Reviews from

in the past

Jogo bobinho e perfeito para passar o tempo.

The Multiplayer was quite enjoyable

Frustrating physics, try-hard "charm."

Adorable Co-op that doesn't overstay its welcome. And the controls are never tight enough that me and my friend playing it got mad at each other

One of the villagers is a musician and their song is basically a SOPHIE track. 8/10

prawo i sprawiedliwość wouldnt like this game

A silly little indie platformer game that I got with the Ukraine bundle. Very fun writing and silly all around. Very short, but seems like it can get deeper as there seems to be side quests and trophies to unlock that I did not discover on a casual playthrough.

single player is fine but mostly unmemorable imo
multiplayer is really cute and goofy and kind of a perfect game to goof around with a friend or significant other

I loved the artstyle and the humor! It's a super chill game that can be beat on a couple sessions tops, and it's super worth it if you can buy it on a sale like I did (although i wouldn't say I would've paid full price for it, just because it's so short)

Nearly put this down but the cute art style and undemanding play saw me through. It's all a bit... pointless? But it was a nice enough way to pass a few hours. Short even by my standards (love a short game) but harmless and some funny moments.

Se hace muy cortito, pero este juego es TAN payaso, tan reconfortante y da tanto gusto jugarlo que pienso empezar a usarlo como mi brújula moral. ¿No te gustó Pikuniku? Eres mala persona, esto es así.

Cute, fun game with some political commentary and great music. Does what it sets out to do pretty well and doesn't waste your time. Just a solid experience

Funny and cute game, it doesn't put up a lot of friction so it's cool to chill for a couple of hours. Btw it has a wacky soundtrack which I love.

one of those quirky games i played during quarantine. i wish this one got more attention honestly its pretty good

el q hizo pikuniku: hola odio los videojuegos por eso hago esto

jogo silly para pessoas silly
como eu vi em uma avaliação aqui, por conta de haver tantos diálogos, acaba enjoando rápido
ost divertida de se ouvir
vou deixar em stand-by por enquanto

Pikuniku is the perfect game to play couch co-op with someone who doesn't play as often. My partner and I played through this whole adventure-puzzle game together and enjoyed the heck out of it.

Alright quirky weird game but not as good as other quirky weird games

You don't need hands to be based

A charming and lighthearted little puzzle platformer. It never really does anything interesting with its gameplay, but it's cute and funny enough that I enjoyed my time with it.

A genuinely cute game that seems to be cute effortlessly, which in my opinion is the most genuine and important way to be cute. A very simple game otherwise about going around a cute world and helping out a bunch of zany little characters. Fun way to spend a few afternoons.

i was so excited for this game after seeing the trailer, but the insane lack of content really left me bummed out and cheesed off. feels like a demo. the soundtrack sure is awesome though.