Reviews from

in the past

Other than the fact this game hasn't got Online multiplayer and I was basically forced to complete this game 100% solo and controlling two characters, It gave me a real challenge i actually enjoyed. If you like focus, teamwork and mayhem, This game is for you. Overcooked 2 is better though. 8/10

gets tedious but fun with a group

Genuinely one of the best co-op games ever made.

Perfeito para jogar com os amigos. Excelente, entrega tudo que promete.

A good game to play with S/O. Make sure to COMMUNICATE! Who has what duties? Are the patties going to be burnt?! Lots of fun-- as long as you remeber it is just a game and not your own little restaurant.

O te echas unas risas o te matas peleando. Este juego cooperativo es complicado para algunas personas, tienes que saber trabajar el equipo.

Los escenarios están muy chulos, pero me hubiera gustado que hubiera más recetas, a veces se hacía repetitivo.


plate up better and i still hate that game

Sans lui pas de overcooked 2 donc respect

The Spaghetti Monster Says: fun and chaotic.. and that's okay :]

Essencial, melhor que o segundo, muito foda, só receita maneira só fase legal e difícil, faz você passar raiva e gritar com sua pessoa amada por joguinho de cozinha


Me and my sister systematically tag-teaming in the kitchen like we do in real life might not be what the game was trying to make the players do.

eu odeio esse jogo, mas a música do menu é mto foda

molto divertente anche questo

More opportunities for me to get scapegoated by my friends.

platinei do início ao fim com o meu irmão, recomendo pra quem gosta de um jogo co-op.

e eu sei que o foco do jogo é o co-op, mas não faz sentido ter opção de ir singleplayer se é impossível de jogar. ao invés de darem mais tempo pra fazer as receitas, eles te colocam um segundo player pra tu alternar entre um e outro com um botão, complicando uma solução que podia ser simples.

fora isso, achei que algumas partes não foram muito intuitivas, como as seções de diálogos que você precisa se mexer pra voltar no hub das fases ou a forma em que a batalha final se reinicia sozinha sem nenhum aviso.

Este juego es el equivalente a un 11-S en un grupo de amigos

A frenetic co-op adventure that has you screaming with delight at your idiot friends who can't cook for ish.

first played w a friend who is no longer a friend, played it again now like 2 years later with the one and only ryan and that shits so fun, tried playing with hillary but bro sucks ass and gives up but its always a good time no matter who ive played it with, wanna finish it with ry rlly bad i need bro to want to play again

A great game to play in local with a S/O or friends. It gets chaotic quickly.


Bon petit jeu de coopération où l'on fait des pains viandes

Juego mal hecho pero saca risas

Super fun, a classic party game. Played this in the library, remotely on Steam, and on stream. Final level quite tough for 2 players! Finally got around to completing it after a few years.

Whoever you're playing with, this game will make you hate that person. Overcooked destroys relationships.

Guaranteed, within 10 minutes, you're gonna be screaming and yelling sentences at each other, such as 'WHERE THE FK IS THE TOMATO?!' or 'WHY THE FK DID YOU LEAVE THE ONION ON THE OTHER SIDE?!'

One of the best co-op games ever.

Falopa. Es cosa de prender una partida con amigxs y carcajear automáticamente.

This more stressful than The Bear

no key bindings whilst simultaneously featuring a disabled character lol. gtfo