Reviews from

in the past

Lo dejé por no poder completar el platino por culpa de los trofeos online, pero bueno, está completado.

o jogo é bom mais não merece 5 estrelas

Seems like each release of this series gets better. Interactive maps that you can tackle in different ways were added and done very well. Keep it up Rebellion.

one of the stealth games that actually made me go through and get achivements for never killing and never getting spotted

3 is the change the series needed to stay relevant. I personally think it's a little simple compared to the two later entries of the same style, but it can't be denied that it's the second most important entry in the series behind V2

430 mlg is back pero en africa

Um jogo de Stealth bem diferente. Lembro de ter feito quase tudo só usando a Welrod e é bem complicadinho, mas usar as perturbações sonoras pra ofuscar disparos são as principais armas do jogador, bem único, bem divertido.

Solid fun, good missions, nice enough graphics. I've played this a few times through, which says something in itself.

Nada de diferente, parece que é mais fácil de ser furtivo que no V2, os mapas são maiores, é mais diversos que os do anterior (que era apenas Berlim), bem divertido.

Sniper Elite has somehow milked the novelty of the bullet time gimmick for several games, and its still pretty enjoyable.

Jank, jank, jank, and jank. That is this game.
Movement feels stiff, often you cannot prone which is very important in a STEALTH game. It has led to me dying a couple of times. When crawling your character often goes back to crouch. If you want to stealth you have to be very patient, crouching and crawling feel like they move at a snail’s pace. If they made the default walk a bit less noisy it would’ve been better.
Story feels very uninspired, ‘go here kill nazi or grab something’
Voice acting isn’t that great, the main character just feels like a generic hero with a deep voice. No motive at all.

Alert system is weird as shit. Just saw your friend die? Aw mate don’t worry about it cause we know that the sniper is 50 metres away from where he took his shot. Like ??? what.
I had numerous bugs, enemies walking through each other, clipping into objects, etc.

Ladder climbing animation doesn’t loop properly, it has a small pause at the end which leaves a jolt in your camera.
Dumb shit like tree leaves and blades of grass have blocked my bullets.
Enemies can get alerted by your footsteps from an underground bunker. ??? there must be at least 5 metres of dirt in between the topside and bunker.
Enemies can see unreasonably far, sometimes through stairs like 2 stories above you.
Sometimes you just can’t fire your gun or there's a long delay to it.

I started this series with the 4th game and it was fantastic.

Going back to 3 I noticed how improved 4 was however I've got to say I enjoyed the locations and missions more in 3 at the time of finishing.

I may have to go back and play 4 as I do prefer 4 overall but 3 was really a special game the story was kinda whatever but the locations music and gameplay were all really fun.

O jogo é legalzinho, porém ultrapassado! É um game bem simples e cru, sem muitas mecânicas e as que não são as básicas como tiro, sniper e finalizar furtivo não são agradável de usar, instalar um mina pra um tanque demora, armar a mina com fio demora, jogar pedra demora, o jogo te exige fazer ações rápidos mas todas ferramentas são lentas, ai é mais fácil e divertido só dar tiro de sniper ou silenciador que por sinal o mira RUIM, atirar com a pistola é um C, mas isso foi pq o jogo bugou e não reconhecia meu mouse em game de nenhuma forma, tive que jogar no controle ai já viu, bastante estresse...
Joguei no modo sniper elite e o game me exigiu muita paciência, tendo paciência não é um game difícil porém se for ser rambo pode ser meio frustrante, a mira é ruim, mas n é difícil teu boneco aguenta muita bala ai não tem punição, falo boneco pq joguei a dois dias atrás e já não lembro do nome do protagonista de tão oda-se que é a história, que é Metal Gear vibes sem desenvolvimento algum, destrua a maquina ultra poderosa com personagens esquecíveis com um protagonista que é o PIKA com uma voz irada e o carisma de uma porta.
Depois de finalizar o 3 abri o 4 pra olhar e a evolução é brusca talvez seja melhor ir direto pro 4, mais ai vai de pessoa pra pessoa. Mas teve alguns momentos bem divertidos antes de se tornar massante, como paguei 10 reais valeu a pena.

interesting story fps with a gimmick 2: electric boogaloo

not a huge fan of the level design of this one it was trying to be mgs i feel like and it just was not
but still u can shoot balls

Понравилась меньше прошлой части. Локации менее запоминающиеся. Все миссии похожи одна на другую. Но все еще очень веселая стрельба и улучшенный X-Ray

damn near perfect stealth game and an incredible co-op experience. it's just a shame the PC port is bugged to all heck.

ainda não me acostumei com a gameplay do jogo por motivos de estar finalizando o assassin's creed odyssey, mas tem uma lore daora

The same but with some improvements

Runs really poorly on PC on top of a stupid game. The AI is pretty brain dead and the only challenge comes from how much damage the enemies too or what nonsense the game throws at you. The game just pulls you along a path and sets you up so you don't get detected and it will mask your shots for you. The maps are also around 40 minutes each which really is a slog.

Another generic, uninteresting story entry accompanied by competent gameplay. Personally, I preferred the level design of V2 over this but I also felt like this was a bit more fun. It's also too easy in comparison. What else can I say, really? There's not much to talk about. If you've got nothing else to play or you're just passing time, I'd say this is a good candidate of games to play.

Lo mismo que el v2, jugablemente peor y cortito como la anterior entrega, sin más.

nothing special but shooting balls is fun

I like it a lot, even though its the same WW2 era at least its in a different environment

I bought this on sale to see the funny x-ray kills in all they're glory and boy are there a lot of them.

A standard shooter campaign so far, but as I am a fan of sniping and stealth in shooters, I'm having fun with it.

Mdr tirer dans les couilles ahah zizi couilles bite

you can shoot hitler in the balls lol