Reviews from

in the past

I love the feeling of being in this game. It’s empty, but it’s a moody empty. Some of the colossus battles are really cool, though some are painfully obvious and need the fabled “I get it” button. If I could make a video game, it would probably draw a lot on this game . . . .

Floaty-sac-boy did nothing wrong -- he was a good boy. How dare you, game.

Also, just didn't really have fun with this. But extra points off for having to fight floaty-sac-boy.

Sure is an experience! It's excellent in many ways!

Writing: 3/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Art Design & Visuals: 4/5
Voices & Sounds: 4/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 4/5

a friend made me buy it long time ago, it tried several times but i just don't like it and don't understand why everybody is obsessed by this game

sometimes really boring, sometimes hair tearingly irritating, all times feels

legal mas não me marcou muito não meio fodase, mas reconheço q o jogo é bom

realmente nao tem jogo q se compare a vibe desse grandao aqui

Deveria existir uma classificação para os jogo:




Perfeito / Obra prima

Shadow of the colossus

Zerei essa maravilha centenas de vezes e jogaria mais centenas de vezes se pudesse, simplesmente uma imersão magnifica, sem duvidas um dos jogos da minha vida

Uma das maiores obras de arte de todos os tempos

acho que não existe uma pessoa nesse mundo que odeie shadow of the colossus

I feel like this game went from being super overrated to kind of underrated. It's good! It is a good, solid game, and I like to play it.

i clap like a seal GO KOW OTANI GO he plays the bouzouki like eddie van halen

It's OKAY. Please, play it again, it really is not as good as you remember I promise. Still incredibly important to the craft, set the bar for future games. Very innovative, maybe too innovative for its own good, clearly way ahead of its time, thus the bugs, glitches, and straight-up bad design choices.

A tad bit repetitive and most of the colossuses are kinda stale to fight against and are just platforming challenges disguised as an monster.

Realmente um otimo game,apesar de ter jogado pela primeira vez recentemente em um emulador de ps2,o jogo é incrivel a trilha sonora nem se fala.

completely destroyed my experience with this one cuz I was a stupid little child and watched a walkthrough of every colossus before actually going against them.

como é bom voltar pra esse jogo e lembrar a magia que é jogar video games

Esse jogo é ÉPICO, o cara aqui no review disse que é uma experiência audiovisual incrível! Eu concordo plenamente, obrigação de quem tem Playstation, é aqueles games para zerar a cada alguns anos, extremamente oriuginal eu diria ;D

One of the best games of its era and in my opinion still a perfect game. Monumental atmosphere, introspective, beautiful, mysterious, addictive, awe-inspiring... awesome in every way and one of my all-time favorites. 11/10

The best sensations i've ever had playing videogame.