Reviews from

in the past

Story wise, a little unsatisfying and a bit anticlimactic; gameplay wise, very satisfying and brain busting.

(Usaré esto para reseñar toda la campaña cooperativa)

Es un muy buen y muy sólido modo co-op. Tiene el mismo nivel de carisma del juego original con pruebas aún más cabronas y una GLaDOS que continúa siendo de los mejores personajes jamás creados.
Y por supuesto, una historia super ridícula. Pero no sería Portal sin una de esas.

The puzzles are really fun and good actually! A solid expansion to what was already one of my favorite co-op experiences. It's not even close to being as memorable to Portal or Portal 2's single player, but it doesn't need to be. Still has some funny writing too.

Que mitada violenta da Valve, uma das melhores experiências co-op que ja tive.

Difficulty curve was a little wonky, but co-op in general had some cool ideas. Not all of them were stellar, but they definitely made us think in general. The puzzles are the strongest part of Portal 2, so I don't mind blasting ~40 of them without much break for story or anything, though it's noticeably a little dryer. Teasing a boss fight and then just ending on nothing (for DLC) was kind of lame.

I am going to use this for the entire Co-op campaign and 6th chamber. Honestly, it was better than the main game (it removed most of the story and dialogue), with some greater puzzles but still a lot of easy ones. Maybe it needed an "I've played Portal 2 before" button just to skip the easy tutorial ones in each chamber. The 6th chamber also ends out of nowhere, with no real payoff on the puzzle or ending. Still, it was a decent-sized campaign.

super fun with a friend at 4am

Not sure how to rate this honestly. It's fine.

the base co-op levels were way too easy, so this is a welcome surprise! this dlc manages to still be just as funny as portal 2, and ramps up the difficulty to a 10 for a final hurrah. great to play with a friend.

i dont know how i didnt catch this before now, but i'm so glad to have completed it finally. what a treat.

This was kinda like discovering one of your favorite childhood games had a bunch of bonus levels you completely missed out on for over a decade, for whatever reason. I mean, that’s kinda exactly the case here.

Completed these in a couple hours with my sister, some of the courses were pretty brain-teasing and one I think we solved the completely wrong way, but what can you do? They were all anywhere from pretty good to great, and the “story” was cool too.