Reviews from

in the past

Cute little game. Feels too short for full price. Reminded me of Poptropica in the best ways.

sometimes an oval with legs ventures forth and kicks shit for a living who cares

Muito divertido, nunca vi um jogo nesse estilo.

a fun time for two friends.... or lovers??? short but sweet, not groundbreaking but doesnt overstay its welcom

it's been a long long time since i played something so charming and fun ... death to extractivism

short, easy, great music, bright and colorful artstyle.


Engraçado e cativante, boa história e personagens carismáticos.

The co op is fantastic :)

Bonito juego, corto pero memorable; kino

A very charming and fun little adventure game. Not much in the gameplay department, but makes up for it with a very unique, casual style of writing, which makes the admittedly simple story work a lot better. A bit too short, but a good time overall

my friend omar made fun of me while playing this game

im going to cry

played the toaster level and the toasts pushed one of the blocks necessary to progress through the wall, and the frog to let me leave was behind a wall

Short and sweet except for that final chase sequence which i could only get past by turning the resolution way down. bitch

Геймплей довольно однообразный. Очень понравились диалоги - непринужденная манера общения персонажей прекрасно работает. Основной сюжет проходится за 2-3 часа, но под конец уже стала надоедать. Из головоломок понравилась только загадка с паучком и мостом в самом начале, остальные задачки были примитивными.

Sometimes I felt like it was way too dead-brained but hey its still charming.

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Eu indeed parti a louça toda da velhinha

I get what it's going for but it's not my type of game. Really cute.

Se hace muy cortito, pero este juego es TAN payaso, tan reconfortante y da tanto gusto jugarlo que pienso empezar a usarlo como mi brújula moral. ¿No te gustó Pikuniku? Eres mala persona, esto es así.