Reviews from

in the past

Uno de los títulos más brillantes en trasladar el sistema de Dark Souls al 2D sin perder la oportunidad de aportar carisma a su universo e implementar elementos de progresión conforme a su diseño de niveles, una experiencia solida en lo que al descubrimiento y desafió se refriere.

A pretty fun 2D souls type game. Enjoyed my time playing

é tão bom quanto DS bem feito com um estilo artistico unico,ele só nao tem momentos muito marcantes,e só 5 trilhas sonoras

Lots of great ideas here, just too scattered to have a ton of payoff. Still good, just not great.

I had pretty low standards and expectations when it came to this game, primarily because it was a 2D soulslike and the first of its kind. However, with the release of GRIME in 2021, I can proudly say that GRIME blows this game completely out of the water. I won't gush about GRIME here but GRIME is this game but exponentially better. The only thing this game has that GRIME doesn't is the co-op. Overall, pretty mid.

Se segura 100% em darksouls, não vejo diferencial além de ser 2D

Too scary.....way too scary......

Bastante divertido. Mezcla mecánicas dark souls y metroidvania, está guay.

I've got... a lot of issues with this game despite how high I rank it. Simply put the reason I enjoyed myself this much is because the gameplay felt good to move around in. It felt good to hit, it felt good to fight, it felt good to explore. My biggest issue with this game is the lack of a map. I always found myself lost, and couldn't explore without backtracking and checking every nook and cranny because the game refused to tell me where I was at any point. When I got a powerup, I didn't think "oh! I can check out all those areas this would be useful in!" because i was too busy trying to think about where I can go next at any point without this powerup, trying to store all this information was impossible, at least for me. On the topic of powerups, they're mostly not great. The two torch ones, while interesting, are bogged down by using the torch feeling clunky, the wall jump always felt a little off, but the air dash felt amazing to use and loved it. The bosses were mostly all ok. Mainly easy but I enjoyed my time with most of them, save for like 2. I had no idea the final boss was the end of the game, he was kind of just a dude. I had fun, but this game is very flawed in my eyes

É um bom jogo, mas a falta de um mapa e o level design muito escuro dificultam bastante, a dificuldade é muito aleatória, houve lutas fáceis, houve lutas que eu quase quebrei o controle, a jornada vale a pena.
PS. Fiz build de montante, então isso facilitou muito a jornada.

It's really just 2D Dark Souls with a kind of weird art style. The only thing that really sets it apart is its absolutely massive skill trees. Other than that it follows the Fromsoft formula basically beat for beat, with a few unlockable movement abilities adding some spice to the standard "door does not open from this side" school of world design.

That platinum trophy is hella worth it

É um jogo feio, mecânicamente falho, e com diversas escolhas de design péssimas. Claramente tenta ser uma versão 2D de Dark Souls, e por isso acaba conseguindo criar um sistema de combate interessante, com peso. Mas as hitbox ruins, sistema de esquiva dos inimigos torna mais frustrante e chato.

Além de falhar ao tentar imitar Dark Souls, pega as piores partes, que as sequências de Dark Souls já deixaram pra trás, e as utiliza em sua versão fraca, como a distância entre save points e chefes, a falta de informação sobre as mecânicas de jogo, etc.

Parei de jogar após vencer uns 2 ou 3 chefes. Todos mecanicamente simples e demorados.

a história é bizarra se você for atrás, o jogo em si é MUITO louco e as boss fights são únicas, cada uma tendo uma mecânica diferente.
sinceridade, daqui uns anos vou jogar de novo fazendo desafios. recomendo muito

A pretty great souls-like/metroidvania hybrid although it has some balance issues and moving from an area to another was kind of a slog at times so I ended up resorting to an extremely easy to reproduce long-jump exploit.

Muito bom, curti demais o jogo, amei a grande inspiração em Dark Souls, mas há certas falhas, como a movimentação do jogo, a falta de NPCs marcantes, a falta de um mapa e etc... Espero grandiosamente pelo Salt and Sacrifice.

Fiz o final da Salvação!

This is a very well-made 2D soulslike game. I thought I'd like this more than Dark Souls due to the 2D nature of it, but like the Dark Souls games, the difficulty eventually got to me, and I'm not a fan of replaying the same sections of game over and over and over just to die at the same spot and lose all my progress and XP.

A 2D soulsborne? Yes, please. Give me more of it. But next time please allow me to level up in ALL checkpoints.

Decent game that delivers some essentials of other Souls-like titles while remaining in a 2D view.
Played it as it got available for free on the Epic Games Launcher and had a good time for a couple hours.

Las mecánicas de dark souls y la exploración y avance de los metroidvania se dan la mano en este titulo

It's tough to reccomend due to some jankiness and unfair bs... but I freaking love this game. Truly made out of love for the souls-like genre.

I keep trying to play this and I keep getting bored.
Inevitably, I will try again.
Inevitably, I will get bored.

Sonunda Dark Souls 2 ve 3 yerine ilk oyundan esinlenilmiş bir Souls like. Souls Like diyebileceğim tek indie oyun.

O começo do jogo é melhor que todo resto dele, mas ainda é um bom jogo

talking about the vita version, probably the closest soulsborne (not just soulslike) but on-the-go experience u can get and i always wanted that since my recent obession into these sort of games.

also the art style started growing on me with it's late 2000s-ish edgy flash game aesthetic which sort of has a comeback with that whole "opium" trend in culture which u can also see in games like gunz the duel. i'm very glad the beauty of the flashgame era has a comeback this way albeit "flash being dead".

the weapon modification/tranmuting seems so deep and impressive that i didn't dare to even scratch it yet and which is something i have only seen in soulslikes/-bornes in elden ring's aow system and what i've seen and applauded from/in lies of p

This game actually has coop somehow so the developers can Salt my Sanctuary any time.