Reviews from

in the past

Es el ejemplo perfecto de lo que deberia ser el contenido generado por la comunidad.

Extremadamente cuidad, con el añadido de unas pocas mecanicas sobre una gran base, Reloaded le da una vueltilla de tuerca a lo que asentaba Portal 2 y lo lleva a un nivel altisimo con unos puzzles que no dejan de mejorar conforme avanzas por los tests que te plantean.

really cool mod with good music and sweet puzzles. endings are copouts though, both pretty shit.

Some solid portal action, and impressive to know it was built out with a micro-team. The concept of the time portal is truly brain melting. I would classify some of these puzzles as harder than Witness/Baba until you really wrap your head around how the green portals work. Difficulty is less of a curve and more of a cliff until you really start to vibe with the mechanics. Would rec for any portal fan really.

This is surprisingly well made and challenging. Once you get a grip on the time travel mechanic all the puzzles are super engaging to solve. Would recommend to anyone whose played Portal 2 or wants to pretend they're an intellectual for 5 hours.

cuesta acostumbrarse al tercer disparo pero una vez lo haces el juego esta muy bien, aunque los finales sean malísimos

oof ouch the learning curve fucked me over so hard but it's fun

ive called this portal 3 since i started it, cuz it feels like it. great project, great story, missing gladOS.

Começou muito interessante mas não estava na vibe de jogar Portal.

Pretendo retomar logo logo!

Really impressive, but I didn't enjoy it all that much.

Feels like a third portal game.

The best mod for Portal 2 I have seen. Very interesting and I highly highly HIGHLY recommend it if you're a fan of the Portal series.

Didn't have the charm of the official games. I know this is fan made and it wouldn't have that but I didn't realize how much that would affect my experience until I was playing this. Wish I could look past it but, here we are.

A custom mod that serves as a worthy successor to Portal 2. The time portal is an ingenious way to add another layer all on top of all the mechanics offered from the first two portal games. The puzzle design was really well executed and provided enough challenge where a few chambers made me sit for awhile and really think through the steps needed to solve them.

Edit: Also played the co-op update with a buddy in local splitscreen because the online functionality didn't work. Was surprised we only got the three portals between the two us but the levels were still very well designed and still required a great amount of thinking from both of us. Would recommend the co-op puzzles as well

Coop Portal never fails to be fun af

actually a really good mod, and despite the apparent complexity it's actually pretty easy to understand once you play for a bit
i wish there was a time travel boss fight tho thatd be cool

It's the Portal 3 for me, takes everything from portal and adds so much personality, be in music, voice recordings, gameplay and mechanics, two puzzles were really difficult for me but I made it through, it could be the Portal 3 for everyone waiting for an official annoucement

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Cool mechanic with cool challenges.
I wish the ending escape was more fleshed out.

Portal 2 but with time portal. Very cool idea and mod is nicely made but too complicated and hard for me, had to use walkthrough.

not ashamed to say this was too hard for me

Bit of a learning curve but really enjoyable! The first few real challengers left me staring at the screen for several minutes. Got the hang of it though and flew through the last 5 or so chambers.

Incredible quality, felt like a legit portal spin-off.

The introduction of a third portal gives the game's puzzles some actual complexity, but most of them using the concept of "place the present cube in x spot and then bring the future cube to the present" makes the game's later puzzles somewhat predictable and had me using a guide for the last few chambers as soon as I entered them because I just wanted the game to end already.

My fucking head hurts
and I love it.

About as good as a mod can get. Captures the tone of the original game perfectly while adding a wildly mind-bending mechanic that will force your brain to grow - or destroy it. TOUGH but satisfying.

Not as mind and soul crushingly difficult as Portal Stories: Mel, But it has some great puzzles, and good ideas that it utilizes well. Definitely play, it's free!

Probably the closest we'll ever get to Portal 3 and I love how the time travel mechanic was used.

I did find myself trapped and confused a lot though