Reviews from

in the past

"Oynadım, sıkıldım, akıllıca ipucu vermek yerine rastgele basmaktan ibaret!"

favorite one out of em all, and it (along with the rest of the series) is still enjoyable even today.

It's like Riddle School but better

Riddle School 2 mostly just feels like its prequel done again, albeit with more charm throughout. The first one feels kind of cynical but now there's more behind it; Phil saying "you're welcome" as someone runs away after he gave them toilet paper does feel a bit corny, but having him have any kind of character is honestly nice. The point-and-click style of clicking on everything and having something to say about it all kind of lends itself to this sardonic character type but it's nice to see it more reflected in his behaviour.

One thing that adds to the charm I think is more tasks being about helping and interacting with people. In the last game almost every puzzle feels like just that, solving a puzzle instead of really engaging with a world. You click on the hall pass to dismiss the hall guard. You click on the dollar to dismiss Chubb. But in this game slight things make it feel different, like engaging with Phil's best friend Phred in the start of the game or watching the cutscene of Chubb smiling at the sight of the cookie you've gotten him.

A few puzzles are obtuse still, but also ones that would otherwise join this group are clarified through in-game dialogue which is really nice to see. All-in-all, Riddle School 2 was made in the same amount of time as 1 but already shows great improvement over the first.

very similar to first game but it peaks after this

not as charming as the original game but still good

In The Second Riddle School game The art gets better, the puzzles harder and the humour really takes a turn for the "teen comedy" but in a way a 9 yr old still found funny

worth playing again n again.

Basically the exact same thing I had to say about the first game, but the music bumps in this one and it's maybe twice as long (5 minutes to 10 minutes, but still) so it gets an extra half star.

riddle school 2 é bem melhor que o anterior, esse tendo um pouco mais de conteúdo, mais puzzles, mais comédia, traço melhor (em questão de arte), em geral, é como se faz uma sequência, mas tem uma coisa q me deixa com raiva nesse jogo é a droga do puzzle pra achar comprar o cookie, eu já lembrava como era, porém é mt escondido de achar