Reviews from

in the past

esse jogo sabe bem cm mexer cntg

Como pode existir algo tão incrível e com tão pouca exposição?

the person who made this definitely has played a lot of eroge

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Having played the creator's “Milk” series I figured this game would be doing some weird stuff in how it would tell its story. The basic idea is that the game is a deconstruction of the dating visual novel genre. Through this deconstruction, the game breaks the fourth wall a lot and has ideas about self-love and existing solely to be loved by someone.

The ideas and presentation are cool the main problem is that it’s very short and only allows you to go through the game once. I would have loved to know what other choices I missed and to reaffirm some theories I had about the story. Despite this, I would still recommend it because it’s free and weird, two of my favorite words.

Jogável. Reflexia tem potencial pra ser uma boa VN, o problema, é que no momento parece muito que o jogo foi desenvolvido por um adolescente de 15 anos que descobriu oq é metalinguagem, jogou Doki-doki e maratonou evangelion. Aconselharia o dev a buscar refinar essa ferramenta pra não parecer amador.


Bro watched NGE and spent a day reading shit on TV Tropes

It was fun, it was sad, it was enough.

Um grande prólogo de algo incrível que está por vir

spooky but I hope this concept gets expanded on

final meio bunda mas tem algumas ideias interessantes ainda que clichê... se você gosta da série milk vale a pena pelo menos testar esse aqui

Parody visual novels only ever know three jokes - meta humour, being presented with choices that can't actually be picked, and "hahaha you're playing a dating sim isn't that WACKY", but this game thinks they're the three most original ideas in the world, so my first impression was "wow this visual novel REALLY has its head up its own ass" and...I don't think I was wrong with that call whatsoever after finishing BUT...I honestly did quite enjoy it

The artstyle is nice, the achievement aspects are fun too and while this game isn't as original as it thinks it is, the execution is pretty strong

Não entendi nada, mas é muito bom...