Reviews from

in the past

Kinda original, but I don't fully enjoy it.

A unique take on dungeon crawling roguelite, but not a whole lot of depth, and not a great story/ending? Feels a bit too much like a numbers game without too many choices.

Fantastic art style, albeit not a lot of depth, or choice for that matter.

Good for a quick rip, too luck-based to get all too invested in as a roguelike.

A card based roguelike, hard at first. Set in realms oblique and cursed. But every loss I played again; turns out I dig the Ring of Pain.

Pretty fun an addictive rouguelike, but as other have stated it seems to lean much farther into luck va skill. While all roguelikes have a luck element involved, it’s pretty dominant here. Still lots of fun as a time killer that you can play on the side while doing something else.

A decent rogue-like deck builder that doesn't particularly excel in any area. Played until I beat two runs then felt like I got enough out of it. Doesn't have the longevity of a Slay the Spire for example.

Ring of Pain is a quite challenging and unforgiving roguelike.
I like the puzzle energy some moments bring, but it's an overall painful experience.
For some reason I kept coming back to it though, and it plagued my day with an urge to play more.

My biggest problem with the game is that it's very RNG based.
There are a ton of items, but most of them don't go very well together.
Similarly, there are a lot enemies, and sometimes they go very damn well together.

Still, it's very unique and well done.
There are a lot of mechanics, and they interact with each other perfectly.
Some items are exceptionally creative with their effects, and that keeps the game fresh.
There is a lot of pain and suffering, but I don't regret it.

i got this from a humble bundle long ago and finally got around to playing it, it's a ton of fun! i can see myself relax and spend my free time playing this. i'm glad you get achievements for dying because i suck

I think the game would be better if the narrator from the trailers is in the game, like in Darkest Dungeon.

Mazmorreo estilo juego de cartas. Depende bastante de la suerte que te salga una buena partida pero es sencillo de aprender y divertido de jugar.

Very interesting concept, sadly, I think Slay the Spire does everything that this game tries to do as a roguelike, but better.

shallow, also theres a lot of ugly things i dont care to look at

I played this game for just under 30 hrs and finished the light side, but not able to finish the dark side. But after 400+ games with only 1 win, I am going to call it done!

It's fun for the first couple of hours, but gets pretty boring, as it's quite difficult and extremely RNG heavy. I'm really sick of the roguelite/roguelike genre in general, might be biased.

It's very cool game with a creepy art.

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thx owl

Was ok for a run but left me with no desire to replay. Didn't feel like I was building up cool combos it just felt like my stats got really high.

um bom rogue like, mecanicas divertidas e tinha um potencial de ser um puta jogo se não fosse TÃO RNG

Good game if you have some spare time or have to listen to some lectures.

Ottimo Roguelite con meccaniche interessanti e abbastanza innovative.
Una volta capite le meccaniche diventa, per quanto difficile, una sfida entusiasmante e sensata.
Bello l'artstyle.

Cool combination of "deck builder" and puzzle game. A nice change of pace from all of the STS clones out there.

I absolutely love this games gameplay loop

interesting gameplay held back by insane rng and balancing

Very addictive roguelike, with awesome items that help make or break a run!

Solid game, the ambiance is good and i like the general concept. Overall the game feels a little shallow but not so much to take away from the gameplay strongly

Though this game has cards in it, it is not a card game. It is a roguelite dungeon delver that happens to have cards in it. The game was intriguing for a bit for me. It has a creepy vibe without being a horror game. The equipment interactions are interesting. You have to make some tough choices with your various resources. The game just didn't hold my attention after I beat it the first time. There are higher difficulties a la Slay the Spire, I just was not invested enough to play them. There are some interesting enemies, but there just doesn't feel like there is enough variety in the individual actions you can choose on a given dungeon level. You can interact with one of two objects/enemies or slide left or right on a ring of other objects/enemies, to delve deeper into the dungeon. Maybe I need to spend more time with it, but I am happy with the amount of time I spent.

It's fun for the first couple of hours, but gets pretty boring, as it's quite difficult and extremely RNG heavy. I'm really sick of the roguelite/roguelike genre in general, might be biased.

Not bad, but struggles to find a strong selling point. I had fun playing it, but it's quite forgettable in the midst of all the deckbuilding roguelikes nowadays.
Also, I had performance issues with lower-end machines, which is not to be expected for this kind of game.