literally cried from laughing so hard.

I've spilled blood over this one

playing this with your friends or loved ones is stressful but fun times :) i love this franchise

My girlfriend loves this game but it stresses me the fuck out

You always try to assign roles to eachother and it may work for like a minute. A minute in perfect silence, you feel like you comunicate with others telepathically, everything is working smoothly. And then everything goes to shit becasue a table moved and everyone starts yelling like it's freaking Hell's Kitchen. Perfect

jogo pra jogar com a namorada

seria legal se tivesse online

very fun multiplayer game,its simple yet it can get messy with too much people.

Gave me flashbacks to being a fast food manager - except this time I could yell at my friends for being terrible kitchen employees. Pretty great game!

platinei do início ao fim com o meu irmão, recomendo pra quem gosta de um jogo co-op.

e eu sei que o foco do jogo é o co-op, mas não faz sentido ter opção de ir singleplayer se é impossível de jogar. ao invés de darem mais tempo pra fazer as receitas, eles te colocam um segundo player pra tu alternar entre um e outro com um botão, complicando uma solução que podia ser simples.

fora isso, achei que algumas partes não foram muito intuitivas, como as seções de diálogos que você precisa se mexer pra voltar no hub das fases ou a forma em que a batalha final se reinicia sozinha sem nenhum aviso.

Este juego es el equivalente a un 11-S en un grupo de amigos

I don't like these kinds of games, but it is so well made I can't not love it. The perfect multiplayer game

One of those games that seems like fun with family/friends...until someone is on fire and another is screaming like Gordon Ramsey.

la falta de online multiplayer (y la paja) me imposibilito terminarlo pero lo disfrute mientras estuvo en mi disco duro

I played it by myself, controlling both characters at the same time. Freaking stressful. Freaking great.

Very fun and chaotic multiplayer game.
I hope you've got lungs of steel because you'll be screaming at your friends constantly.

game yang bener2 seru dan lucu, main bareng temen2 berjam2 bener2 ga bosen

Curto porém muito divertido com amigos, e simples o suficiente para todas as idades se divertirem

Divertido, mas jogar sozinho é triste

12/12 Steam Achievements. Fun couch co-op game to play with anyone.

It's a pretty fun game to play with a friend, but the gimmick of being frustrated and chaotic gets old after a bit.

Can’t tell the difference between the first and second, but I do know that they are both good.

Excellent at capturing the Mario Party spirit of screaming at your friends for being worthless fuck ups

Genuinely one of the best co-op games ever made.

Whoever you're playing with, this game will make you hate that person. Overcooked destroys relationships.

Guaranteed, within 10 minutes, you're gonna be screaming and yelling sentences at each other, such as 'WHERE THE FK IS THE TOMATO?!' or 'WHY THE FK DID YOU LEAVE THE ONION ON THE OTHER SIDE?!'

One of the best co-op games ever.