Reviews from

in the past

A very impressive shmup for the standards of the sega master system. There's a lot of frenetic action in this game with lots of enemies and bullets on screen but the slowdown remains minimal. Unfortunately the oversaturated colour scheme kinda makes my eyes bleed after a while.

Um shmup com dificuldade bem desequilibrada – mas, invertendo a lógica do gênero, é demasiado fácil, em vez de demasiado difícil! Uma vez conseguindo os upgrades máximos (que é algo trivial ainda no primeiro estágio) o jogo se resume a manter o botão de atirar apertado e desviar dos raros tiros que ultrapassam os escudos exteriores. Bem entediante. É provável que nas dificuldades superiores não seja algo tão descerebrado, mas eu parto do princípio de que se a dificuldade “normal” é mal equilibrada, quer dizer que o jogo é mal equilibrado.

Like the first game, it's a competent vertical shooter with decent visuals and music, but beyond that nothing that hadn't been done a 100 times before by this point.

If I had a nickel for every mediocre 8-bit sega console whose best game is a shmup named power strike ii

Vertical shoot em up, somewhat sequel to Power Strike I which was the localized name of Aleste but this one was made as a Power Strike game without being part of the Aleste series. Has a fire button and a button to cycle between four different movement speeds, main shot is a somewhat strong forward attack, six different weapon types can be picked up and upgraded, and you can find powerups that will spin around your ship to damage enemies or destroy bullets. If you release the fire button you will launch a wide rapidly shooting special attack that will cause a lot of damage and destroy most enemy shots, the longer you have held attack the longer this will fire, though you will likely just save it for the end stage boss while holding attack throughout the entire stage.

Solid shooter with varied enemies and weapon choices but some issues holding it back. It can be become difficult to see enemy bullets in areas with certain color choices, the most visually interesting stage is the first one where you eventually fly out into a cloudy sky and have spots with enemy planes breaking through the cloud coverage to attack you there isn't much else interesting in terms of level design, most of the bosses have a fairly dull design, and your shields and special weapons break so many enemy bullets that the most difficult thing about the game becomes trying to avoid all the weapon pickups that you don't want to switch to.


Really impressed with this.

Fun scoring/extend system, lots of different weapons that you cycle through like crazy, a good challenge without being maddeningly difficult, banging music, lots of bullets considering it's a Master System game, AND--the best part--a reasonably-sized hitbox!

If you like shoot-em-ups and own a PS4 or Switch, do yourself a huge favor and pick up the Aleste Collection -- you won't regret it.

(Played via the GG Aleste Collection on Switch)

The ability to modify your ship's speed on the fly and charge your weapons to perform a burst charge opens up a lot of possibilities, whether you want to decimate your foes quickly or get out of a tough situation. Power Strike II is fast and visually pleasing; this could easily pass as an early Mega Drive game. All of the available weapons have their advantages; it felt like there was not one top-tier weapon that triumphed over all, as was the case with the previous Aleste games.

Not a proper Aleste game but still rad. Like Steel Empire it purports a steampunk alternate history setting that’s neat, and each of the levels and bosses are much more distinct unlike the first Aleste on sms.

Though I’m not sure about it framing the story within the Great Depression, and having the bad guys being the desperate everyday guys forced to become space pirates to make ends meet. I don’t want to play as a bootlicker, man. Maybe try and address some of the social issues of weird alternate anime 1930’s Italy before you send the super-powered shooter after them. I mean damn, if they were straight up hobos before but now can afford airships and complex anti-aircraft cannon systems hidden beneath the ground in a golden castle, then they must be doing something right, huh?