Reviews from

in the past

My favorite Rhythm Heaven. This one has my favorite mini-games, and the touch screen gameplay is used in so many different ways, that it doesn't get old. There's plenty of content, so the experience lasts. If you've never played a Rhythm Heaven game, I recommend this one. A personal favorite.

Very good but also pretty inessential when up against the rest of the series.

This game is just CHOCK-full of nostalgia for me. Rhythm Heaven was one of my first games I ever had on my DS when I was young and didn't play much besides board game adaptations and party games. I remember the first time I played it was on a plane ride where I didn't think to put headphones in and played it with the sound off. Took me an hour to beat the first minigame. Once I realized you really need sound to play a Rhythm Game, I became hooked. I spend days upon days working hard to Superb and then Perfect all the minigames. As an extremely young kid, it took a lot.

The minigames here are an excellent collection. There are very few that are either boring or unfun (though Lockstep can go hug a cactus). There's also a lot of fun side modes and minigames that provide a bunch of extra entertainment beyond the main minigames.

An excellent game for rhythm game enthusiasts that will challenge your skills to the max

I wish for the day i get to play this game on actual hardware again, incredibly fun

You know a rhythm game is good when you can close you eyes and play just as well. Ya know, because it’s actually based on having rhythm and not just muscle memory and reaction time.

Bring this series back, Nintendo. Please.

The grading was pretty strict and the sections in the tutorials were too long but it was fun when you got into it. The remixes weren't as exciting as I hoped but I think I was spoiled from what I've seen of Rhythm Heaven Fever

Excellent! But I still don't like flicking.

Play this on an actual DS if possible. Might be one of the best games on the DS

This is definitely the most difficult game in the Rhythm Heaven series but it sure is a lot of fun. It took a really long time to get the hang of this one but I did and now it all feels natural. The flicking and holding sideways is a tough adjustment. Especially the flicking. I find that it doesn't always register well. I also think that this has the weakest soundtrack out of all of the RH game series.

I was skeptical of this game at first, but I grew to love it. But I do think it overuses the touch screen a little.

fuck moai doo wop, literally the bane of my existence

harder than tengoku by a lot, this is probably my second fave in this all medals replay run
im sure 12 year old me would be glad to know that i was finally able to get a superb on shoot em up 2

awesome game with awesome music and awesome artstyle and awesome

It's a Rhythm Heaven game y'all know it's good

yikes, way too difficult. Not very fun


this entire game lives in my head rent-free

My childhood. Probably the first game I played where I thought "wow, I'm actually really good at this!" and still holds up all these years later

Fun rhythmic minigames to a bangin OST. Not really a whole lot of games like it out there. Absolutely charming and wacky considering the fact it came from the warioware team. The touch controls can be a bit finnicky though so watch out.

so much fun in such a little package

10/10, juego ritmico impresionante, maravilloso.