Reviews from

in the past

Runs too poorly and has too many issues concerning art direction that makes it a good showcase for ray tracing.

This is the future of videogames? A feature that even on a 15 old games will make it barely run on the average computer? A graphics setting that needs you to upscale the resolution to a blurry mess to even be playable and still reduces your fps to at least 1/10 of what it would be without it. Just work on it for a decade or so, then get back to us. DLSS looks very, very bad and the miniscule changes that ray tracing brings add nothing to the gameplay and isn't nearly as impressive as it's made out to be, especially at the enormous costs it comes with performance wise. And both are a step in the wrong direction when it comes to computer games. Use it on consoles or something, they seem to think 30fps is acceptable.

Look cool. The lightballs moving are a real treat to look at, and the ambient lights from some of the decor elements are fun to see shift as your view shifts

Can't say this is a necessary upgrade, or a great tech demo for that matter (why would you want to demonstrate modern graphics tech with a game where sterility and uniformity ARE the visual style?), but I'll take any excuse to replay this game. And are you telling me the platforms always moved this slow?!

rodou ate que bem na minha 2060 to surpreso mas logico a 30 fps e a performance nao é boa nao vou forçar isso

A version of Portal to play if you need your GPU to warm up your office a few degrees in the cold winter months. It did crash a couple times and there were a few scenes where the RTX lighting just looked goofy/bad, though.

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In terms of how it looks, I have no complains, besides some performance and set up issues.
The game is great, but feels more like a demo for portal 2. Still hearing glados after every level is always great, which combined with the quick transition between levels encourages the player to keep playing.

It's Portal, now with fancy lighting. Good tech demo to show off full path-tracing if you've got the hardware for it and Portal is still a great game to revisit (even if it feels proof of concept to the perfection that is Portal 2).

Have you ever wanted to play a 15 year old game, but with terrible performance? Well here you go. (Played with an RTX 3070)

Really neat visuals, feels like they made it to not work on Radeon, but my 4070ti played it fine. Latency was gross with DLSS FG on tho.

just got a 4060 ti and the game crashed with everything i did. bugs bugs and more bugs basically go back to portal 1

A really captivating visual upgrade for a classic game. I found myself staring at a lot of the lighting effects, especially when the high energy pellets would light up the area around them as they moved. Sadly it is rather poorly optimized and crashed often, which was very disappointing and sometimes frustrating.

Portal is still Portal. A fantastic, short puzzle game that doesn't outstay it's welcome.

The addition of Ray Traced lightning doesn't really add a whole lot, but it's a good showcase of how good the tech can look.

If you take an amazing piece of technology to boost the technical quality of an older masterpiece to bring it up to modern standards, while at the same time getting apes to replace the fantastic art design of the original.

Good tech demo for RTX Remix. Not so great way to play Portal.

It's still my favorite Valve game but it requires a machine that is capable of rendering literal human skin and organs to run well. Still at 45fps and shiny surfaces (and blurry as ♥♥♥♥ vision because of DLSS) it was alright. Stick with the original unless you have the aforementioned computer

I think I would have been less kind about this if it wasn't free.

The settings list Nvidia provided recently definitely helped make this run at a stable framerate (it looked around 30 for me on my 3080), but there were still some dips. There were some moments while playing that I thought looked neat lighting wise, but it's definitely more of a novelty than a groundbreaking change in the pc world as it stands currently. I can't say I had an experience that felt better than just replaying vanilla Portal.

It's an interesting experiment, but ultimately... it's Portal with ray tracing. And it's for anyone with a 3060 or higher graphics card. This really doesn't do anything for anyone other than those with really high level graphics cards. All while well over quintupling the size of the game.

This also would have been a good time to even do some small upgrades to the base game, but that wasn't even done. So, in the end, this is just a prettier Portal.

No estoy seguro de cómo de valioso es el raytracing de esta ¿versión? de Portal. Los cambios son muy notables incluso sin comparaciones directas, pero el precio en el rendimiento se paga con creces (jugado a 1080p con una 3080Ti, que no es poca cosa). Por otro lado es cuestionable hasta que punto cambia la atmósfera y el estilo visual original.

Por lo demás, siendo gratuito si tienes Portal 1 es la excusa perfecta para volver a jugar uno de los juegos más ingeniosos de puzzles que he podido tocar.

Bu oyun rtx 3080 almak için 3 ay sadece makarna yedim

I mean the RTX is pretty and all, but I've already played Portal. It's basically just a free tech demo for peeps who already own the original game, plus any of the NVIDIA RTX cards.

i remember when a furry called this bad

Visualmente acojonante a un punto que asusta. Te quedas embobado viendo una iluminación completa por RT. Especialmente cuando abres dos portales y ves como la luz entra por ellos y se entremezcla con el ambiente en sí...
Por lo demás ha envejecido muchísimo. Y no bien. Y por más que Glados siga siendo un personaje fascinante, a nivel jugable es muy corto, muy sencillo. Muy limitado en sí, como corresponde al año de su salida. La secuela lo dejó muy muy muy atrás.

It's a version of Portal your PC can barely run. How fun.

Never played before, RTX made me do it. It lacks some of the creativity of Portal 2 (duh!), but amazing nonetheless.

Loved my time with it!

Uff, no sé con exactitud que opinar, tengo una RTX3060 recién comprada y he tenido que bajar la resolución de 4k a 2k con DLSS Super Performance, optimización fatal y bugs irreparable a la hora de cambiar las voces en otro idioma (Castellano). Una pena.

Not sure how to review this. Its still portal which is a great short adventure. But it runs like crap, I have a brand new 4070super and the default settings had the game chugging along at 20ish fps (to get it to run you have to open the nvidia app and get it to optimise the settings for you). The game itself is basically a tech demo for nvidia, and i think it does a very poor job of doing that. It runs poorly and all the upscale frame genny stuff just leaves everything with this strange plasticy wobbly feel to it, you cant help but notice how drastically the quality decreases while youre moving and then you feel the quality increasing when you stop and its in those moments where the game engine is catching up with you that it feels most uncanny.

I honestly don’t like how rtx looks and the game is hardly functioning. Original Portal is a classic just play that instead.