Reviews from

in the past

This was enjoyable. Very bland story but the girls and their event scenes are cute and the combat is pretty cool (although really repetitive)

Great visuals and music, really funny and charming dialogue. If you ever wanna give it a shot, don't go in expecting anything mind blowing from the combat, it's pretty mid as far as Musou style games go. Hatsuho best girl. Anastasia might have the most insane side boob in history.


Varios juegos a lo largo de esta década han sufrido de la forzada “evolución” en sus sistemas y mecánicas, pasando de lo que en un principio era una obra mas que aceptable dentro de una franquicia se convierten en un sin sentido juego de acción con elementos torpemente implementados para intentar satisfacer la mayor cantidad de publico posible, en consecuencia solo decepcionan a los fans de la saga y de paso nadie nuevo se interesa en susodicho juego.
Sakura Wars es uno de los ejemplos mas recientes y tristes por varios motivos, el regreso de esta saga poco popular en occidente pero respetada en Japón podría haber sido la oportunidad perfecta para introducir estos juegos en nuevos jugadores pero tomaron la vía fácil y en consecuencia lograron un efecto contrario. Y es que desde el inicio el juego puede llamar la atención por su gran dirección de arte y esos diseños del señor Kubo, sin dejar atrás esa música y actuación de voz mas que por encima de la media, pero la realidad a largo plazo fue un juego mediocre, repetitivo y poco inspirado para una franquicia con un plot tan rimbombante como lo es chicas salvan el mundo mientras hacen obras de teatro, todo junto a un mal diseño de juego y ritmo.
Comenzare hablando de lo mas molesto y esas son las batallas al final de cada capítulo, siendo esta la única parte jugable en toda la experiencia se conforma con tirarnos en un nivel poco más que lineal con algo de plataformeo aquí y allá, se enfrentan varias hordas de enemigos para avanzar y repetir el mismo proceso hasta llegar al jefe y derrotarlo. Esta fórmula se repite en todos capítulos con excepción de dos y solo varia el nivel y los enemigos con cajas de recuperación de vida y aumentos en tu barra de especial. Todo esto no sonaría tan mal de no ser por dos problemas:
1.El sistema de combate es tosco y poco profundo.
2.Es increíblemente fácil
Empezando por el primero existen varios personajes con formas de pelear y una habilidad especial distinta, pero todo se va al caño cuando los ataques especiales se hacen de la misma forma en todos los personajes (prepárate para presionar varias veces triangulo y terminar con cuadrado como un remate) y solo esos dos botones existen para atacar, fuera de eso solo obtienes uno para saltar, otro para correr, cambiar de personaje (Que eso es algo también decepcionante, al solo poder controlar dos por nivel y uno de ellos a fuerzas en el protagonista) y otro para esquivar muy a la Bayonetta y detener el tiempo si es preciso. Por ultimo en este sistema puedo decir lo rotos que están los ataques super especiales mostrados en una barra azul, pueden derrotar a un enemigo grande en pocos segundos y bajarle casi la mitad de la vida a un jefe (1/4 al jefe final) de un solo tiro, lo cual vuelve aun mas relevante el segundo punto. Ah y antes de olvidarlo el movimiento y la cámara son un desastre, mover a tu personaje por un tiempo será normal en un inicio pero la latencia y que no exista una animación para caminata lenta vuelve poco preciso donde caerán o donde terminaran tus mechas, sumado a la poca personalización de estos, nunca puedes mejorar algún arma, resistencia, movimiento, estadísticas, vamos que tu personaje será el mismo de principio a fin con nulo cambio en su forma de jugar.
Luego de esto tenemos la dificultad, siendo un juego de dificultad única uno pensaría que se volvería mas complicada a medida que avanzamos, sin embargo todos los enemigos son bastante torpes a la hora de atacar, sin recibes daño nunca es algo preocupante y los niveles están llenos de fragmentos de vida donde uno solo recupera casi la mitad, jefes sin muchos ataques y tu ultra ataque especial que puede derrotar a casi todos de un golpe. Además es necesario mencionar la decepcionante pelea final con apenas tres patrones de ataque y una vista bastante obvia de donde golpear.
Por ultimo queda mencionar la moralidad, la única estadística que puede afectar el daño y defensa de tus aliados, aumentando con solo atacar, esquivar etc. Y baja jugando mal en pocas palabras, el cambio no es algo notorio en tu acompañante o en ti incluso lo cual solo ayuda a conseguir una calificación alta, porque si, al final de cada nivel el jugador recibe una nota según varios términos, lo cual convierte este elemento en el único valor rejugable y así sacar una S con todos los personajes en todos los niveles y recibir un cromo a cambio, solo eso…
En conclusión Sakura Wars es un juego que cayo en las garras de un fenómeno común en estos días, querer hacer un juego para complacer a todo mundo es un error desde la idea misma y convertir un juego de estrategia en uno de acción solo porque se cree erróneamente que los juegos de acción son lo de hoy es un pensamiento perjudicial y se nota que el equipo solo tomo ideas y conceptos populares y establecidos en susodicho genero para crear un juego que no entiende el porqué de las cosas.
Lastima ya que este juegos posiblemente sea el primer encuentro con muchas personas en una franquicia como lo es Sakura Wars y lo más probable será todo menos una impresión positiva.

