Reviews from

in the past

Bastante apañado, aunque rarete como él solo: un juego que se llama Rayman 3, pero que en realidad es casi todo Rayman 2 adaptado a un control 2D. Perfectamente podría haberse llamado Rayman 2.5 y hasta habría quedado bien.

Essa versão do gba se basea no jogo clássico do Rayman, os sprites são bonitos e bem feitos, e a gameplay é divertido.

No sé cuantas veces me habré podido pasar este juego. Es nostálgico, buen gameplay y su música hermosa. No suelo rejugar juegos, este ha sido de los pocos que han tenido ese privilegio y dudo que sea la última vez que lo termine

the sounds of this game are forever ingrained in my memory

It's nice to play Rayman 2 in 2D, but like, that's about it

This game was really weird. The french really are a different breed

One of the first games ever emulated. I remember being a nice platform until I got stuck in some bullshit and deleted the ROM by frustration.

An honestly underrated entry in the Rayman series. Some very fun but challenging level design, three different level types (including a Mode 7 racer which was somehow really good), and a very pleasing visual style. It's definitely a quick game and probably very easy to 100%, but these are honestly pros in my opinion. Rayman 3 GBA knows what it is and doesn't overstay its welcome, but it's not half-assed, either. Unfortunately, this is marred somewhat by it's buggy bosses and VERY bad sound design/music, so it's not, like, a lost masterpiece or anything, but for fans of Rayman that are itching for a new game, this one will have some very fun stuff to try.

Also, it's lowkey better than the console Rayman 3. I said what I said.

It alright!

Honestly the story about the making of the game is more interesting than the game itself. Originally being made as a GBA version of Rayman 2, they instead shoehorned in some Rayman 3 stuff (like the bare minimum) so they could tie it into 3’s console release.

And since it plays more like Rayman 1, it DOES kinda feel like a melting pot of the first three Rayman games, which is interesting.

The story is an absolute mess. Like, Globox swallows a black Lum, that makes sense, but Razorbeard and the robo pirates are back?? What

But other than that? It’s a solid 2D platformer. Not always super interesting, but it works, looks alright, sounds alright, it’s fun enough! Gameplay mixes it up every now and then with minigames, kinda a standard GBA 2D platformer. But it does it well enough, and I always have a great time with my boy Rayman.

Some of the greatest platforming in anything.

It's title said Rayman 3. But had the world of 2. And played like 1. What?!

This game is such a tragedy. I cant believe the greatness of Rayman 2 came before it. Its like a completely different team made this game with zero research done on the previous games. All the characters act differently. The setting feels different. Rayman's abilities are different. The dialogue of this game is ATROCIOUS. Its just a bunch of "lol im so random, rawr tacos XD" ass dialogue. Its like if they made Uncle Grandpa into a shitty platformer. The story is constantly sidetracked by random ass encounters. They shoehorned a bunch of adult humor into the game (Im fine with adult humor, it just felt out of place for a rayman game). Every fucking character is annoying and doesnt shut up. The combat is bad. Lock-on doesnt work and you NEED it to fight. Most of the actual platforming was OK. Some good, some ok, some bad. I felt that the enemies of the game, black lums with guns called Hoodlums, is a weird racist allegory and I cant think of it any other way. Just dont play this game man.

This game was not necessary and felt vastly different than every game before it. That said, a lot of the world you move through is pretty cool and has a lot of the swirly rayman charm. The soundtrack for this one is VERY good.

every day we fall further and further from the lord's grace

It would be a fun 2d platformer, if the controls were acceptable

Although the name suggests a kind of port of Rayman 3, this Rayman actually looks like a port of the second game or even to be considered an interquel between Rayman 2 and 3
However the game is really nice, a gameplay reminiscent of the first Rayman 2D with a little bit of 3D

Average return to form to the Rayman 1 gameplay with the aesthetics of Rayman 3 . It has fun ideas but it's nothing special

Rayman 3 on GBA is a little odd. It's a decent game nonetheless, but still odd. It seems to combine aspects of both Rayman 2 & 3 on console without realizing the full potential of either of them. Still plays solidly as a 2D platformer, though & has strong visuals & audio for a handheld game of its time period. I don't think I ever played it enough to finish it, but it was still alright for what it was.

As much as I like me some 2D Rayman action, I can't recommend this one. Because of the GBA's screen size, everything feels too zoomed-in, leading to some blind jumps and unfair deaths. This game also likes to hide things behind the player when they first enter a stage very often.

For example, when I encountered the first boss, I had no clue how to fight it. I punched at it, and it did no damage. I thought maybe I need to jump over to the other side and do something to the gears on it. I tried that and fell to my death. Upon respawning, a message appeared giving a tutorial on throwing barrels, and I thought to myself "What barrels?" I then moved Rayman an inch to the left, and the camera swiveled over and there was the barrel. There are zero indicators that it's there when you enter the fight.

What made me drop this game was the second boss. After getting through a bad stage full of platforms you need to hit in order to be able to jump on, I was completely done with the gimmick. Imagine to my surprise that it would be a key feature in the next boss fight, which really doesn't like to count some of your punches as connecting with the platforms! Two Game Over's later, I'm completely done with this fight and have no desire to see what lies beyond it.

Maybe you'll have more patience for this game than I did, but I know where I stand on this one, and that is on a solid 2/5.