Really fun game. I understand people's complaints about the combat but I also completely understand why the devs went that direction.

Hope this gets a sequel

this was necessary for the remake of the old games that definitely has to be coming at some point

A Good reintroduction to a old property, while sadly most of the man games didn't come to other nations its a good way to have people look at it and see what it has to offer

Amazing game, great animation, voice work, design, art style, everything tbh. It's a bit slow but the interactivity with the characters and the story are so great. Combat is alright but it's not the main focus of the game, the conversation LIPS system really is a lot of fun to use and honestly I don't think I'll like a different dialogue system for a while. Azami is best girl, this is fact.

I haven't played the past Sakura Wars game but I quiet enjoyed this one. The story has a slow start and it eventually gets good, but I'd say it never gets great. And while the game itself is rather unique, with a very novel setting and an interesting premise, it's also riddled with a ton of cliché developments, that undermine a lot of its strengths. While I can't say I hated any of the main characters, the game doesn't do a very good job making most of them particularly relevant to the main story. They get a few minutes of spotlight and then they basically don't matter. A lot of their character building happens on the optional events at least, and most of them were nice. An exception is the titular protagonist, Sakura, the story is clearly about her and she gets plenty of development, her character arc was pretty cool, though I wish the rest of the characters were as defined.

The date sim/visual novel parts of the game are actually pretty good, with a constant stream of situations where you have to choose your response and see how the characters react. My only issue is that pretty often, some of those options are degenerate. Same for some events, that are kind of a running joke, but the game doesn't even reward this kind of responses or events, so in the end they feel completely unnecessary, and out of character to boot.

The action gameplay is kind of a short part of the game, and I can't say that I liked it a lot. A lot of button mashing and the super moves basically obliterate the bosses, so it's mostly there for the story bits rather than offering any strategy or challenge. Last but not least, the music of the game is phenomenal. One of the reasons I chose to play this was the OP of it, which is exceptionally catchy, but the OST of the game is actually full of some great tracks, like most of the various character and revue themes.

loved this... mc too pervy for my liking tho

It's a decent game I guess as someone who's never played Sakura Wars before. It's this weird mix of action and visual novels, but honestly there is way more VN than actual game content here.

Actual gameplay feels basically like PSO2 in the sense that it's a dumbed down action game, but at least in PSO2 you could customize and add on to your combos. This game is a "what you see is what you get".

Graphics look great and the dev team used Hedgehog Engine 2 pretty well here. Story was...alright. Passably entertaining is what I would put. But it has this annoying system of affinity and literally every choice affects something so it ends up like a weird Japanese Telltale game.

All of the characters follow some VN harem archetype. The childhood friend, the bookworm, the tomboy, the bijin, etc. It's very milquetoast in execution.

Overall a very average game and one that I don't think is worth another playthrough after your first unless you really wanna see the different endings, but at that point I'd say just pop a save before the big decision point and whatnot.

Greek girl saved this game, decent combat

I've never played any of the old Sakura Wars games, although I really want to, but I enjoyed my time with this overall. The combat sections kinda suck but I really enjoyed just walking around the theater and talking to all the characters. It was very relaxing.

The mech sections are kinda pathetic in terms of difficulty but it's ok cuz the girls are cute, and that is 100% the focus. I would commit war crimes in the name of Hatsuho Shinonome.

I really grew to enjoy this one. I had no expereince with this franchise but i really grew to love the characters in this. Funny and charming game 80% is basically a 3d vn but its really good. Artstyle and presentation is top notch. The "gameplay" muso sections are decent too nothing crazy but fun enough. A bit tooo easy honestly tho. Really enjoyed it one of my favs of 2020 hatshuo best girl

Admittedly, a bit of a slow start. Once it does get going, though, the story is really enjoyable. I do hope the combat sections are improved in the following games because they were a bit plain/easy.

man, what a lovable mess. utterly stellar music (getting to hear Nana Mizuki sing a german-styled opera is a trip), style (tha god KUBO), voice acting (Michie Tomizawa still killing it 20 years later) and writing bursting with charm (it passed the 'do i love every character by the end of this?' test with flying colors). Gameplay is.....fine? It's a VN paul and the musou segments are at worst simplistic. The team attack custom cutscenes are worth the hackn slashn.

I will say tho, despite adoring this thing and hoping we get a sequel since there's so much good stuff to improve on here: what a terrible way to start a revival. No re-releases of old games! A plot that (stupidly) pissed off older fans! Launching right into a direct sequel anime series of dubious quality! Persona/FE fans will not play this despite the better writing and girls bc they won't play any other games but Persona/FE! Maybe in this once instance switch port beggars were right?

anyway I romanced Sakura even tho hatsuho had the better character song and the game won't let you romance best girl Sumire

it was great, the combat and characters were really fun though i wish the combat was deeper

Hard to recommend unless you're already a Sakura Wars fan due to its repetitive nature and how much it references the older installments.

While a bit of a departure from the series' RPG roots, it's a delightful entry point into the series that really wraps you in with its strong character writing and hack and slash combat. It feels like an interactive anime at points!

I can't go on right now, not getting pumped to continue and not a big fan of the gameplay loop, even if i do like japanese cliches.
I will come back later. Id love to really like this game, but things look gloomy rn.

An amazing harem game with fun combat sections and a nice story with beautiful characters. Recommend if you like combat mixed with slice of life moments. HATSUHO BEST GIRL

mto foda
charmoso para caralho amei do começo ao fim

A weird game to the outsider - but one that's earnest and funny in equal parts.

Part Story-driven game. Part Action Brawler. Part Dating Sim. All of it coming together better than you might think.

For me the game is a 7 out of 10. I enjoyed it all in all, but felt that the story needlessly regressed into apocalyptic, end-of-the-world nonsense in the last couple of chapters, which ultimately let the game down. This was the first Sakura Wars I've completed (I played some of So Long, My Love on the Wii years ago), so maybe that sort of thing is par the course for the series, but for me it was unexpected and not in a good way. Some of the melodrama felt quite forced too and failed to convince. The game was clearly at its best when it was being light-hearted, focusing on the comical banter with the affable cast of characters and just generally embracing its more laid back, visual novel-esque core.

The big pros for me were the exemplary music, soaking in the cosy setting/atmosphere and especially interacting with the main and supporting cast. Hatsuho is the best girl! Koi Koi was surprisingly fun to play too, once I knew what I was doing.

If there's ever a new one, I'm there. But I hope the necessary improvements are made.

Funny thing is that most people go to it for the combat, see it's shitty and then get invested in the story.

The girls are cool, the relation between the characters is nice and everything feels like a nice time overall. I just wish the robot combat was better.

simple and fun, love the butai girls